Real World

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Jay sat in the Janitor's closet for a minute; he wasn't sure if he should stay in there, or if he should go out. Erin had left him, for good this time. Jay was furious, at himself. He clenched his fist, then punched the wall, creating a giant fist-shaped dent.

Stupid. Idiotic. Jerk. Selfish. Jay thought about all the things he was, at that moment, and realized that he's always been that way. Erin was right, about Jay, anyways. He doesn't know when to shut up, but if he never said that to her, then their relationship would be, some what, a lie. All a lie. If it wasn't a lie, then it was a secret.

Erin and Jay were, and have been fighting a battle, a battle against hatred and heartbreak. Yet, it seems they always lose. But you can't pave a good relationship without a couple heartbreaks, so maybe, just maybe, this was supposed to happen. Maybe this was so they could move on, and find new people. Or maybe they just needed space.

Heartbroken, Jay exited the closet and headed towards his desk, passing Erin as she sat at her desk and tried to hold her tears in. He stopped and said five words, "It's okay, you can cry." Then he continued on his route towards his desk. After he said that, Erin bursted into tears. When Antonio saw her, he walked over to her and comforted her.

"What's wrong, Lindsay?" Antonio asked politely, hugging her.

"I'm okay. It's all okay." Erin sobbed.

"If it was okay, then I wouldn't be asking, come on, you can tell me."

"Jay and I----we..." Erin started, "we broke up. This one is for real..." She stated as she finished her sentence.

Antonio stood up, he had been kneeling while he was hugging Erin. He walked over to Jay's desk and asked him what happened. So, Jay explained the whole ordeal.

As Jay finished, Antonio now knew everything between them, all their circles, all of their fights. He knew everything, and so he decided he was going to try and get them back together.

Antonio sent Erin and Jay both a message.

K-Nap S-clark St

Both Erin and Jay looked at their phones and knew exactly what it meant. They deciphered it, and it meant that he was getting kidnapped on South Clark Street.

Quickly, they rushed over to South Clark Street, and saw a sign. It read: This way.

Erin and Jay stopped for a moment, and pondered if it was a trap, because they didn't know that this was Antonio's set up.

Unknowingly, they continued into a building, that had signs leading to a room on the 5th floor. Inside the room, was candles, and flowers, and everything to make it romantic. When they entered the room, they automatically knew what was going on.

"ANTONIO!? Where are you?" Jay called out.

"I'm okay. two," he pointed at them as he walked out of the bathroom that was connected to the room they were in, " two aren't." He stated.

"Antonio...." Erin blurted out, "we don't need your help. We're grown ups, not children."

"Yeah, and you guys have been real mature this week, haven't you?" Antonio asked, rhetorically. "You guys are going to stay here until you work things out...or I'll make you stay. We need you guys, and you're stronger as a couple, Voight may not like it, but he knows that it's the truth, so just...just work it out."

As Antonio left, Jay sat down on the couch; Erin did the same. "Erin, I love you, I do, but..."

"But what, Jay? You can't love me if you don't trust me."

"I do. I do trust you. I trust you, and I love you, and I forgive you, and I hope you can do the same."

"What did I do? Did I do something wrong? I don't need your forgiveness." Erin shouted.

"That's not the point. I just hope that you realize that we both have done wrong in this relationship, it's not just me, or not just you. It's both of us...."

"When I left you, alone, in that closet, I know you weren't the only one mad. I know you were mad at me, and so was I. I was mad at me too. I hate myself for stringing you along. I hate myself for stringing myself along. I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for all of this. I'm sorry. I forgive you."

"I love you. I mean it. I love you. I trust you. I want I don't want you." He paused. "I need you. But we can't keep going in circles. I have to know one thing. That in the end, this'll all work out, that we will be together, now and forever. And that when we get old..." He was interrupted by Erin.

"When we get old, we will have children, and we will meet our grandchildren, and we will die together, and we will still be crazy for each other. In the end, I know one thing, I'll never forget you." Erin stated.

"How could you forget me. I'm memorable, lovable, adorable, and cute...I'm the full package!" He chuckled and then leaned in for a kiss; Erin did the same. And they kissed. A real kiss. A definite kiss. A sealing kiss. A loving kiss. Their kiss. Their love. Real love. True love.

"Erin, I do have to tell you something..." Jay stated, "I know that the last time we were engaged, we were scolded by Voight, and I just, I really need to get this out. We need to forget about everyone. We always do everything for the best interest in everyone else, and not us. We need to do things for us. To let others judge us, but to not judge ourselves."

"So what are you saying?" Erin asked, confused.

"I don't think we should tell anyone about this. I think we should elope, and then tell them. That way they can't stop us, they can't get us change our minds."

"Then let's do it. Let's go get married." Erin said then grabbed Jay's hand and they left the building to get married.

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