Chapter 9: Sadness and love

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{A/N Hey lovelies!!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Make sure to hit that star to vote:) How have your ally day been? Mines been wicked!! I just have 1 more day until Thanksgiving break!!}

"W... what t-the hel-" I choked out before turning into a staging son. When I first saw him I got hit with sadness and anger. The only was to let out my emotions was just to sob. I guess my friends heard me so everyone rushed. Before they went to comfort me they just frozen of the sight in front of them. Me on my knees sobbing while Jacob just stood there. He had guilt and pain in his eyes. But no he can't feel pain, he's the one who chose to do all of those things.

     I finally got the courage to stand up and while away my tears. "Jacob, what the hell are you doing here?? I want NOTHING to do with you." I yelled clenching my jaw down. 

   "Nova, please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry baby. I miss you and I just moved back into town. Let me explain everything and hopefully you'll give me a second chance?" He asked me looking into my eyes looking guilty.

   "Why the hell should I give you the audacity to let you explain why you cheated, skipped town and not even telling me why, goodbye. Even a heads up would be nice but no. You're a coward and just left me and everything in this small town. You can't just check in, make me fall head over heels, play me and then just check out and then come back and check in. No you just can't do that. I'm giving you 3 seconds to take your sorry ass out of here or else you'll regret it. You see, my very strong best friends are still angry at you. So I advise you to just leave and never come back." He just stood there shocked at what I said and he wasn't moving.

    "1...." I counted. "Nova please." He said desperately "2....." I shouted. "Okay. Okay Nova. Goodbye, I love you.... I'll never stop giving up on us..." He said then began to walk off and what he just said completely broke me. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door shut and just cried and cried. Everybody was banging in my door to open up but I just ignored them.

      It's currently 3 hours later and I still haven't stopped crying. I keep thinking zo can't cry another year by then tears just stream down my face. I'm physically and emotionally drained and I'm just so tired. No ones left be used zo can hear them outside my door and I can see their shadows. I decided to come out my room but before, I stopped by the mirror to check out myself and I looked hideous. My eyes were so puffy that you could barley see my eye balls, tears were stained in my cheeks, my nose was red from all the snot and my hair looked like a rats nest. I wouldn't be caught dead in public rug now but at the same time j couldn't give a fuck.

    I walked out and immediately I saw everybody  laying down and they looked tired. When they noticed I came out they all jumped to their feet heading towards me. "you guys didn't have to wait for you, you should of left. We have school tomorrow." I said, my voice sounding horseish. "You've got to be kidding me right? Nova, we want to be here for you. That's what friends are for. We're not going to let you go through this alone and screw school. We're not going, we're all staying here and we're all going to give you love and make you happy." Zoe said determined.

   "Thanks guys.... I appreciate it. I love you guys and I don't know what to do without yall.." I said with tears in my eyes. With that,everyone rushed to me, is all in a big group hug. We decided to set up a huge 'bed' in the home theater and just fall asleep to cuddling and Netflix. My day was amazing then I turned horrible but in the end, I had everyone I love and that's all I could ever ask for.

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