3. Mister Steal Your Girl

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Namjoon showed up to Yoongi's place at ten in the morning, coffee in hand. He felt bad walking his hyung, but he knew if he didn't Yoongi would sleep all day. Little did he know, Yoongi had been texting Jimin until the sun had come up, when both boys finally fell asleep. Letting himself in using his own key- Yoongi had misplaced the key before and, of course, couldn't find it, so Namjoon had a key at all times just in case; Namjoon placed the coffees on the bar and walked through the apartment to the elder's bedroom. Knocking on the door but receiving no response, Namjoon entered his hyung's room, finding him curled into a ball, cuddling a stuffed bear with his phone nearby.

That's odd, Namjoon thought, picking up Yoongi's phone, he usually doesn't keep this near him when he sleeps. I've waken him up with too many "early morning" texts. Namjoon watched as the phone lit up, noticing that it had seven percent and two new messages from a "Park Jiminnie". Namjoon took the phone and plugged it in in the kitchen, where Yoongi almost always left it to charge. Walking back to the bedroom, Namjoon softly called Yoongi's name before gently touching his hyung's shoulder, doing his best not to startle the sleeping male. That's when Namjoon noticed the shaking of his shoulders and the labored breaths barely escaping his mouth. Going around the bed to get a better chance to survey Yoongi's form, Namjoon noticed his pain filled face and the tears in a constant stream down his cheeks.

"Yoongi! Yoongi, wake up!" Namjoon almost yelled, shaking his hyung's shoulders. He watched sadly as Yoongi's eyes darted open and were flying around the room trying to find the threat he had felt or even seen in his dream. "Yoongi, it's me, it's Joonie. You're okay. You're okay," Namjoon said in a soothing tone, watching as the smaller boy shook with fear.

"Joonie?" He asked, his voice hoarse and weak. "Can, can you please hold me? I'd rather not have to search for you right now." Namjoon sat on the bed and grabbed his best friend's hand pulling him up into a sitting position and pulling the smaller boy into his lap, his arms tightening around the older. Yoongi buried his face in Namjoon's chest, sobbing. It was times like these that Yoongi became a kid again, but instead of the light shining in his eyes or his face full of hope, he made himself as small as possible and cried like how he cried that first day he couldn't see. These days always made Namjoon's heart ache and they almost always reduced him to tears as soon as he was out of Yoongi's presence. Putting on a brave face, Namjoon smoothed Yoongi's hair down with one hand, the other holding the smaller as close as possible. Yoongi eventually calmed down enough to release the grip on Namjoon's sweatshirt, instead wrapping his arms around the younger's back for a real hug, placing his chin on Namjoon's shoulder.

"What was it today?" Namjoon asked softly, his arms still wrapped tightly around the elder. Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut, tightening his grip on Namjoon to prove that the younger was real.

"The accident, of course," Yoongi forced out, "except my old friend was you, and Jimin was driving, and everyone died and it was all my fault. I ended up in a random ass room where this huge black figure was stalking me and telling me I wasn't worth it-" he choked back a sob, " that I should just end it. If I didn't do it he said he would and- I was so scared." Yoongi bit hard on his lip to keep himself from crying, trying his best to convince himself it was a dream.

"You're alright Yoongi, you're fine now. Nothing is going to get you while I'm here. They'd have to go through Rap Mon and Brain Mon and God of Destruction and Mister Steal Yo Girl," Yoongi laughed at his friend's stupid jokes, feeling a little better. "C'mon, let's get you some breakfast." Namjoon helped his short friend up, chuckling as the elder latched onto his waist. "Thank you Joonie. It gets really scary sometimes." Namjoon patted Yoongi's head, before he started playing with his hair. He'd always be there for his hyung, just like he was for him.

"C'mom, I have coffee, I'll make food. Let's go." Yoongi nodded, grabbing Namjoon's arm, shivering slightly. Namjoon chuckled before tossing an oversized sweatshirt at his best friend who graciously put it on. They walked out into the kitchen where Yoongi sat at one of the stools at the bar and requested his phone from Namjoon, who handed it to him. Finding out that he had two messages from Jimin, Yoongi's face lit up.

"Alright, spill the beans." Yoongi raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Who's Jimin and why are you so excited that he texted you? Also, when do I get to meet him?"

"Well, I met him at the cafe yesterday, and then we hung out for awhile, and you'll meet him next weekend. He's a new barista at the cafe and Jin has the weekend off." Namjoon pouted hearing that Seokjin had the weekend off, but snapped out of it when he processed what had been said to him fully.

"Hyung, I'm sorry, but what do you mean 'hung out'?" Yoongi blushed and looked downward, hiding his beet red face from view. "Does Yoongi have a cruuuuush?" Namjoon teased, causing Yoongi to blush even harder.

"Shut up!" Yoongi whined, burying his face in his hands. "He just came over, I made him lunch, and then we talked about the accident, okay?!"

"There's more," Namjoon said in a monotone voice, setting a plate of eggs in front of the distressed male, putting his own beside it. He then pushed the appropriate cup of coffee into the elder's hand, and took his seat next to him.

"Fine, I kinda showed him the scars."


"Dammit Namjoon, how do you know that there's always more? You always know! What, are you fucking psychic or some shit man?" Namjoon chuckled, smirking at his friend.

"I just know you really well." Yoongi sigh, rolling his eyes.

"Fine, I didn't just show him the ones on my torso, but the ones on my face and in my eyes. And, and he let me see at him," Yoongi mumbled the last bit, rather embarrassed.

"He what?! Dude, you didn't even want to know what I looked like for three months!"

"'Cause I was pretending that you were really ugly to make myself feel better 'cause you were already tall and talented," Yoongi murmured. Namjoon sighed and wrapped his arm around the elder.

"You know, I'm happy for you. I really am. Just remember though, if you ever need anything Mister Steal Your Girl's residence is always open." They both cracked up at Namjoon's awful joke, and the spent the rest of the day together, smiling and laughing. It was what they both needed.

Wow, I was a mess last night. But hey I'm running on three hours of sleep and a macchiato and freezing temperatures as I do manual labor so I AM AWAKE. yeah I didn't heavily edit this but I did fix the most prominent mistakes.
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