8. No Way José-ok

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Yoongi swung his feet like a child as he waited for Jimin to finish clearing up their dishes. Hoseok was on his way with a suitcase full of Jimin's necessary belongings, and Yoongi couldn't wait to see how much he would freak. According to Jimin, Hoseok started preforming in the underground because of Yoongi, which the elder found incredibly flattering. Yoongi wouldn't be surprised if Hoseok ended up being a stuttering mess, especially because his roommate was a dick who didn't tell him that Yoongi was actually Suga.

"You're adorable," Jimin said, watching as the elder stopped swinging his feet and looked up. He hopped off the stool and turned to (try to) face Jimin.

"Take that back Minnie," Yoongi spoke in a deadly voice, a glare on his face. Jimin giggled.

"You're so cute when you're mad," Jimin laughed, smiling so much that his eyes almost completely disappeared. Yoongi launched his good side at where Jimin's voice came from, encasing the other in a one armed hug and hiding his face in the crook of his neck.

"Shut up," Yoongi mumbled, his lips against the younger's neck. Jimin's breath hitched before he melted into Yoongi's embrace, his arms gently holding on to the elder so he wouldn't hurt him, a dopey grin displayed on his lips. Both boys secretly wished that they could stay in each other's arms for all of eternity, Yoongi placing soft sweet kisses on Jimin's neck and Jimin kissing Yoongi's head and playing with his hair. However, they were both forced to pull apart upon hearing the knocking at the door.

"Stupid hoe," Jimin muttered, "I was enjoying myself." Yoongi just laughed, walking into the living room and flopping himself down on a couch, pulling a pillow over his face and pretending to be asleep.

"Hey Hobi," Jimin said before he was engulfed in a tight embrace from his lonely roommate.

"Hi Jimin. I missed you," Hoseok mumbled, but was still loud enough for Yoongi to hear. Jimin laughed and pulled away, taking his suitcase from Hoseok and putting it off to the side.

"Please put your shoes here," Jimin pointed out the guest spot, "and I'll hang up your coat for you." Hoseok passed his coat to the younger and placed his shoes in the proper place, checking out his surroundings.

"This place is really nice," Hoseok said, taking everything in, "but where is Yoongi hyung?" Jimin lead Hoseok to the living room, pointing to the lump on the couch.

"Hyung, I know you aren't sleeping. Please greet Hoseok, I wanna get this meltdown over with," Jimin muttered, causing Hoseok to look at him confused.

"Why am I having a-" Hoseok stopped, looking over at Yoongi who had sat up.

"Hello Hoseok. I'm Yoongi, but you may know me better as Suga." Yoongi smirked as Hoseok's eyes bulged.

"No way José-ok," he muttered. Yoongi started cracking up at Hoseok's joke whereas Jimin just sighed at his best friend. "You're really him, aren't you?"

"In the flesh," Yoongi replied with a wide smile. Hoseok struggled to keep his breathing under control, wanting nothing more than to scream and fangirl.

"I'm- uh, jeez, um- why didn't you tell me you asshole?!" Hoseok directed the last part at Jimin, slapping him on the arm as Jimin laughed. "Sorry, I'm just a huge fan of yours, you're kinda the reason I started on the underground. Ah, shit, this is so fucking surreal." Yoongi chuckled, smiling.

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