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"They want us to add him to the propo. Show that he's on our side now. We'll move forward a few blocks tomorrow and shoot a new footage." Boggs told us back in our territory.
"He's not in control of himself." Gale told him looking at Katniss.
"I say we schedule an around-the-clock watch on him. The leegs till 1700, homes and Mitchell till 1900." Jacskon suggested.
"Give me a watch." Katniss ordered.
"And if it really cane down to it, you think you could shoot him?" Jackson argued.
"I wouldn't be shooting Peeta. Be killing a Capitol mutt." Katniss argued back.
"I'm not sure that kind of comment recommends you for the job, either, soldier."
"Put her in the rotation." Boggs commanded and then left. Katniss stood and followed him as well. Gale and I shared a look. I stood up and sat beside him. I put my head on his shoulder just like we used to do when we were kids. He put his head on top of mine and I held his hand. We just needed that, I guess.
I woke up by the sound of Peeta and Katniss talking. I felt Gale shifting. He was awake too. I had my head on his shoulder just like before.
"Friend, lover, fiancee, enemy, target, mutt." Peeta said and I rubbed my eyes and looked towards him." And now ally? Yeah, I'll add that to the list of words I use to try to figure you out." I looked at an awaken Finnick and he gave me a friendly smile which I returned.
"I'm sorry." Peeta apologized after a moment of silence. I just can't tell what's real and what's made up anymore."
"Then ask." Finnick answered him. "It's what Annie does."
"Ask who?"
"Us. We're your unit now." I told him.
"Your favorite color is green. Is that real?" Peeta asked Katniss after a moment of silence.
"Yeah. That's real." Katniss answered hesitantly."Yours is orange. Not bright orange. Soft, like the sunset."
"Thank you."
"You're a painter. You're a baker. You always sleep with the windows open. You never take sugar in your tea. You always double-knot your shoelaces" Katniss added and I closed my eyes and tried to sleep." You were right." Katniss suddenly said. I opened my eyes to see her take her bow and coming to seat next to me and Gale.
"Guess we're nit leavin' anymore." He said and put a hand around my shoulders.
"We're not going anywhere without that holo."
We woke up and got ready for the rough day that was coming. We were gathered inside the abandoned house that we are now calling our home.
"Listen up." Boggs started,"Mag's empty. It's only for the propo."Boggs handed a big gun to Peeta. "Let's move. We're headed five blocks north." He finished. Everyone took his stuff and we all followed after Boggs. I was in front of the queue, after Boggs who was searching for pods with his device, with Gale and Katniss. We walked for what seemed like ages and I had to hear Finnick repeat Peeta's speech for what seemed like an hour. I looked around me, scanning everything.
"Boggs. This is a good spot." Cressida said mentioning the place we just walked into. It was ruined but I could still see beauty. " Right there in the courtyard."
"Okay. Let us clear it." Boggs replied and we walked carefully towards it, Boggs, unsurprisingly, looking for any pods. We walked down the stairs of the abandoned area and through the courtyard. We stopped in front of two walls facing each other.
"We've got a pod." Boggs informed us. " Split. Take cover." Katniss nodded her head towards a spot and I nodded and followed her. I pressed my back on the wall between Katniss and Gale and I loaded my gun. "Stay back." Boggs took a thing I couldn't quite see and threw it in the alley while we all bent down in order to protect ourselves. A millisecond after he threw that, I heard piercing firing sounds of guns and I covered my ears with my hands. It was literally shooting everything on it's way and after a moment, it stopped. Boggs stood up and examined the area. "All clear." He told us, " Gale, homes, with me. Leegs, take the wings." Gale passed me and walked in the alley but I didn't step out and Peeta caught my attention. He was basically having a mental breakdown inside his head. I don't wanna sound mean but I pitied him. I was too caught up on Peeta when I suddenly heard a firing sound making me look at the alley immediately. I was extremely worried. I saw Gale was okay and I let out a sight of relief. Boggs however.... Katniss run to his location and I run to Gale. After everything that he has done for me, I have to return the favor. I want to be strong, powerful. I don't want to feel fear ever again. I don't want to be the little, shy, defenseless girl I was.
