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"Drew Henry James Halstead, that's perfect." Erin responded to Jay.

By the time they actually settled on this name, she was already nine months, technically, a pregnancy was ten months, so she still had four weeks to go until their baby boy was in the world. The scary world. The new world. The world where Jay and Erin were finally together and happy.

"Drew Henry James Halstead." Jay repeated. "It's perfect."

"Well, you can fascinate yourself with that name, meanwhile, I'll sit in this apartment all day long, being bored."

"Erin, calm yourself. I have a surprise for you...I need you to be calm. As calm as possible."

"I am...so what is this 'surprise'?" Erin asked.

"I thought we should buy a house, you know? Since we are having a kid, I thought we may need a bigger place. You think?" He stated.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Exactly, so I found the perfect place for us, in a good price range, and it's pretty nice and big. Big enough for us..." Jay continued.

"Okay, that's good. Can I see this place?"

"Yeah, right now?" Jay asked.

"Yeah." Erin stated, standing up. It only took 3 minutes, but Erin finally got up and they left to go see the house.

Both Jay and Erin walked into the beautiful brick house and saw the great interior design. Especially the exterior design too. They walked around, looked and decided this was their house.

They exited, put in an offer, and knew for sure that they were getting this house. A week later they were notified that they got the house. They started packing and moving things in. She was due in two weeks now. For the past week though, Jay felt like he was being followed by someone, anyone. He notified Erin so she would be careful, even though she rarely went anywhere, which was good for this stalker. One day, Jay left to go get buy some eggs at the store, in the meantime the stalker, Mikael Manster took control of the house and tied up Erin.

As Jay arrived back at the house, he noticed something was different, something was wrong. He walked into the living room and saw what looked like a man, Mikael, holding a knife to Erin's stomach as she was tied up to a chair.

"You want her to live...or her baby, you're going to do as I say..." Mikael ordered. "You are going to call up your buddy Voight and get him here, don't tell him the situation...then you are going to kill him, or I'll kill this baby, your wife, Voight, then you. And I'm going to make sure you watch it all." He stated.

"Okay...I'll, I'll do it, just put down the knife, you don't need to hurt anyone...Just...." He started.

"Do IT!?" Mikael yelled.

"I AM!" Jay shouted, pulling out his phone. He called Voight and told him to come, without giving anything away. He slowly watched as Mikael looked down at Erin and started whispering things to her. Jay watched closely as Jay pulled his gun out of the holster hidden on his leg. He aimed it at Mikael's head and walked up close. "Put the knife down or I'll shoot you!" Jay ordered. Mikael put the knife down and was arrested by Voight who got there moments later.

Soon enough, Jay realized there was blood oozing out of Erin's stomach, as he was untying her, he called an Ambulance. They took her to Med and Drew was in distress. They tried saving him, and that's all Jay knew. He didn't know if the baby was even going to make, all he knew was that it could die right then, and she could too.

All he could do was wait and pray that both of them would make it, and if not both, then at least one of them.

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