Look Me In The Eye

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"Erin. Stop. Come back." Jay had been chasing her all the way to her car. "Voight's right. He needs us, the old us, not the emotional us."
"You agree with him!?" Erin yelled. "Can you say that to me, one more time. I'm wrong? He's right?"
"Maybe not, but not all of us get ten million chances after we screw up. So I need to trust him. Believe him. Because he's my boss. So if you want to 'rebel', go right on ahead. Just don't expect me to be standing beside you." Jay looked away, then looked at his hand, then hers.
"You---...how can you say that!? Look me in the eye. Tell me you don't love me, say it, because I don't believe your doing this for you, I think Voight told you too.
"So you want me to lie? Then, I'll lie. I don't love you. I never did." He looked at her, and then squeezed the ring in his pocket. He was going to propose come nighttime.
"I'm a screw up. I'm a cop, yet somehow, I gave a child to the wrong people. Now they all think I shouldn't be a cop. That I'm not---I'm not good enough." Erin's eyes teared up.
"No. You are perfect. And I, I love you." Jay stated.
"How can you say that. Just after you said you didn't."
"I...I'm sorry. Okay? I'm a screw-up not you. So just come back in and we can sort this out.
"No, there's no place for me in there anymore." Erin stated.
She got in her car and drove to her house. She had sat at her desk and pulled out files on Lucy. She was determined to find Lucy. Determined go save her. No matter what the cost.

That price would lead her down the road to death, despair, and regret.

She had been investigating this case for a week before she finally caught a lead. She followed it, and eventually found Lucy. All that was left, was getting her back.

She gave all of her info to Voight, and then waited for then to gather their things, for they were going to go save Lucy.
They pulled up to the house, and when they got there, there had been three dead bodies. Fake Mrs. Strieb, an unknown man (not fake Mr. Strieb,) and Lucy. All dead, fake Mr. Strieb missing. MIA. Gone. Fugitive.

"Jay. I just really need someone to talk to right now." She told him as she walked into his apartment.
"And I'm that someone. Go ahead talk." He stated.
"I....I'm, I just can't do it anymore. Keep up a brave face, I can't keep looking like I'm fine, when on the inside I hurt. I hurt so bad. I just, I need help." She stated, and then cried.
"Hey....don't cry, I'm here. I'm here." Jay assured her.
"I...I need someone."
"Okay. Thats me. Talk to me."
"I don't want to talk." She sniffled and then kissed him. He kissed her back. As quick as a blink, they were ripping each others clothes off.

I think you get the rest...they have sex, and we will skip that.

"I love you, always will." Jay told Erin then kissed the top of her hair. She was asleep, and that why he was saying it. He stood up and went into the kitchen. He sat down and drank the cup of coffee he had made.

"Hey, I thought you left." Erin came out wearing only Jay's shirt, which Jay obviously wasn't wearing.
"I'm not the type of guy to leave someone like that, especially after a night like THAT...." He smirked and then stood up and walked over to her and pulled her into a kiss.
"Jay. It was just sex. We broke up. It's over. I just needed comforting. And you gave that to me, that's it."
"Erin, that's not all it is. You love me, I know you do. We love each other, we are meant to---"
"NO, we're NOT!" She yelled. "Just sex. That's it. No more."
"If that's it, then I don't want it. I want you."
"No. We're done. Goodbye." She walked out the door. She was starting to cave. She had went to Jay's for some reason, she still loves him. And clearly he still loves her.

Meanwhile, Voight had been tracking down Fake Mr. Strieb and caught him. He was in jail. And Erin wasn't happy. Because she wanted to get him.

Over many days and weeks, Erin's life had been going downhill. Everyone she loves, everyone she cares about had been "betraying" her, hurting her.

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