Chapter 16

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Cole's POV

There is no way Isabel could be missing. She's been here all along. I have to find her but I don't know where to look. I've had the guards search the entire kingdom. I will find her. I went and told my parents and they couldn't believe it either. Then I explained what Carly showed me. They had guards go search for her. We went into the throne room to determine the fate of some of the prisoners. I sat on my throne and waited for the guards to get here with the prisoners. Once they came, they both bowed and looked at me.

"Names?", my father asked.

"I'm Alison", the one with golden blonde hair said and she bowed.

We looked at the next one and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.

"Cole. It's me Isabel. You don't have to look for me anymore", she said.


Isabel's POV

The cells were getting full since tomorrow's Cole's coronation and everyone wanted to look their best. About 50-60 people were locked up. And there was only 40 cells. They moved Alison into my cell and we talked for hours. I'm still wondering how the guards haven't figured out I'm the princess. Maybe I look a lot like the common people. I haven't eaten in what feels like a long time. In reality it's only been two days. We were given a blanket so we wouldn't die of being cold. The king wants us alive at least until after Cole's coronation so we won't have long to be alive. I just hope Cole finds me before tomorrow. I bet he hasn't even realized I'm gone yet. I sighed and Alison looked at me with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?", she asked.

"Its just I've been missing for two days and no one has even noticed. I bet you Cole isn't even looking for me. I'm gonna miss his coronation and my own wedding", I replied.

"If he truly loves you, he must be searching everywhere for you. He just doesn't expect you to be here", she said.

"I know. I just hope I can be there for him at his coronation", I said.

"If you're not?", she asked.

"Then I have no chance of getting out of here before our wedding", I said.

"Don't talk like that. He will find you. It just takes time", she said.

We heard footsteps approach the cell and a guard appeared.

"The king wants to see you two", he said unlocking the cell. He put us in chains and led us down the hall and up to the throne room. Before me and Alison were the king, queen and Cole. Wait, Cole?

"Names?", the king asked us.

"My name is Alison", Alison replied. Then she bowed.

"Cole. Its me Isabel. You don't have to search anymore", I said.


Cole's POV

When the second girl said Isabel, I almost fell off my chair. She's here. Was she locked in the dungeon with the others? No that's impossible. I looked at my parents and they were in as much shock as I was.

"What do you want me to do with them your highness", the guard asked.

"Leave the girl with brown hair here. Take the other back to her cell", my father said.

"No", the blonde hair said.

The guard took her away and I looked at Isabel.

"Cole. What's going on here?", a soft voice asked.

I turned to look to see who it was and it was Isabel. Or was it? I'm so confused.

"Isabel?", I asked.

"Yes Cole. It's me. She's an imposter", Isabel said.

I heard the Isabel that was in chains laugh.

"Don't believe her. I'm the real Isabel", she said.

"Stop. Until we figure this out, the Isabel that isn't in chains is coming with me. The one that is, you're staying in a room down the hall from us. You're welcome to get cleaned up and you can come to the coronation tomorrow. After that, we'll get this figured out. Now it's getting late. We should go to bed", I said.

I took Isabel's hand and took her up to the room. This is all so confusing. There's no way she could be the real Isabel. If she is, I'm making a big mistake. I put on my pajamas and climbed into bed. Letting the day drift away.

So the real Isabel is free. What do you think will happen in the next chapter? Comment and vote. See you in the next chapter.

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