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"Heather!Heather!"I heard Katniss's voice whisper.I couldn't feel Gale's body next to mine so I opened my eyes to see that Gale was no longer there.
"Heather!"She whispered once again causing me to turn my head in her direction only to see that Boggs was also there.
"Where's Gale?"I asked.
"Get up"Boggs ignored me and he lead us to the control room.
"We took their best shot.Didn't we?"Coin asked us.
"Yeah"Katniss said.
"Your mother and sister okay?"
"Yeah, they're fine"
"I need you to do something for us.I need you to tell Panem that we survived an attack by the Capitol with no casualties.And we remain fully operational."
"You should know something.We had eight extra minutes of civilian evacuation because of Peeta's warning.I won't forget that."
"Thank you"


I found Gale.I was happy to.We didn't exchange words.Just looks.We were currently walking up the stairs to walk outside so that we could film Katniss.
"So Katniss, it's '13 is alive and well and so am I'.Katniss?Katniss.Never one to waste it in rehearsal.I know."Effie said.
We where finally outside and I remarked that everything was destroyed.I also remarked the white flowers on floor and I stopped dead in my tracks causing Katniss to look at me and then she looked at what I was looking.She went right in the middle of the flowers and lifted one from the ground,examining it.
"Why would they drop these?"Gale asked
Katniss looked at him and answered.
"For me."
"Ready to go Katniss?"Cressida asked her."We're gonna do this just like District 8.Tell me about the roses.Tell Snow 13 is alive and well."I knew Katniss couldn't do it.Not now.
"He's gonna kill Peeta"Katniss whispered.
"Let's try again.Can you speak up?We don't have a mic on you.'13 is alive and well and so am I'"Cressida told her.
"He's gonna kill Peeta"Katniss repeated."I can't"
"Katniss?"Cressida asked.
"You can do it Katniss"Gale said.
"I can't do this"
"'13 is alive and well and so am I'"Cressida repeated.
"He's just gonna keep...He's never gonna stop"Katniss told herself.
"Cressida we should cut the cameras"said Effie and Haymich approached Katniss and gave her a hug.
"It's okay Katniss"he said.
"No.He warned me.He warned me about this.He's doing this because I'm the Mockingjay.He's punishing Peeta to punish me.No.No,I can't do this."
"Katniss"Cressida told her.
"Don't. make. me. do this!"she said.
"Let her go"I told them
"I gotta get out of here."she said.I followed her.


I entered a door with Haymitch and we found Katniss.I sat next to her and Haymitch opposite of us.
"So this is the end?I suppose you're just gonna hide down here forever?"Haymitch told her.
"I can't be the Mockingjay"She told us.
"Not the Mockingjay.Just Katniss"I told her.
"You know, you're the only real friend I have down here.I don't suppose they gave you any kind of medication?"he told her.
"You're unbelievable."she said.Haymitch then looked at me with a is-she-right look.
"She's right" I told him
"Okay,but I meant what I said.Look the reason I'm here is to let you know they're rescuing Peeta"Wait.I didn't know that.
"What?"I asked him.
"The dam went down in District 5,took out most of the power to the Capitol.Knocked out their signal defense.Beetee's inside the system now,wreaking all kinds of havoc.A window is open to us.How much longer?I don't know.I guess until the Capitol can get the power back on."
"And President Coin?"Katniss asked him a concerned look on her face.
"You know,I can never fully support that woman in light of the prohibition they have going on around this place,but Plutarch got word that Peeta and the others are in the Tribute Center.And with the power out,Coin sees this as an opportunity.She knows Peeta is the Capitol's weapon.The same way you are ours.And as opposed to having you two pointing at each other,she's going to get him.
"We have to go help"I said standing up and so did Katniss.
"Hey,whoa,kiddos.Wait."he said gripping our arms."Come on.Are you just gonna jump outta the vent and go storm the Capitol?.Besides,it's already underway.Six soldiers went in.Volunteer only.And guess who was the first brave soul to sign up"he said looking at me.Gale.
"Gale"I whispered,a tear went down my cheek.


