Telling People?

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"Are we gonna tell people?" Jay pondered.

"I dunno? Should we wait until the first trimester is over that way there is less a risk of losing the baby?" Erin replied.

"I take that as a yes." Jay claimed.

They walked into the district and soon saw Olinskey walking out.

"Why was Olinskey leaving?" Erin asked.

"He was suspended..." Atwater stated.

"For what?" Jay wondered.

"Halsteads!" Voight yelled, regretting using that last name for Erin. He knew that it kind of sounded like he was approving it or accepting it.

Jay and Erin stepped into his office. "I want you two to go undercover as a married couple."

"But we are a married couple." Erin exclaimed.

"Yeah, but you've got to get close to this Mexican cartel drug dealer. His name is Raphael Guzmán."

"On it. When do we..." Jay started.

"Now! The address has been texted to you. Go!"

As they walked out, Jay worriedly asked Erin, "what if you get hurt or something..."

"By something do you mean baby stuff?"

"Yeah. What should we...?"

"We don't worry about it til it happens, if it even does."

"Yeah, you're right." Jay agreed.

After 3 weeks undercover they finally caught Raphael, and soon they were back home.

"Babe, I'm telling you, not now. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, then we'll talk." Erin exclaimed. They were talking about how they were going to tell people about the baby.

"Alright. But tomorrow..."

"Yes. I know." Erin went to the bathroom. "Jay!?"

"What, are you okay!?" He rushed over to the bathroom, not opening the door.

She pulled open the door. "We need to go."


"The hospital. I'm bleeding." Erin stated already walking towards the door.

"Okay...okay." He said following her.

An hour later

"So, it seems you are fine. You have not miscarried, sometimes that just happens. It's okay, but if it ever happens again, lay down, call me, and most importantly relax. Everything is okay. I know you are stressed but you can't be. For the sake of the child." The doctor informed the couple.

"Do you mind if we do the ultrasound now?" Jay asked politely.

"Sure." They had the ultrasound done quickly and they even heard the heartbeat. Erin was eight and a half weeks pregnant.

"I love you. And I love this baby, and I just can't wait until we get to hold it." Jay told Erin.

"Me too. So, who should we tell first?"

"I thought you wanted to wait."

"We did. Now we don't have to. We are practically done with the first trimester, only 3 weeks left, well three and a half, but..."

"But sure. Let's go. How about we tell everyone at once. We gather them all here for dinner, people we know, we love." Jay exclaimed.

"Let's do this." So they called everyone up and decided they'd have it the next night.

The next night

"And so, time to tell you all the news. The reason we brought you here." Jay started.

"We brought you here because I---" Erin started to finish his sentence, but suddenly had the urge to throw up. "I have to go." She ran to the bathroom.

"I'll be right back." Jay followed her into the bathroom. "You ok? Do you still want to tell them?"

"Yeah, I just...morning sickness..." She stated walking back into the kitchen.

"So where was I?" Erin questioned. "So, I would like to announce that I'm pregnant. And of course it's Jay's."

"What!? Congratulations!" Everyone said, everyone except Voight.

He stood up looking like he was about to beat up Jay. He walked over to Jay. "You got her pregnant?"

Read next part to find out what happens.

Next on Linstead: Voight deals with losing Erin. Jay and Erin start having complications.

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