1. Stood Up

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     Yoongi sat in a cafe, waiting for his friend Namjoon to meet him. They met at this particular cafe every Saturday because it wasn't very far from Yoongi's apartment, the baristas all knew him, his order, and not to ask about the white cane he always carried with him. They would, however, ask Yoongi about his music; he worked for a pretty big record label and helped the artists to produce number one hits. His computer had special software that read the writing on the screen to him, and he knew the music software and equipment so well that most of his clients didn't know he was blind until they saw the cane, of course.

Yoongi's head popped up as he heard the bell of the cafe door ring, signaling that someone had entered. He looked back down when he heard the voice of the customer, realizing that it still wasn't Namjoon. He was about to ask what the time was when he heard his phone chime, signaling a text message. Frustrated at who the hell could be texting him when they know for damn sure that he can't read it, Yoongi stood up and made his way to the counter, his cane in his pocket and his phone and coffee in hand. Yoongi stood there for a moment, listening to Seokjin talk to someone, finishing his coffee.

"Hey Yoongi, what's up?" Seokjin asked the younger male after a moment, looking around in confusion. "Where's Namjoon?"

"No idea. Anyway, someone texted me, do you mind?" Yoongi asked, handing the elder his phone. He felt the elder take the phone and waited patiently as he read the message.

"It's Namjoon, he said he would've called but he's with his eomma, and you know how she is. She apparently needed someone to go with her to the doctor and Joonie pulled the short straw. He asked if you wanted to meet up tomorrow at your place or his or just see him next week." Yoongi huffed in annoyance.

"Tell him he can come over to mine tomorrow. I need help cleaning since my cousin visited anyway." Seokjin hummed in response, sending Namjoon the message.

"He said he'd see you then, and he'll bring you a coffee. Do you want to reply?" Yoongi shook his head, tired of having to use Seokjin to relay his messages for him. He'd set his phone to read his messages for him, but sometimes he'd like to keep what his own eomma sent him private. She had a different text tone, so he knew when he needed to be alone before he asked Siri to read the message.

"Thanks Jin. See you next weekend," Yoongi said, placing his phone back into his pocket and pulling his cane out.

"Actually, you won't. I have next weekend off to visit my family, a new barista will be working then. It'll be his first shift alone."

"Namjoon will be disappointed, Jinnie. Just make sure you give him the briefing, alright?"

"Will do. He's here now actually, if you'd like to talk to him yourself." Yoongi just shook his head and raised his hand in a silent farewell, going to exit the cafe when he bumped into someone, causing him to drop his cane and empty coffee cup. He listened as the male, he assumed, he ran into apologized repeatedly and scrambled to grab his dropped possessions.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz. Here," the stranger said, placing his cane and cup in his hands. Yoongi smiled gratefully at the stranger, nodding his head in a silent gesture of thanks. "Do you want someone to walk home with you? Not like you'd need it, but do you want company? It's gotta be lonely walking by yourself, I know it is for me. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I'm Park Jimin, by the way. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about running into you-" Yoongi held up his hand, silencing the younger.

"It's fine, Jimin. And if you really feel obligated to do so you can walk me home if you'd like. I was just stood up by my coffee date, the bastard," Yoongi muttered looking away. "Anyway, you seem pretty lonely, so let's go if we're going." Yoongi usually wasn't kind to anyone but his few close friends (and the baristas too), especially ones that ran into him, he was more of a closed off type. However, hearing Jimin stumble over his words as he tried to make amends with the elder without even mentioning his disability made Yoongi feel a little better inside. It was nice to know that someone may have noticed he was blind, why else would he place Yoongi's things into his hands rather than hold them out sheepishly like most people do, but made absolutely no mention of it, almost as if it didn't matter he couldn't see anything. Anyway, Yoongi's only social interaction during the week outside of his clients, boss, and coworkers was Namjoon and the baristas in the cafe, without it he felt the tendrils of loneliness enclose his heart almost as if it were locked away. It would be nice to hear someone else's voice for once.

He was shaken from his thoughts when he heard Soekjin laughing at the two, so he flipped his general direction off. This just made the elder laugh harder, making Yoongi sigh and grab Jimin's arm, leading him out. Yoongi extended his cane to its full length once he exited the building, letting go of Jimin and tapping out his path.

"So Jimin, tell me about yourself." Yoongi waited for the other to answer, hoping he hadn't walked off and made him look like a complete and total fool. He let out a breath of relief when he heard Jimin hum in thought next to him, happy that he wasn't abandoned for once.

"Well, I was born in '95, I like to dance and I love Big Bang, especially Taeyang. I try to sing, I don't think I'm very good, I have a really high voice. I'm going to be working at the cafe now, and I share an apartment with my best friend Hoseok who raps and also dances. That's really it..." he trailed off, not knowing what else to say. "What about you?"

"I'm Min Yoongi, I was born in '93, I was an underground rapper, I'm pretty lazy and I don't really talk to people outside of work."

"You were an underground rapper?" Jimin asked curiously, completely enthralled by the elder's story.

"Yeah, I went by Suga but it got really hard being blind and everything. That's actually how I meant Namjoon, he went by Rap Monster. He quit around the same time as me." He heard Jimin gasp and looked at his direction with a confused expression. "What? Did something happen?"

"I thought I recognized you, the white hair threw me off, last I saw you you had red hair! Hoseok loves the underground stuff, he wants to get into it but he doesn't think he's good enough. He already picked out his stage name though, it's J-Hope, the weirdo. Anyway, we both are such huge fans, we were so disappointed when you guys quit. I think Hobi cried because he'll 'never get to rap with the best rappers of our generation' or something. Honestly, you guys broke his heart." Yoongi chuckled ruffling his hair.

"It's good to know what color my cousin dyed my hair. She wouldn't tell me. I forgot to ask Seokjin, and Joonie didn't show up."

"It looks good on you," Jimin said, his face flushing with embarrassment. Yoongi only laughed, his eyes crinkling, causing Jimin to blush even more, not only out of embarrassment of complimenting the elder, but also because he thought the elder's laugh and face were adorable. The elder stopped, surprising Jimin by clasping his hand over Jimin's shoulder with surprising accuracy.

"Well, this is me. If you wanna come in for lunch or something you're welcome to." Jimin hesitated, debating whether or not he actually could control himself for that long. He figured that it would be impossible, so he began to reject his hyung' offer.

"I'm not so-" Yoongi cut him off by grabbing his hand and tugging him to his building, causing his cheeks to burn once again.

"No wasn't really an option, Park Jiminnie."

// Hey friends! It's LuLu here and welcome to my first BTS fanfic! I'm not Korean at all, so please let me know if I used any of the terms incorrectly. And I know Yoongi is really overly nice and it's basically out of character, but I like writing him as a sweetheart, especially when he is happy.
Thank you for reading, and please remember to vote and comment!
Love you! \\

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