2. See Me in Color

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Yoongi pulled Jimin through the door of his apartment building to be greeted by the doorman. "Good morning Yoongi. Who is this?" Yoongi let go of Jimin's hand and retracted his cane, turning to face the doorman.

"'Morning Esteban. This is Park Jimin. Feel free to let him in whenever he shows up in the future." Esteban nodded, winking at Jimin, making the younger blush.

"Of course. Have a nice day both of you." Yoongi smiled at him before leading Jimin through the beautiful lobby and to the elevator. Jimin was amazed by the beauty of the apartment building that looked to be a five star hotel originally and to cost millions to rent each month. He found himself scanning over everything numerous times, wonder how rich Yoongi had to be. Eventually his eyes landed on the elder whose head was bowed and eyes were closed. His white bangs shielded the majority of his face from view, but Jimin was still able to see the small smile on his hyung's lips. His black earnings stood out from his milky white skin and even whiter hair. He then let his eyes scan over Yoongi's slim body, first looking at his oversized white t-shirt that exposed his prominent collarbones, then his ripped light washed skinny jeans that perfectly suited his legs, and his beat up red converse. He had a chain bracelet on his right wrist, a bunch of other bracelets on his left wrist, a ring on his right ring finger, and a leather cord that carried some sort of charm or something  that was hidden under his shirt strung around his neck.

"Like the view?" Yoongi chuckled, snapping Jimin out of his thoughts and causing his cheeks to heat up. Jimin instantly looked away, avoiding looking at the elder until they exited the elevator together. Yoongi led Jimin to the last door in the hallway, where he struggled to get the key in the lock properly. Sighing heavily and slumping in defeat, Yoongi extended his hand towards his companion, the key resting in his palm. Jimin carefully took it and unlocked the door, handing back to the elder who nodded a thank you. He put the key in a small bucket next to the door, put his wallet on the same small shelf, and hung his cane by the strap on the hook by the door. He then gestured Jimin into the house, opening the door wider and hoping the younger hadn't entered yet so he wouldn't look like an idiot. Jimin rushed into the house, stopping in his tracks when he saw just how beautiful and expensive it looked.

"If you don't mind, please take your shoes off. But please make sure they're on the mat and are furthest away from the door. The label says 'guest' in Braille, if you were wondering. I got it as a moving present." Jimin complied to the request, placing his shoes in the dictated area as Yoongi put his back into their proper spot. Standing and stretching, Yoongi led Jimin into the kitchen, pulling a stool out for him to sit in. "I hope you like chicken sandwiches because no one will let me actually cook anything, the bitches, and I invited you over so I'm not gonna make you make your own food." Jimin chuckled at the elder's words, watching as Yoongi rushed around the kitchen preparing their sandwiches.

"I actually love chicken sandwiches. Anyway, don't worry about it, I'd be cooking ramen if I were at home." Yoongi turned around to face him with a dead serious expression on his face.

"They won't even let me make that. I'm supposed to bother my neighbor if I want ramen, microwaveable ramen. It's ridiculous, I'm not some helpless child," he muttered, turning back to the task at hand. "I actually can handle myself. I'm not some fragile flower. I have too much swag for that." Jimin lost it, laughing so hard that tears began forming in his eyes. Yoongi laughed quietly in response to Jimin's loud witch cackle, grabbing two plates out of the cabinet overhead and placing the sandwiches there. He slid a plate in front of Jimin, placing his own the stool next to him. "Do you want a drink or anything?" Jimin politely declined, making Yoongi smile slightly at the younger and take his seat next to him. They ate in peace until Yoongi was about half way done with his sandwich when he broke the comfortable silence.

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