We opened the door of the control room only to see Finnick on the screen talking.I slowed down and stopped next to Katniss.
"We've survived an assault from the Capitol.But,I'm not here to give you recent news."Finnick said.
"Why is Finnick doing a propo?" I asked.
"It's a lot more than that"he answered me.
"Beetee's commandeered the system."Said Coin.
"Now that they're down to generator power there's a more limited range of frequencies available for them and I'm filling them all up with Finnick"Beetee told us.
"Not many will see it but whoever does will think it's another propo."said Plutarch.
"What they don't know is that this broadcast is jamming their entire system with noise.Early defense warning,internal communications,everything.As long as the broadcast goes through,our team should be able to get in and out undetected."Beetee continued.
"The truth.Not the myths about a life luxury.Not the lie about glory for our homeland.You can survive the arena.The moment you leave you're a slave"Finick said. I looked to the left of the screen and saw Gale's face causing me to smile because I knew he was safe.
"President Snow used to sell me.Or my body,at least.I wasn't the only one.If a Victor is considered desirable, the President gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them.If you refuse,he kill someone you love."
"Nine...Eight...Seven...Six...Five...Four...Three...Two...One."said Mickingjay One,probably.I looked at Gale's face only to see him close his eyes.
You're gonna be okay Gale,I swear. I thinked.
"No response from perimeter defence.We're inside Capitol's airspace."Oufff.I breathed a sight of relief.Gale then looked at the camera.
"But I found something more valuable form of payment.Secrets.See,I know all the depravity,the deceit of the cruelty of the Capitol's pampered elite.But the biggest secrets are about our good Presiden Coriolarinus Snow."I wasnt paying that much attention to Finnick now.I was looking out for Gale and the rest of the team.
They were going inside the Tribute Center.
"Clear.Command,were inside.Heading towards target Number 1.Cell P45 lower level 2C"they said.They kicked a door open.They were going to open the door where Peeta's was supposed to be in.They opened it and nothing was in.Only weird stuff that I couldn't really recognize.
"What is this place?"we heard Gale say before a bright white light had control over the screen.Nothing could be seen.Only the white light.
"Beetee"I said.
"I'm loosing them"
"Powering back up"Coin said.
"Ma'am,the Capitol air defense system is rebooting.It's coming back online."
"Musy be diverting power from another source and filtering transmissions.Another 60 seconds and we'll be cutoff."Beetee said.
"Madam President,should we call back the hovercraft?"
"Broadcast me"Katniss said."If Snow's watching this,maybe he'll let the signalnin,if he sees me.Put me on air so he can see me."
"Yes.Yes"said Plutarch.
"Put her on"Coin said
"Can we do this? Can we still get in?"Haymitch asked.
"Yes.For the moment.The line's open.He will only see you.Okay Katniss go."Beete answered him.
"President Snow?President Snow.It's Katniss.President Snow.President Snow,I need to speak with you.Are you there?President Snow,it's Katniss.Can you hear me?I need to speak with you.President Snow,it's Katniss.President Snow are you there?"I was loosing hope.I couldn't lose Gale.I couldn't.
"Can you hear me?President Snow..."
"Miss Everdeen.What an honor.I don't imagine you're calling to thank me for the roses."he said and his face appeared on the sreen.
"I never asked for this.I never asked to be in the Games.I never asked to be the Mockingjay.Just wanted to save my sister.And keep Peeta alive.Please just let him go.And I will stop being the Mockingjay.I will disappear.You will never see me again"
"Miss Everdeen.You couldn't run from this any more than you could have run from the Games."he said and Beetee informed us that everything was fine.
"You've won.You've already beaten me.Release Peeta and take me instead."
"We're long pas the opportunoity for noble sacrifice."
"Then tell me what to do.I've always kept my promises,haven't I?"
"You said you didn't want a war.And that's just what happened.I told you what a fragile thing peace was.And still,like a child,you took pleasure in breaking it.I know what you are.I know you can't see past your narrowest concerns.But please,Miss Everdeen.I doybt you know what honesty is anymore."
"You asked me to convince you that I was in love with Peeta.Haven't I at least done that?"
"Miss Everdeen,it's the things we love most that destroy us.I want you to remember that I said that.Don't you think I know your friends are in the Tribute Center?"My eyes widened and I gasped at his words.

"Cut them off"

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