14. 4 AM Fears

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Jimin smiled as Jihun finally pulled back, keeping a hold on Yoongi's biceps and smiling up at him. Yoongi's gummy smile refused to leave his face. Jimin felt himself glowing with happiness because of this, giddy as all could be. Jimin had barely seen Yoongi so happy and seeing him like this made his heart soar.

"I never thought I'd see you again hyung! How've you been?" Yoongi shrugged.

"I've been pretty good, making music, busting RapMon's chops, the usual composer life. What about you kid? What've you been up to?" Jihun smiled at him, telling Yoongi everything from his failed attempts at basketball to his college experience and how he managed to get here. Yoongi nodded along happily taking in the new information. Jimin allowed himself to check his phone, noticing how it was already past his usual lunch.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but I'm starving. Do you guys want anything? I forgot to grab our lunches off the counter hyung so if you want take out then I'll go grab some." Jihun handed Jimin some money and the composers gave Jimin their orders, Yoongi handing Jimin his entire wallet (which the younger didn't take out of his back pocket until he got back to the studio).

"So, are you two a couple?" Jihun asked casually as they began to settle and start working.

"Jihun!" Yoongi exclaimed, his cheeks flaring.

"Ah I get it hyung. You wanna be but you haven't asked him yet. I see I see." Jihun continued to grin on him.

"Actually that's one of the things I need your help on you ass. Look, I have this song..." and the two began  to work.

Jimin came back half an hour later, laughing as he noticed just how submerged in work the two boys were. He placed Jihun's meal in front of him, earning him a quiet "Thanks" from the younger. He then slid off one of Yoongi's headphones partially, whispering a small "eat" into his ear before replacing the headphone, placing the chopsticks into his hand. Yoongi smiled at him and began to inhale his meal, pausing now and then to capture an idea.

Jimin happily sat in the studio until his boss called, asking if he was able to pick up one of his coworkers shifts- they had come down with some sort of a stomach bug. Jimin happily accepted and left the studio, quickly telling Jihun where he was going just in case Yoongi wanted to go home before he came back. Jimin finally made his way to work, happily greeting his boss and getting to work.

It had been a decently normal day, pretty busy but it was expected with the time of year, and Jimin found he had no time to stop and think. It's why he liked the work as a barista - he could finish up school (online of course, it was cheaper) and work, but while he was actually working he didn't have time to worry about courses or anything. When he was a barista, he was a barista, and he loved it.

Jimin was in the back room of the little coffee shop when he heard yelling coming from the front. He was about to investigate the commotion when he heard someone scream, stopping him in his tracks. He instantly hit the floor and hid behind the couch, his hands shaking as he heard the voices outside begin to demand money. He slowly slid his phone out, opening his messaging app with trembling hands. He quickly sent a text to Yoongi before he phoned the police, whispering about how he wasn't sure but believed the shop was being held up. He heard footsteps hurriedly approach the room he was in and he ended the call deleting it from his call history before he opened the messaging app again.

To: Yoongi <3 ; 16:47
I'm sorry I'm texting you but I just wanted to let you know I care about you a lot

To: Yoongi <3 ; 16:53
I'm really scared but I just wanted you to know that if anything happens I'll miss you.
I don't know what love is Yoongi but I know I'm falling for you.
I hope I get to see you again, I really wanna hear your voice again.
Oh god I'm so scared.
Tell my family I love them.

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