15. Here We Are

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((unedited cuz i'm a busy piece of trash))

     Jimin loved that his boss gave him time off of work after the incident. He and Hani were both practically forced into a vacation and were told that he would pay them regularly for a week or two, and even help pitch in for any needed therapy. Jimin deemed that a week off would be good for him, and planned on meeting Hoseok the day after the hold up to assure him he was okay. So Jimin slid on his best pair of jeans and a thick sweater, trying to keep the cold out. He slowly trudged through the streets, wishing he had brought another coat, when he heard someone yelling down the way. His head snapped up and and his eyes widened as he watched Hoseok come thundering towards him. He managed to catch the elder as his breath escaped his lungs.

"Jiminnie, Jiminnie, Park Jimin you scared me and when I heard about what happened I didn't know what to do and-" Jimin shushed him as the elder cried against his shoulder.

"I'm fine though Hobi hyung, everything is fine," he said, smiling softly at the elder. The two went out to eat, Hoseok paying for everything because "you could've died on me and you bought our last meal- how horrible would that be!" Jimin didn't mind being doted on, he actually enjoyed it quite a bit. It was nice, being taken care of, but Jimin knew that he wouldn't be able to handle the situation for much longer than a few hours- he always felt taken care of but he wanted to be independent for as long as he could remember. Without a family to go home to, the foster workers always trying to take care of him his teachers who pitied him, basically everyone in his life was trying to take care of him. And Jimin didn't like that.

It was one of the reasons he liked Yoongi so much. Yoongi and him felt like equals, and even though he used the honorifics, Jimin didn't feel like he was trapped in a hyung - dongsaeng relationship. Jimin really loved that part about the elder, how he was never condescending and only flaunted his age to get Jimin to do something for him - which he happily did anyway.

Jimin found himself wondering what to do as he walked home, whether or not he should try and define him and Yoongi as something more than just friends. Deciding that he really did want them to be more than just friends, he spent the remaining time on his walk home debating just how to approach the topic. He honestly had no idea how, but with the elder accepting his presence with what seemed to be genuine happiness made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. His grumpy yet sweet hyung, the one he cared so much about, actually accepting his affection made his heart sing. Whenever he was with the elder, he felt his stomach do somersaults as the heavens sang, a feeling of home flooding his veins. Going from never having a home to feeling like this whenever he was in Yoongi's presence made his life seem less dismal. Even with the freezing wind nipping at his exposed skin, he couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off of his face. That's when Jimin was absolutely certain that he was capital F fucked.

Honestly, he didn't even mind.


Yoongi was curled up under a blanket when Jimin got back, headphones in as he sipped a cup of hot chocolate. Jimin laughed softly at the sight, toeing of his shoes and slowly making his way into the living room, tapping Yoongi's knee gently. The elder reached towards his headphones and followed the cord until he found the mic and pinched it between his slim fingers, effectively pausing whatever was playing in his ears. Sliding the little nub out of his ear, he tilted his head up, a small smile on his face.

"Hey Chim, how's Hope doing?" Jimin smiled a blinding smile.

"He's good, a little panicked and really relieved. But he's pretty good, although his eomma is demanding me back over 'cause of what happened." Yoongi chuckled lightly.

"Well, I'm the same Minnie. So when are you going to his eomma's?" Jimin plopped down on the couch in a dramatic fashion but careful enough to prevent Yoongi from spilling his drink.

"This weekend, you wanna come hyung?" Yoongi tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, but before you answer that, and yes I'm basically inviting you to meet my pseudo parents, who was over? You have hot chocolate, or was that deemed acceptable?" Yoongi laughed.

"Nah, Joon was over here earlier, helped me get a book on my phone, which is what I was listening to. He asked if I wanted anything so I made that bitch make me a hot chocolate." It was Jimin's turn to laugh loudly, bubbling up from his stomach. Yoongi cracked a grin.

"Anyway, what's this about meeting your almost parents?" Jimin smiled at him and lightly placed his hand on his knee.

"C'mon, it'll be fun I swear. I'll meet yours too I promise." Yoongi could hear the pout in Jimin's voice, so he rolled his eyes and huffed out a 'fine'. Jimin smiled happily, quickly moving Yoongi's drink to the table before he threw himself on top of him.

"Thank you hyung," Jimin said into his now healed clavicle. Yoongi smiled and nuzzeled his nose into Jimin's soft hair.

"Hey, Jimin?" Yoongi asked hesitantly, his lips brushing against the crown of his head as he spoke.

"Yeah hyung?" Jimin replied quietly, shifting slightly so that he could see the elder's face, silently observing the troubled yet shy look on his face.

"I, uh, I have something I wanna show you." Jimin nodded against Yoongi's chest, watching as he handed over his phone and headphones. "It's the track called, um, The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, and I, uh, want you to listen to it." By the time he finished his face was flushed a deep red.

"Are you certain?" Jimin asked, pulling up the tracks and putting in the headphones. Yoongi just nodded. Jimin shrugged and pressed play, once again in awe immediately. Jimin didn't know how to react to the genius flowing through his ears. All too soon the music faded out, Jimin sitting in silent awe.

"So, um, what did you think?" Yoongi said, his voice tight. Jimin stared at him amazed.

"Hyung," he said, his voice portraying just how wide his grin was, his eyes almost completely disappearing. "You never cease to amaze me hyung." Yoongi smiled at him.

"Really? You liked it?" Jimin nodded, pressing a kiss to Yoongi's cheek.

"Of course, but not as much as I like you." Yoongi blushed and hid his face behind his hands, mumbling something. Jimin had a guess of what it was, but whoever said Park Jimin wasn't an asshole was wrong.

"What was that hyung?" He said in a cheeky voice, a shit eating grin on his face. Yoongi sighed heavily, refusing to remove his hands.

"Will, um, will you be my, er, my boyfriend?" Jimin lightly grabbed the elder's hands and brought them down from his face. He then leaned in and planted a sweet kiss to the elder's lips.

"Yes hyung. Absolutely." Yoongi smiled bigger than Jimin had ever seen.

"Good. Now kiss me again." Jimin laughed but complied with his demand anyway, their kisses sweet and loving like their budding relationship.


Hey so yeah. You may think this is sudden but this is literally how I've had it planned since the beginning. But yeah, here we are, the first work ever completed on my profile.
I want to say thank you for sticking with this story, my fluff ball baby, and thank you for actually reading what I wrote. Thank you for being patient, and thank you for the support.
I love you guys a shit ton.
Peace out blood scouts.

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for the epilogue and the alt. ending that could never actually happen but goddamnit I love fluff.

Thank a veteran today, whenever you read this. Do it always. :)

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