9. Hangovers Hurt

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     Yoongi woke up to the sound of groaning. His head hurt slightly and his arm was aching, but besides that he felt no side effects of the previous night. However, it was the complete opposite of the groaning Jimin beside him. Jimin couldn't open his eyes without his pounding headache worsening until it felt like his skull was splitting. Any noise sounded like it was played through concert speakers, and all lights felt as though he was starring at the sun from two feet away. He curled himself into a ball and whimpered, his hands clutching his hair. He felt someone smack his leg, and he groaned again.

"Can't hold your liquor Jiminnie?" Yoongi chuckled, causing the younger to groan again.

"Fuck off," he mumbled, not moving from his position.

" Hangovers hurt," he chuckled, before asking the general living room, "Is anyone else awake and functioning?" He turned and faced the direction Namjoon's soft voice came from as the younger began to speak.

"I am. It's just you and me bud. The rest of these kids, and Jinnie, are lightweights." Yoongi laughed, reaching his hand out in search of Namjoon.

"You wanna help? Last time I walked when there were things on the floor I broke my collarbone, and I want food and pain pills." Namjoon chuckled lightly and grabbed the elder's hand, helping him up. He then guided him past the groaning or unconscious bodies, bringing him to the kitchen.

"You want me to make you breakfast?" Yoongi nodded, bowing his head and rubbing his temple.

"Did Jimin and I actually kiss last night? Or was I more drunk than I thought?" Namjoon laughed and proceeded to make them eggs and bacon.

"Nah, y'all kissed. Hobi has a video of it actually. He has a video of Jimin confessing that he liked you which leads into the kiss scene. It was all quite humorous to say the least." Jimin groaned from the floor, not enjoying the elders' conversation. Namjoon rolled his eyes at the younger, turning back to Yoongi and lowering his voice. "Look, I know you like him," Yoongi blushed bright red, "and clearly he likes you too. I say go for it." Yoongi hid his face behind his hand.

"Can you just grab my pain pills please? My arm is in pain," Yoongi muttered, trying to redirect the conversation.

"We're talking about this later. Hey, Jimin!" Namjoon called, causing the younger to groan again. "Get off the damn floor and grab Yoongi's pain pills, alright?"

"Fine," Jimin muttered, slowly getting himself up from the floor and rushing to the bathroom from the sudden wave of nausea he felt.

"Well Jimin just sprinted to the bathroom to, I assume, puke, so it might be a little before you get your pills." Yoongi sighed, looking at Namjoon.

"Can you just go get them please?" Yoongi asked practically begging. Namjoon sighed and after he plated three servings of breakfast, one for Yoongi, one for himself, and one for Jin, and handed Yoongi's his, he walked to the bathroom to retrieve the medication.

Namjoon chuckled when he saw Jimin leaning over the toilet. The poor boy was sweaty and pale and looked all and all like shit. Jimin looked up at Namjoon and sighed.

"What's up?" He whispered out. Namjoon just chuckled lightly and grabbed Yoongi's pills off the counter.

"So, you and Yoongi, huh?" Jimin shook his head.

"Hyung, please, let me sleep this off before we have that discussion. I don't want to say something I'll regret." Namjoon nodded at the boy's integrity and started walking out before he peaked his head back in.

"After I eat and feed the elderly I'll help you with that nasty hangover." Jimin nodded gratefully as he felt the contents of his stomach try to exit his system. Namjoon walked out and handed the bottle to Yoongi, who thanked him before taking the required dosage.

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