Secret Engagement

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Erin walked into work. "Good Morning Sergeant." Erin said.
"Erin." Platt responded.
Erin walked up the stairs, and soon can to her desk. She sat down for a millisecond before Jay called her over.
"So," Jay started, "I was thinking."
"Oh, you were thinking! Its good to know you do that!" Erin stated sarcastically and then smiled.
"Double date, me, you, Gabby Dawson, and Matt Casey." Jay kind of ordered in a question kind of way.
"I don't know, will there be thinking involved?" She asked.
"I don't believe so." He responded.
"Good, that way your head doesn't hurt while we are there." She smiled.
"Ha ha, you're so funny!" He said as she walked back over to her desk as she noticed Voight walking in. He had that look. The look where a child was murdered. Except it wasn't a child, it was a family, but the only person who had lived was a girl, a daughter, an orphan now.
Her parents had died, and her brothers too. She had no one. She was alone.
Voight told everyone, and they went to the crime scene. They, being Lindsay and Halstead.
"Can you tell us what happened?" Lindsay asked the 6 year old girl. "Its okay, were here to help."
"Mommy and Daddy answered the door, then there was loud noises, and they wouldn't answer when Mike and Jon (her brothers) called for them. I hid under my bed like they told..." She sniffed and then continued, "me to. When are they coming home?" She asked.
Erin turned around and said to Jay, "I'll be right back.
Erin stood on her feet. Her legs hurt from kneeling so long. She walked into the alley and leaned up against the brick house. Tears fell down her face, she wiped her eyes. This girl, she's all alone and she doesn't even know it. She's only 6. Erin yelled at herself in her thoughts. "Erin, you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine Jay. I'm fine." She wiped her eyes again, and then walked towards him. "Did you tell her?"
"That her parents weren't coming home? Yeah." Jay said sadly.
Erin then saw the girl sitting on the porch steps crying. "Hey, come here." Erin said pulling the girl into a hug. "Do wanna hang out with me today?" She asked kindfully.
"Can we get ice cream?" She asked, while sniffling and rubbing her eyes.
"We could get lots of ice cream," Jay said, "I bet we could get sprinkles and everything on it. But we have to get going." He said reassuringly.
"Okay," both the girl and Erin stated.
"So what's your name?" The girl asked Erin and Jay.
"My name is Erin, and this is Jay. What is your name?"
"I'm Lucy."
"That's a wonderful name. It means light. Did you know that?"
"No, but I know that my name is Lucy!" She said, then giggled.

They ate ice cream, and then they had a case to solve. They dropped her off at a daycare, the one she was supposed to go to before her parents and brothers were killed.

"So, it turns out that the husband was cheating on his wife. A woman that he was secretly engaged to. Sara Goulini, she works at...." Antonio looked at the paper, "what's coincidence, A GUN SHOP!"
"There is our prime suspect." Atwater stated what everyone else was thinking. "Let's go pick her up."

Investigation room:

"Why did you kill him?" Jay asked, even though he knew the reason.
"I, I killed him because...because he lied to me. I killed his wife because she was cheating in him anyway. And their children because no one needs two more of those 'spawns'." Sara said laughing.
"So you admit to it?"
"You do realize, they had a daughter. She was hiding under her bed at the time. So there will be one 'spawn'." He slammed his hand wall as he walked out.

"Jay, can I talk to you?" Erin asked and pulled him into another room.
"What's up?"
"I want to foster her. At least until they can find her a family."
" can't. But if you do...I'll fully support you."
"Thanks Jay." She looked around, then kissed him.
"You know its not a secret anymore."
"Yup." She said, then walked out. She was going to foster Lucy. And she was going to do what Voight did for her. At least as long as she could. She was going to give Lucy a life worth living, now that her family was dead.

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