7. Is this Grease?

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     Yoongi was out cold when they pulled up to his apartment. Jimin tried to gently wake the elder, but it was simply no use. Sighing heavily, Jimin exited the car and walked around to Yoongi's side, debating whether or not he could carry the exhausted boy inside.

"He's a lot lighter than you think," Namjoon spoke, watching as the younger boy debated what to do. "Just carry him in. Now I've got to go meet someone, or else I would help. Sorry I can't but I'm already running late." Jimin nodded, unbuckling Yoongi and carrying him bridal style, surprised at exactly how light he was. Jimin nodded to Namjoon in farewell as he began the climb to Yoongi's apartment.

After making it to the elevator in one piece, Jimin spent the whole ride staring at Yoongi's sleeping figure.

"You may be blind," he whispered softly, "but I've been blinded by your beauty." Jimin placed a soft kiss on the elder's forehead, smiling down at his sleeping form. The smile never left his face, even as he struggled with the apartment door. After a lot of wiggling the key and begging with the door, Jimin eventually managed to open the door to the apartment. He pushed through, closing the door with his foot, and made a b-line to Yoongi's bedroom, placing him down on the bed and carefully removing his shoes and jacket. After tucking him in, Jimin put the jacket and shoes back into their correct spaces and went to make the pair some dinner.


Yoongi woke up to find himself in a bed. Whose bed? He was unsure, but he did hear noises coming from what he assumed to be the kitchen. After he inched himself to the edge of the bed, he noticed that he could smell something that made his mouth water. Realizing he had barely eaten, Yoongi hoped he was right in assuming that he was indeed home.

"Jiminnie?" His soft voice called out, making the noises in the kitchen cease. "Jiminnie, is that you?" He heard footsteps hurry down the hall in almost a frantic manner.

"Yoongi hyung, I didn't mean to worry you," Jimin's voice said as he entered the room, Yoongi presumed. "Here, let me help you," Jimin said, grabbing Yoongi's good hand and helping the elder to his feet. Jimin went to let go of Yoongi's hand, but was surprised when the elder tightened his grip. Jimin's cheeks turned fiery red as he forced out, "C'mon, let's eat." Yoongi chuckled, following the younger to the kitchen.

"You're cute when you blush," Yoongi said, making Jimin turn an even darker shade of red.

"You can't even see me!" Jimin exclaimed.

"Don't have to to know you're: A. cute, and B. blushing like a madman." Yoongi leaned over and pecked Jimin's cheek with surprising accuracy. "Plus your cheeks are oddly warm."

Jimin pulled the now giggling elder into the kitchen ignoring his last remarks, and showed him to a stool as he continued to cook.

"So, Jiminnie, wanna tell me about yourself? I feel as though I barely know you, which is true, but you're living in my apartment for the time being. So please, tell me more, tell me more."

"What is this, Grease?" Jimin chuckled, continuing to finish the two's dinner. "There's nothing really to tell, I'm not that special," he said looking down.

"I honestly don't care if you tell me your shoe size, just don't leave me on the dark anymore than I am," Yoongi begged Jimin, desperation written on his features. Jimin looked at the elder, sighing in defeat.

"Okay, okay, just stop looking so sad. Anyway, my childhood sucked, to say the least. My appa passed away when I was pretty young, I was five, and my eomma abandoned me out front of a foster home on my ninth birthday. Great birthday present. The people at the home were nice enough to me, but I never really got a family. Hoseok and I met 'cause his eomma worked at the home I was at. He begged her to adopt me, but she said it was just too much, which I understand. It's a lot of work to take in an unloved and damaged child. I never was adopted in the end, I stayed at the home until I was old enough to get a job and share an apartment with Hoseok."

"But what do you do on holidays?"

"If Hobi doesn't invite me over, I order take out, watch movies and cry." Yoongi felt his heart sink as Jimin said this.

"You can spend them with my family if you want. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. They like to make sure I actually have friends."

Jimin smiled gratefully at the elder as he plated them both pretty big servings of ramen. Placing a bowl in front of Yoongi and a bowl next to him, Jimin placed the pot in the sink to clean later and walked around, taking a seat next to Yoongi.

"I'd like that." Yoongi smiled at the younger before tucking into his dinner. Jimin also began to eat when he was suddenly stopped by his phone ringing. Confused, he pulled it out, eyes widening as he read Hoseok's number on the screen.

"Fuck, speak of the devil much. I'm sorry I gotta take this," Jimin said quickly answering the phone. "Hobi?"

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU YOU DESPICABLE HUMAN SCUM?!?!" Jimin flinched at his best friend's harsh voice that was echoing in his ear.

"Hobi please stop yelling. I've been at the hospital all day with Yoongi and I'm planning on staying with him for awhile until he can use his arm again. I thought I texted you this, I'm sorry to worry you." There was a pause.

"I guess you did text me. I was just scared Minnie, you know how I worry about you in the dark ever since-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know Hobi." Yoongi raised his eyebrows at how the younger cut Hoseok off before he could finish his sentence. (Jimin had his phone volume up so much that Yoongi could even hear Hoseok's normal voice.) Wiping his face clear of any emotion, he tapped Jimin's shoulder.

"You can invite him over if you want."

"Hobi, just come over if you're so worried. Yoongi's invite, I promise. I'll text you his address, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon." And with that, Hoseok hung up. Jimin texted the elder Yoongi's address and out his phone down, looking at the blond.

"You know he's gonna flip, right?"

"I honestly find it humorous. Ladies and gentlemen, let the party begin."

// hi hi sorry this is so late I'm drowning in schoolwork. I'll try to get these up as quick as I can but looking at my schedule it probably won't be done by the new year :/
Anyway I keep getting these ideas for what should be really good but I dunno. If I write something else would you guys read it? I'm thinking either another Yoonmin or maybe a Markson but I'm not sure. I also have ideas that don't have pairings so let me know (such a good song it's actually playing rn) what y'all would be interested in.
Please remember to vote and comment!
Love you all my lil' muffins!
I'm out. \\

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