13. New Intern but Old Feelings

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     Yoongi crawled out of bed, rubbing his sleep deprived eyes. He hadn't been able to sleep well, and he had finally given up when he heard Jimin moving around the kitchen. He quickly got dressed, black skinny jeans adorning his legs, a simple white shirt under a jean jacket and his hair hidden under a hat. He slid into the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar, waiting for Jimin to notice him.

"Oh hey hyung! You're up early. I didn't wake you, did I?" Yoongi shook his head, listening to Jimin bustle around the kitchen. "What do you want to eat?" Yoongi began to shake his head when Jimin cut him off. "You're eating hyung. I don't care what, but you're eating something. I'm not gonna let you wither away to nothing just because you're stressed! At least eat an apple," he finished in a softer voice. Yoongi sighed and nodded stretching out his hand. Jimin placed an apple in it, wrapping his hyung's fingers around the fruit and pushing it towards him, watching him take a bite out of the corner of his eye. "Is Namjoon hyung picking you up?"

"Yeah, says he wants to be there to meet the new kid and help with the project I'm stuck on." Jimin nodded, smiling brightly.

"Well, I'm sure it'll all be great! And I'm sure the new kid will love you!" Yoongi smiled softly at Jimin, continuing to eat his apple. "When will hyung be here?" Yoongi thought for a second.

"He never said. But probably now-" he was cut off by a knock at the door. "I'm gonna guess that's him."

"How're you so good at this hyung?" Jimin asked as he jogged over to the door. Yoongi just chuckled at him. Jimin sighed and opened the door revealing a flushed tired Namjoon.

"Hey, Namjoon hyung, are you okay? You look really tired and pretty awful, no offense. Come in come in." Namjoon followed Jimin inside and listened to him as he made him sit down, placing his hand to his forehead. "Hyung, you're burning up! Why are you even out of bed?!" Namjoon coughed and sniffled before he answered.

"I told Yoongi hyung that I'd come with him today," he said in a scratchy and painful voice.

"I can go with Yoongi hyung if you go and rest, as long as that's okay with you?" Yoongi smiled and nodded at Jimin, not minding either's company as long as one of them went with him.

"You sure Yoongi? What about the project?" Yoongi just shrugged.

"He was gonna find out eventually, might as well be now." Jimin looked between the two confused, but they ignored him.

"If Jimin's going with you then I am going home and sleeping. See you later," Namjoon said, gathering his things and waving as he exited the apartment. Jimin hurriedly rushed throughout the apartment, making sure he was appropriately dressed, or at least as close as he could come. He had on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans and a sweater, his hair styled and huge glasses on his nose. He ran over to Yoongi after five minutes, completely out of breath.

"You good to go?" Yoongi nodded, reaching out and latching his hand onto the younger's bicep. Jimin blushed slightly and led Yoongi out of the apartment, the rhythmic tapping of Yoongi's cane the only thing breaking the comfortable silence. As they stood in the elevator, Jimin picked up on Yoongi's anxious vibe that was flooding off of him like a tsunami. He carefully slid his hand off his arm, not missing the disappointment spelt out on his face, and linked their hands together. The disappointment evaporated from the elder's face like a morning fog in the strong July sun, happiness replacing it. Jimin smiled softly back, leading Yoongi to his work.

Jimin sat in a spiny chair next to Yoongi, their hands tightly clasped as Yoongi worked on his rap. Never Mind had almost been fully completely, the beat needing a few polishing points and Yoongi actually needed to record the rap, but he was waiting for the intern to show up so that he could show him how it was done. He was currently working on The Most Beautiful Moment in Life, the rap he was going to use to ask Jimin to be his boyfriend. His headphones were almost completely soundproof, so the only way he knew Jimin was there was the hand held firmly in his own. Meanwhile, Jimin played on his phone and texted Hoseok, promising that he'd get them all to hang out again soon. The quiet knocking on the door broke him out of his thoughts and he looked over at Yoongi who was still absorbed in his work.

"Come in!" Jimin said cheerfully, and watched as a smaller boy walked into the room. He had long blond hair and a huge black sweater on on top of a pair of light jeans. He played with his sleeves subconsciously, probably a nervous habit, and when he looked up, Jimin saw a smaller and shyer version of his beloved Yoongi. Jimin squeezed the the elder's hand in attempts to get his attention, Yoongi only hummed in response.

"Hi! You must be the famous 'Woozi'! I'm Jimin, and this is Suga," he said, waving around the elder's hand. Yoongi looked at him annoyed, sliding his headphones off.

"Really Chim? Are you bored?"

"Nope, but Woozi is here." Yoongi swung his chair around, dropping Jimin's hand to do so. However the younger instantly grabbed it again once he himself had turned to fully face Jihun, whose eyes widened with recognition.

"Hey Woozi. As you know, I'm Suga, but honestly, feel free to call me Yoongi." Jihun couldn't contain his gasp, excitement filling his features.

"Yoongi hyung? Is that really you?" Yoongi stiffened, and Jimin gently ran his thumb on the back of his hand.

"Lee Jihun?" The youngest nodded, before he spit out a quick "yes."

"Jimin, help me up please." Jimin complied and helped the elder up, dropping his hand as Yoongi brushed off his pants. Jimin watched as Yoongi opened his arms and Jihun ran into them, holding each other tight. He slid out his phone and silently captured a picture, sending, it to Namjoon.

From: Namjoon Hyung, 09:46
Well, that went better than expected. Keep up the good work Jiminie. I'm going back to bed. Keep me updated.

Jimin smiled.

Guess who's back bitches.
Aka sorry I haven't updated in a month, a typical case of writers block and more interest in my other stories. Anyway, there should be less than five chapters till the end including the epilogue as a chapter, so we're close!
Also the Save Me mv has murdered me k bye.
Gtg do homework, figure out Spanish. Peace out fam!

*dabs out*

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