"Everdeen! No! Hold your position!" I heard Cressida shout.
"You okay?" I asked him helping him stand up (not that he needed my help.).
"I should ask you the same question." He answered cleaning his jacket briefly.
"Boggs!" Katniss yelled and I returned to reality and run towards Boggs with Gale.
"Grab the tourniquets from the bag. Give it to me." I heard.
"The holo. The holo." I heard him stutter to Katniss but I focused to his injuries once again. I doubt he was going to make it. I then heard him deactivate the holo and to make it obey to Katniss orders. I saw him take his last breath before telling her to don't trust nobody. I never liked him that much but I didn't want him to die like this. But again, death is death. We looked at him and I sighed. Hard day indeed. I heard noises coming from one of the twins and I saw she was injured. The other twin was running to her when she stopped causing us to look down to her foot just to see that she was stepping on a trap. My eyes widened and I cursed under my breath. The gates of where we came from closed and so did the ones that were behind us. Black liquid ran from the doors quickly and we all started to run.
"Go! Go! Go!" Gale yelled and grabbed my arm to make me run but I took it away earning a quick confused glance. Like I said I didn't want to depend on someone. The liquid literally came from everywhere.
"Let's go! Let's go soldiers!"
I looked back to see that Katniss was attacked by Peeta and I run back to her. He threw a man in the liquid and I gasped. Finnick then took hold of him.
"Come on we gotta move!" I yelled. I took her and started running. I was greeted by the whole crew and we run inside a building. I entered the building first and walked up the stairs as quickly as I could. I looked downstairs that the black liquid was inside the building. Everyone needs to come upstairs.
"Get up here!" I yelled and soon all of us were here. A member of our crew put the injured twin down. The liquid was slowing down and then started to disappear.
"Game makers are still putting on quite a show." Cressida remarked.
"Hey we better move. If peacekeepers didn't know where we were, they do now."
"Those surveillance cameras caught us." Jackson told him.
"This is bad spot. We need to move now." Gale said.
"451 to base over." Jackson said for the millionth time. I looked outside the window to see the liquid slowly going away. "I can't get a signal. But I can get us back to base. Everdeen, give me the holo." Katniss looked at her. "Everdeen, what did I just say? The holo. Come on. Let's go."
"Boggs gave it to me." Katniss told her not wanting to give it to her.
"What are you talking about?" Lieutenant Jackson asked.
"He did. He transferred security clearance to her. I saw him."
"And why would he do that?"
"I'm on special orders from Coin." Katniss answered Jackson.
"To do what?"
"To assassinate president Snow."
"I don't believe that for one second." Oh, Jackson, do us all a favor and shut up. "As your new unit commander, I order you to transfer security clearance to me now."
"I can't do that."
After a moment, Jackson took out her gun pointing it at Katniss and Gale aimed at her with his crossbow. As if he wasn't going to protect her.
"Let's not lose our heads here."
"You are the one who started this, Jackson." I said, stepping in front of Katniss. "She doesn't trust you and neither do most of us, really." She was now pointing her gun at me.
"I'm not gonna say it again, Everdeen. Give me that holo. Maybe I'll even shoot you useless best friend here. Her death won't be a big deal " I felt Gale come beside me with his bow loaded, breathing heavily.
"You're the useless one here. You are just barking orders and not even for our own good. But for your own." I told her mockingly taking a step forward.
"You are lying." Jackson replied.
"Am I? Am I really? Because I think that we both know that what I just said is true and you don't want to admit it in front of your so loyal soldiers."
"Heather. Back down. Now."
"I will no longer listen to you. You know why? Because part of why we are here is your fault. I am sure you wanted  Boggs death so that you could take the lead. But most of all, I am sur-" I was shouting at her now and I heard a bang and a really strong pain through my right thigh.

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