One Day

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Today is one day for Jay and Erin. Their Wedding Day. Their Day. One Day.

They talked about it once before, that one day they would be together. And it would definitely happen. Who knew they were right?

"Jay, would you like to read your vows?" The preacher asked.

"Yeah, sure. it goes." Jay cleared his throat then began his vows. "Erin Lindsay, I never thought that we would be here one day. I always thought that you were too good for me. And I was right. You ARE too good for me, but for some reason you chose me. You chose to love me. And I didn't choose to love you, it just happened. I saw you, and ultimately knew that I was in love with you. And now, more than ever, I'm happy. I'm happy with you and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the way you make me feel." He finished and then smiled.

"Erin would you read your vows now?" The preacher asked, patiently waiting for her to begin.

"Jay Halstead, I don't know how I ever got so lucky to ever even meet you, but then to date you, I mean, I've got to be the luckiest. And when you proposed to me, I'm sorry we ever broke up, but I think it just made us closer and made us realize we are meant to be together...and..." She paused. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. And I'm so glad that I make you happy, because if your happy I'm happy. You victories are my victories, the same with defeats. I just love you, and I'm so glad that we are here today. Our ONE DAY. I asked you if it would happen, and you promised it would. You promised that one day we would be together, and you kept it, but I don't think that today is one day. I think one day was when we first met; we were in love then, and we still are. More than then. I love you, Jay."

They exchanged rings. "You may now..." But before the preacher could finish, Jay had already pulled Erin into a kiss, her hair swinging across her back as her white dress glistened in the sunlight.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jay Halstead...I love the sound of it..." Erin stated as she kissed Jay, again.

"Me too. But I love you more. Way more." He said, kissing her back.

They got back to Jay's apartment. Jay carried her across the threshold. He wanted to do that right.

"Jay! Put me down. Your so lucky I love you." She said laughing.

"How lucky?" He said, naughtily.

"Ha! Not that lucky, mister!" Erin said, playfully.

"Erin, wait." He said, stopping her from rushing into the bedroom. "I am that lucky. Not talking about sex, but talking about love. I got so lucky to even meet you, like you said, but then when you agreed to date me, in the luckiest man ever."

"Now your extra lucky." She implied, pulling him into the bedroom, then ripping his clothes off.

The next day, after they got married, they went to work. To their day jobs.

"Lindsay, Halstead get in here!" Voight shouted, deafening everyone in earshot.

"Actually, Voight, it isn't Lindsay anymore..." Erin corrected, "It's Halstead. Erin Lindsay-Halstead. But you can call me LH or Halstead 2 or whatever." She knew she would be punished in some way for correcting Hank, but also for getting married without him knowing.

"I think I'll call you Lindsay, because I know....I know you didn't actually get married. Because you aren't irresponsible like that." He protested.

"Voight....We got married. Deal with it." Erin informed.

"Voight, I would've asked you first, but I didn't want you ruining this...but yeah, we did get married." Jay repeated.

"Halstead! Out of my office right now!" Voight had been implying for Jay to leave, but instead, both Jay and Erin left, her being a Halstead now.

"Erin! Get back in here!" Voight snapped.

"If I don't go back in there will it make it worse?" Erin asked Jay, trying to avoid Voight.

"I think you should go..." Jay replied.

Erin sighed then walked into Voight's office. Voight yelled at Erin for a while until the shouting ceased.

"Sounded bad. How'd it go?" Jay smirked.

"Just as it sounded." Erin murmured as she sat down at her desk.

Voight walked out of his office, furiously walking into the break room. He got himself a cup of coffee then walked back into his office.

"Damn..." Jay mumbled. He grabbed his phone and keys and stood up.

"Jay? Where are you going? And why?" Erin quizzed.

"I'm going to get candy. Why? Because I'm stressed, and I've heard that stress eating is....yummy but bad." Jay explained.

Jay left the district and went to the store. He bought some licorice, chocolate, gum, and gummy worms and bears. He was stocked. He pulled out his phone and dialed Erin's number. Erin answered and Jay ordered her to meet him at the apartment. They were going to "Couple Stress Eat."

Even though they kind of, weren't really, stressed.

"Did we really finish all that candy?" Erin asked, licking her lips. Erin pulled Jay into a kiss.

"You taste like chocolate." He stated.

"You taste like sour sugar stuff..." Erin stated, as she gave a sour face. (The gummy worms, were the sour ones...)

"You taste good all the time though...." Jay responded.

"You look good all the time..." Erin laughed.

"I'm sexy and I know it." Jay sang, taking off his shirt.

"You are sexy. But I'm tired. I need a nap." Erin sighed. It was only 4 in the afternoon and Erin was tired. Which was quite unusual for her.

"Okay. Go take a nap." Jay slurred, putting his shirt back on.

I guess I'll just drink some beer and watch TV. Jay thought. Erin laid down and instantly fell asleep. She was super tired and she didn't even work really hard. Erin knew there was something, physically, wrong.

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