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And so, Erin and Jay kept trying. As thanksgiving approached, they decided to give it a rest. If it were meant happen it would, but if it wasn't, then they'd adopt. Simple as that.

On thanksgiving day

"So, who are we celebrating turkey day with?" Jay asked as he drank his coffee. He sat down at the table in the kitchen.

"We are going over to Ruzek's house. He is cooking dinner. Atwater, and Burgess, his girlfriend are going to be there." Erin responded.

"I know who Burgess is...and you could've have just called them their ship name, Burzek." Jay stated.

"What is a 'ship' name?" Erin was puzzled.

"It's this thing...you combine the two people's names and make it one." Jay explained.

"So what would ours be? Eray?" Erin said sarcastically.

"Eray, really? That's the best you got. I was think more like Halsay. That's a cool one." Jay stated.

"Yeah, sure...anyways, we have dinner at 7, so we'll leave at 6?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

At Dinner.

"So, Adam...what is our ship name?" Erin asked.

"You're ship name?" Ruzek asked.

"Yeah you know, a combi-..."

"I know what a ship name is...your ship name should be...." Adam started.

"Linstead." Kim Burgess blurted out.

"Perfect. I like it." Adam stated.

"Me too!" Both Jay and Erin said in synchronization.

And so they had it...their ship name...

Christmas Eve

"Erin? I was thinking we could open one present tonight...it being Christmas eve and all." Jay pondered out loud.

"Yeah. Why not?" She had a couple gifts for him. A tiny box, shaped like a rectangular prism, a giant cube-like gift, and a card, a gift card to be exact.

Jay also had gifts. A box for jewelry. Another tiny box, and a giant box.

A/N: I know it isn't a lot of gifts, but...I don't have time to list of 20 items each...

"Which one do you want to open?" Jay quizzed.

"The big one." Erin stated, already reaching for it. "How bout you?"

Jay took the card shaped one.

"Open it!" Erin screamed with excitement. For some odd reason, Erin didn't usually like Christmas that much, but this one she was really excited.

Jay opened the card and it was a $25 gift card to Starbucks.

Erin opened her gift, and it was just a box inside a box. When she opened that box inside that box was a ring. Her wedding ring she never got. He had been waiting until he had it engraved with the words "Always and Forever."

"Jay...I---" Erin was emotional, but not enough to make her cry. She didn't like crying in front of people.

"I know. I know. Want to go get Starbucks tomorrow? I have money!" Jay teased.

"Hmm...I dunno...Maybe..." Erin sighed. "I'm off to bed. Come with?" She pulled on his shirt.

"We only said one gift tonight...but I guess we could make it two..."

Christmas morning

"I want you to open this one!" Jay explained, handing her the tiny box. It was a key. "It's a key, to OUR new house."

"Our house? This is our house..."

"This is an apartment, I bought a house. Well I'm buying it, but its ours, and I hope you like it."

"I do...I love it! Now you open this one." She handed him the giant one.

"I love it...I always needed a safe. I need to hide all of my money from you!" He teased as he observed how good quality the safe was. Then found the price tag. "You paid $128 for this!?"


"Okay...well here's your last gift." He passed her the jewelry box. Inside was a necklace that read EL&JH. "Erin Lindsay and..."

"Jay Halstead." Erin finished his sentence. "Jay you've spent a lot of money one me, I feel like I didn't spend enough. The last gift under there was like $8."

"Erin. It's okay. I don't care about that. I care about you. And the world, and me...but mostly you."

"Here. Open it." She said trying to hold her smile in, but at that moment she couldn't be serious so she just let herself smile like an idiot.

Jay carefully pulled the wrapping paper off of the rectangular box. He lifted the lid off of the box and he smiled. He was so joyful that he couldn't even hold his tears of joy in. "This is the best gift in my whole entire life....but I guess we can't get that coffee now!" He was so excited he lifted her up and kissed her. "We're having a baby! Our baby!" Jay shouted, hoping everyone would hear.

This was the best gift anyone, especially Jay could get. Especially after being told it may never happen. But now it was Linstead and their beautiful gift. That gift was a blessing from God. Now they were going to have a baby, but just remember, love comes slow, but it goes by so fast, same with almost anything.

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