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"Katniss!" I woke up alerted by Peeta's whispering. I looked to Peeta's direction to see Katniss, an expression of fear reigning over her face. I felt Gale's breath hitch as well; by then, everyone was awake and nervous.

"What is that?"Jackson asked referring to the distant rumbling that we had been hearing since we woke up. But my face wasn't leaving Peeta's. I saw that look of recognition he had.

"We gotta go. We gotta get out of here now!" he panicked, making me cringe at how loudly he had said it. Whatever was in there, Peeta was familiar with. Everyone stood up immediately, ready to run.

"Keep your voice down."Gale told him annoyed. He didn't let go of my hand, maybe because he thought my injury would slow me down and he was ready to help me run.

"Mutts! They released mutts!"Peeta continued.

"Pollux what's the fastest way out?" Katniss said way too quickly, clearly nervous but unlike Peeta, she was trying to keep it together. We all got out of the little area we had stayed in order to rest and got back in the tunnels, water entering my shoes once again. I got  behind Gale and took my gun out of my pocket, ready to shoot at whatever was hiding out here. Gale shot a blazing arrow at the end of the tunnel, which was a good move because it lighted up our way. and helped us see our surroundings. We started walking toward the end of the tunnel slowly, as if as not to wake someone, and maybe that's what we were trynna do. He shot another blazing arrow at the side, to another tunnel to make sure nobody was hiding there. Once we were clear, we continued to scan the perimeter. My teammates used their flashlights in order to see if anything suspicious was around us. Pollux made us a sign to stop gaining our full attention. He was gesturing to a narrow passage on the wall. Without further questioning, he crawled inside and got to the other side of the wall. We all looked at him expectantly as he went to investigate the area, leaving our vision. We all stared at that hole in the wall for what felt like centuries, feeling nervous and worried that something might just jump out of it. My agony was not describable. But all this faded away when Pollux reappeared and gestured that the area was clear. Gale got in after him and then I followed him, making sure not to put too much pressure on my wound. He helped me get out of the hole and stand on my feet and we waited for the rest of the crew to join us. Only Jackson was still outside, making sure that the perimeter was clear before she could join us. Just as she was about to get in, we hear deafening loud sounds; mutts. I didn't even had time to turn my head around and I saw them overcrowding the area we were just at seconds ago, along with Jackson. I didn't even have time to think, I just started running to the other direction along with the others.

"Go, go, go! It's mutts!"

"Pollux get us out of her!"

That's all I could hear. I didn't even care about the pain on my thigh, what mattered is to survive, to run. We turned to other tunnels and we couldn't stop hearing the screeching of the mutts. I was horrified, scared like a little girl. I just wanted all this to be over. But this screeching was suddenly surpassed by the screams of  man. My mind froze hoping it wasn't Gale.

"Castor!" Katniss screamed and as bad as that sounds, I let out a relieved sigh. I didn't even have time to make another steps and more mutts made their appearance in front of us making me bump into Finnick who stopped short. Cressida started shooting at those things clearing our path. We continued our way and followed Pollux out of here. Everyone around me was shouting orders but my ears were disconnected from this world; only my eyes and feet were working. Pollux finally led us to a ladder and gestured that we should climb it. I looked for Gale and caught his eyes looking at me. He run toward me and hugged me, relieved I was okay, though I think he might have seen the terror in my eyes. With a sudden movement, he made me get on top of  step of the ladder and gesturing me to climb up after Pollux. He looked at me reassuringly and then he run away, going to fight the mutts with the others.

"Gale!" I screamed. What was he doing? He was supposed to go up that ladder after me. I looked up and saw Pollux looking down at me expectantly. "Yeah, that's gonna have to wait Pollux." I mumbled and with my left hand holding a horizontal bar of the ladder, I took out my gun with the other hand and started shooting at all the mutts I could spot. I saw one tackling Katniss and immediately shot down that one, earning a surprised look from Katniss to which I nodded, taking my hair out of the way. I continued to do so until I saw Peeta heading my way and realized that it was time to climb that thing. I got upstairs, my feet stepping on the solid ground, followed by Peeta and the others. However, I stayed next to the ladder and helped everyone who got in, the last one being Finnick. I saw him gripping on the bars of the ladders and getting up, but a mutt emerged and took him with it back in the water. "Finnick! Finnick!" I screamed as I saw the mutts jumoing on him and heard his screams. Tears filled my vision and I turned my head away, not wanting to listen to this anymore.

"Heather! Katniss!" I heard him scream making even more tears stream down my face.

"Nightlock. Nightlock. Nightlock."Katniss whispered and threw the holo in the water, making everything explode.

"Keep moving! Keep moving!" I heard Gale yell, snapping me out of my thoughts and following him, Katniss after me. As we got out, peacekeepers were shooting at us making me take my gun out and start shooting at them too. When Katniss joined us, we started to run after Pollux who was leading the way. We run ad we run and we run and suddenly, a light emerged from the top of the ceiling, turning one of us into ashes. I now started running even faster after Gale, focusing on not getting under those light transmitters. And as if all this was not enough, the ground behind us started to get destroyed. We manage to find stable ground and stopped running for a bit, regaining our breath.

"Peeta!" I heard Katniss scream and turned around immediately, seeing Peeta on the ground, trying to get up. "Peeta, come on!" Katniss yelled, going toward him to help him. "Peeta we have to keep going!"

"I'm a mutt! I can't!" Peeta argued, panicking and not getting off the ground.

"Yes you can!" Katniss insisted pulling him on her so that she could make him stand up.

"Leave me! I'm a mutt!" he continued making me sigh He had to have a breakdown now?

"Look at me! Look at me." Katniss ordered him as she had managed to get hold of I'm and bringing his face close to hers. After a few seconds, she kissed him, to his (and our) surprise. "Stay with me."

"Always." he responded, as if in a daze.

"Come on." she told him and we continued running our way to leave this horrible place.

"I know where we are! I know a place! Up those stairs!" Cressida yelled relieved and happy and we followed after her. We did as she told us and run up those stairs, only to come in contact with the outside world. As we stepped foot on the solid earth, my eye caught a picture of Finnick who I had completely forgotten. Now hat we were safe, I could actually get to mourn him.

"Keep going!" Cressida told us as we were running through the town, seeing pictures and posters of all of us on the way. We finally arrived outside of what seemed like a shop. Cressida banged on the nearby door and everyone took a little time to regain their breath. I leaned on a nearby wall and hissed at the sight of my wound. It's like I just regained consciousness of my body and felt the excruciating pain.

"Someone's coming." Peeta warned us making me turn my attention to him. The door opened and we run inside the room immediatitely.

"Shut the door, shut the door." Cressida told the host. AS I entered inside, I stopped on my feet and looked at the weird looking woman in front of us. Her face was like a tiger's. Katniss pointed her bow at her. "It's okay." Cressida told her. I saw Gale running to the back of the house and after some moments heconfirmed that the place was clear. Tigris then gestured for us to follow her and lead us to a little door on the ground.

"I know you." Katniss said. "You were a stylist in the Games."

"Until Snow decided I wasn't pretty enough anymore." she added, taking off her hood.

"I'm here to kill him." Katniss told her and that only made her smile.

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