eιgнтeen : epιlogυe

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My dear Catnip,

It's been a long while since we last saw eachother, let alone talked like we used to. I trust you and Peeta are doing  better that ever. I am so glad you rebuilt your life, so glad that you learned how to live and not just how to survive. Now, I know that the letter started dramatically, I have more things to tell you, so try and keep your tears for the end of this letter.

Life's been treating me pretty well during the last years, surprinsingly. After Panem was taken away from the hands of these criminals, we left, not knowing what this travel had in store for us. We arrived in District 2 -which by the way is much nicer than we thought back in the days- and we decided to stay there for a while. Little did we know that this 'while' was longer than expected. Step by step, we started to make a life for ourselves. However, rations were running out, and we realized that we needed to find a job. A little dificult for us, since the only thing we were really good at was fighting for our lives. We worked in the army, making sure everything was never going to return to the way it, that everything we have achieved was not in vain. I'd say it's going pretty well. I'm captain of my own unit and, to be honest, it really has gotten to my head. However, now you can say I'm on a kind of vacation from that.

Gale has been promoted as a captain in District 2 to help keep order and security. He still denies it, but I see it in his eyes that he wishes he could have changed that moment. Maybe you could even come to pay us a visit. Huh, I'd like to see the expression on his face when he sees you guys walking in the house. You know you'll always be more than welcomed in our house.

We all suffered so much. You most of all. But we owe to ourselves, to the ones we lost, to our children to make the best out of our lives. Yes, you've read right. In 3 months we'll no longer be two in the house. Honestly, I thought pregnancy was supposed to be a joy, but I find myself puking and raging at everything rather than enjoying the feeling. Actually, the only two things I enjoy are the food and the fact that Gale is too scared to talk back to me. Hell, you should have seen his face when I told him I was pregnant : iconic.

Anyway, it's getting late and I'm getting sleepy. Ya know how pregnancy is. Sitting all day can be really tiring. Especially when you're eating for two. Say hello to Peeta for me. And Katniss? Do me a favor. Be careful and for God's sake, don't think that much! Everything can be so simple, we're just making it more complex. I hope I hear from you guys soon. Or better, see you soon. You can rest now, you deserve it.

With love,

Your sister,


P.S.: It's a girl. I hope when we see each other again, you'll be able to meet Primrose Hawthorne.

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