Chapter 11: Breaking the walls down

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{A/N Hey guys:) I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!! Make sure to vote by hitting the star! Also I'd appreciate it if you'd check out my other book, 'The Bad Boy vs The Badass' I love you guys!}
Q- Did any of you guys go Black Friday shopping? I know I did:) Let's just say I went ham at the store 'PINK' :P Also I bought a leather jacket!!
Picture: The picture is of Nova and Caleb out and having a good time! *hint the title:P*

I hopped on the bike behind Caleb and I was utterly confused. "What now?" I asked Caleb.

"Here, put this on." Caleb said handing me a black helmet. I put it on and dang it felt like I was suffocating. He grabbed my hand and wrapped them around his torso causing him to tense up.

Wow, this boy has some abs.

"Like what you're feeling?" Caleb chuckled. Oh crap!! I said that out loud!! "Uhm... just pretend I didn't say that.." I whispered. Caleb chuckled, "Okay sweet cheeks."

"Oh by the way, where are we going?" I asked. "Oh just wait. You'll find out, it's a surprise." Caleb said smirking. Oh great, I thought to myself.

As we flew down the street it felt amazing. It felt like I was flying. I had a adrenaline rush and it finally felt like I was free. I never want this feeling to stop.

We pulled up to this field surrounded by woods. I think we're in the middle of no where. The field is filled with sunflowers and wild flowers. It was so beautiful. If you walk at the edge of the field, there's this big dock and a huge pond. The sun was setting, the wind was blowing through my hair and the pond was reflecting the sun looking like its glowing. Wow, I've never saw something more beautiful. I felt a presence by me, I looked over and saw it was Caleb. "It's so beautiful." I told Caleb.

"Yes, it is so beautiful." Caleb said not even bothering to look at the pond and field, his eyes were on me. I felt my cheeks heat up and I was blushing. Great. "You know Nova, I love the effect I have on you, I can make you blush anytime." Caleb told me. "Wow, what a way to ruin he moment. Oh and by the way you don't have a effect on me." I told him.

"How did you find his place?" I asked Caleb. As soon as I asked, he tensed. "Oh uhm.. my dad showed me this place." He whispered. His dad. I've never met his dad, he wasn't there the day I came over.. and accidentally fell asleep.

"Oh your dad! Tell me about him! I didn't get a chance to meet him yet.." I said. "Well you didn't get to meet my dad is because he's dead." He spat out.

"Oh my god Caleb.. I'm so sorry I didn't mean t-" I was cut off my Caleb, "It's okay Nova, you didn't know." He said giving me a sad smile. "Do you mind if I ask if you could tell me about him?" I asked Caleb in a soft, friendly tone.

"Oh of course. Well my dad is part German and part Italian. He came to America when he was a kid with his parents. He stayed moved to South Carolina for collage and that's where he met my mother. He told me 'it was love at first site.' Before he died, I always remembered he'd come home with flowers and after dinner when my mom was doing the dishes, he'd turn in music and swoop her off her feet. They'd dance for at least an hour, in each other's arms. He's my role model, I still look up I him. On a very cold night on January 20th, he went out to the store just to get junk food for my mom because she was 4 months pregnant and she had a craving. He treated her like a queen. We noticed he was taking quiet a long time so I went outside to see if he's home yet, I noticed that his car was there but the door was open and no one was in the car. So of course, me being a curious 15 year old, I went over to check it out.. my dad, my dad was in the cold pavement..... and his throat was... sliced.... he got murdered." He choked out, I noticed his eyes were watering. So of course I went to comfort him.

"Do you know who murdered him?" I asked quietly but trying to step above boundaries. "No, but I'm going
to find him and once I do, I'm going to kill him." He said coldly.

"Caleb, is that the reason why you're always cold? Why you sleep around and show no emotion at all? I've never seen you like this. You look vulnerable and I see emotion in your eyes." I said.

"Ever since his death, I had to be the man in the house. I started partying, drinking and smoking. I put up walls and I slept around with girls to relieve my stress and pain. Nova, I don't really know why I'm telling you this but when I'm around you, I feel safe and I feel vulnerable. It feels like you're breaking down my walls and it scares me." By this point, our faces were only centimetres apart. I see his gaze locked in my lips. Kiss me. Please kiss me! No! Why am I thinking this!? I don't want him go kiss me, I don't even like him!! or do I...?

Caleb was leaning in closer and then all of the sudden, his lips crashed down onto mine, leaving me shocked. For a moment j didn't know what to do, but then something switched, I started kissing back. It felt like fireworks were going off and my body was in heat. I felt shivers down my spine and it felt amazing.

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