10. Nee-ga jo-ah

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After their friends had left, the boys sat alone in Yoongi's apartment, Jimin checking and making sure every tripping hazard was taken care of. Yoongi sat with his laptop next to him, his music software open, his bottom lip in between his teeth. He was debating if he actually wanted to do this, but before he could change his mind Jimin came back into the room.

"Hey hyung, what're you doing?" Jimin asked as he approached the older who seemed to tense upon hearing him so close. Jimin didn't miss the odd behavior, and was genuinely concerned. "Yoongi, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," he mumbled out, rubbing his neck. Jimin held in a sigh and walked over to the couch, sitting next to Yoongi. He hesitantly wrapped his arm around the elder's shoulders, careful not to put too much pressure on him so that he wouldn't aggravate the damaged clavicle.

"Please tell me what's wrong," Jimin pleaded, eyeing the elder. Yoongi sighed and picked up his laptop, handing it to Jimin. "Hyung...?"

"I wanna show you my music," Yoongi mumbled, barely audible as his cheeks began to heat up. Jimin's face split in two with a wide grin a he looked at the laptop screen, a song called Let Me Know pulled up on the screen.

"Is it the Let Me Know one? Or do you have a different one you want me to listen to?" Yoongi debated internally. He loved Let Me Know, but he decided it might not be the best one to start out with.

"Um, well there are a few different ones if you wanna pick. Just me or me and Joonie and Jinnie?" Jimin thought, before he spoke softly.

"How about both?" Yoongi smiled slightly and nodded directing Jimin on how to navigate the software.

"Okay, so this one is pretty old and very short so be prepared," Yoongi said as Jimin hit play on All I Do Is Win. Instantly Jimin was captivated by the beat and the strange voice starting out, but he absolutely lost it when Yoongi began rapping. Turning to gawk at the elder, he watched his lips move along to the rap as he lip synced. Jimin was in shock. The song came to a close and Yoongi hesitantly turned towards Jimin.

"So, how was it?" Jimin gawked at the elder at a complete loss for words. Sure he had seen him rap before, but he wasn't at the underground as much as Hobi was, so he had only witnessed it a few times. He didn't remember it being anything like this.

"Holy shit," he mumbled, still in shock. Yoongi chuckled lightly.

"You like it?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely!" Jimin yelled, causing Yoongi to blush.

"I have another single one too, it's called Dream Money." Jimin clicked the file, Yoongi's voice filling the otherwise silent apartment. Jimin was even more in shock as he stared at Yoongi. The song again came to a close, and Jimin couldn't form coherent sentences.

"I- oh my god- this- John fucking Cena!" Yoongi burst out laughing at Jimin's remarks, assuming he liked it.

"I have two with Namjoon and Jin but I'll show those to you later so you don't die," Yoongi chuckled, carefully grabbing his laptop and placing it on the cushion next to him. He then turned to face Jimin, a small smile adorning his features as a blush creeped onto his cheeks.

"I'm not that good Chimchim." Jimin scoffed.

"No you aren't," Yoongi's expression morphed into one of confusion. "You're fucking amazing Yoongi. Your rapping is too," he added, basically as an afterthought. Yoongi blushed even harder, hiding his face in his hands. Jimin carefully reached up and pulled his hands away from the elder's face, interlacing their fingers as he placed his forehead on Yoongi's.

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