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I watched the video of Katniss with everyone in District 13.
"We know who they are and what they do.This is what they do!And we must fight back.You can torture us and bomb us and burn our districts to the ground.But do you see that?Fire is catching.And if we burn you burn wirh us!" then there was a shot of Katniss shooting at one of the Capitol's jets.At the end,there was a symbol of the Mockingjay and it read 'Join the Mockingjay' and 'Join the fight' .Everyone cheered as Katniss and President Coin appeared.President Coin raised her hands in order to make them stop because she wanted them to hear her.
"There is no progress without compromise.No victory without sacrifice.But I stand here with The Mockingjay to announce that our moment has arrived"Coin told us taking Katniss' hand and lifting it up in the air as everyone cheered once again.Katniss then left.
"Beetee has increased our use of the airwaves tenfold.We will broadcast this message to all the districts tonight."I looked at Beetee that was between Gale and Boggs.He was not far away though.I was beside Gale once again.So I just moved my head to see him.
"The Mockingjay's words inspiring everyone to join the rebellion.Together,we will become an alliance to be reckoned with."She continued.Everyone  applauded.
"Hoorah!Hoorah!Hoorah!" They cheered.

******************************Gale and I entered Katniss's room and found her once again playing with the little ball.She raised her head to face us.
"We have good news"said Gale
"What?"Katniss asked
"Coin agreed to let us hunt above ground"I answered her.


We were into the woods now.I had a bow similar to Gale's and Katniss had her bow and a leather bag to put our victims in it.We walked along the forest and we spotted a deer. We stopped dead in our trucks.Katniss loaded her bow and was ready to shoot at the innocent deer which was drinking water.He looked at us and it didn't react.Katniss put down her bow and the deer continued what it was doing.
"He's not even afraid of us"I said.
"It's cause they've never been hunted before.It's almost not fair"Gale said.


We walked down a part of the forest where we could see a river.We sat down on the rock.I sat between Katniss and Gale.Katniss looked at the river probably thinking .If there's somehing I learned,it's that nobody can interrupt Katniss Everden from thinking.I rested my head on Gale's shoulder and closed my eyes.He put his head on mine as well.We stood like that for a while and then Gale's watched bipped.I removed my head from his shoulder and looked at the watch. Katniss looked as well.
"They want us back"Gale said.With that he stood up and left Katniss and me behind.We stood up and followed him.


We came back to 13.
"They asked us to head for Commander."Gale said.
"All right. I gotta drop these off."Katniss said as we entered the lift.
"She was arguably our favorite tribute."I heard Caesar's voice say as we got off of the lift.We all looked at the screen where we saw Peeta.
"And I think that's what we all find most astomishing is that this girl was adored in the Capitol"Caesar continued and Katniss ran to the screen letting her stuff on a nearby table.Gale and I left our bows on another table.
"And I think for you,Peeta,it must be partucularly painful"We saw Peeta holding a white flower.
"I wish I could give this rose to you,Katniss."Peeta said.
"He's changed so much already. What are they doing to him?"Katniss asked.
"A sweet gesture for a girl who has inspired such violence.You must love her very much to be able to forgive her."Caesar said
"He's shaking"Katnis remarked.
"I don't think that I could."Peeta said.
"Unless of course,Peeta,you think that perhaps she's being forced into saying things that she doesn't understand."Caesar said.
"Yeah.That's exactly what I think"
"Even his voice is different"Katnis told herself.
"I think they're using her to whip up the rebels.I dought she even knows whats happening.And what's really at stake."
"Now,Peeta,I doubt that the rebels will ever let her see this.But if they do,what would you say to her?To Katniss Everdeen,the once sweet Katniss Everdeen."
"I would tell her to think for herself."
"Don't be a fool Katniss"Peeta said looking at the camera."I know you never wanted the rebellion.The things you did in the Games were never intended to start all of this.The rebels have made you into something that you are not.Something that could destroy all of us.So if you have any power or any say in what they do or how they use you,please,please,urge them to stop this war before it's too late.And ask yourself,can you trust the people you're working with?Do you know what they really want?"
"We need to respond.Thank you Peeta Mellark,for these revelations about the real Mockingjay."Said Caesar.Katniss slowly turned around and looked at me.
"Did you see what he looks like?"She asked me.
"I saw a coward"Gale answered before I could.
"You don't have any idea what he's going through!"Katniss said ,now looking at Gale.
"I don't care.I would never say what he just said.Not if they tortured me.Not with a gun to my head."Gale said.
"That is the same Peeta that defended you at the whipping post"I informed him taking Katniss's side.
"No.It's not.Now he's only defending himself."he answered me.Gale's watch bipped and the three of us looked at it.
"Coin's called a meeting.We need to respond."Gale told us.
"When did we become you and Coin?"I asked him.
"Everyone has a choice.How can he sit there in the Capitol and defend the people who destroyed his home and murdered his family?"he yelled at me.
"He doesn't know."Katniss answered."How could he?Nobody's seen what the Capitol did to 12.I have to show them."she finally said as Gale sighed.


The gate of the jet opened and we started to walk down the stairs.
"So I wanna start with you in front of the Justice Building,okay?"Cressida asked Katniss as I followed them next to Gale.
"Bang.First shot."Cressida told Messala.
"Katniss,tell us what happened here."Cressida told her.
"We were all standing right here"Gale beginned."Watchin' the Games when you fired that arrow.The screens just went dark.Nobody had any idea what happened.Peacekeepers forced us back into our homes.For maybe an hour,the town was dead quite.Little past 9:00,we heard their trucks pullin' out.All of them.Every single Peacekeeper.And I knew what that meant.Me,Heather  and a couple of guys from the mines,we started pulling people from their houses and tried to get 'em to the fence line but a lotta people were scared of the forest.So they headed up onto the road.Make a break for it that way."Gale finished and head to another part of the destroyed District 12.
"Stay with Gale"Cressida told Pollux.Everyone followed Gale.
"915 of us made it to the fence.Then we watched as bombers circled back towards the road.They firebombed them as they ran away"he said as he led us at the place where there were many skulls and skeletons.He bent down.
"915 outta 10,000."Gale continued and Cressida bent down next to him."I should have grabbed people.I should've dragged'em with me.Some of the kids I could have carried."
"You saved so many people Gale.Without you two,there would be no District 12.Not even the memory of it"She told him.I approached Gale and put a hand over his shoulder and carressed it.


Katniss was outside talking with Cressida and Gale and I were inside my old house.Katniss gave me her leather bag and told me to get some of her mum's plates,bocals and books.I turned around and saw Gale looking at the table where he was lying when he was wounded.
"This is where you kissed me"He told me.
"I didn't think you remembered that."I told him with a serious look on my face.I came closer to him.
"I'd have to be dead to forget that.Maybe not even then"he told me and I smiled slightly.I loooked him first in the eyes and then I looked at his lips and before I knew it,I kissed him.He broke the kiss really quickly.I had a questioning look on my face.But soon I realized why he broke the kiss.
"It's Katniss, isnt'it?"I asked him.His silence gave me the answer.I laughed slightly causing him to look at me.
"You know Gale, I've had enough!When I stop being your second choice,please inform me.I will be available" I said and I walked outside leaving him inside.

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