Chapter 6: Oh no the f*** you didn't

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Hey guys :) How have y'all been? I'm been great! But I still hate school of course :( but anyways, sorry for that amazing cliff hanger in the recent chapter! muhaaaaa:) I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I love you guys <3 btw again this is UNEDITED

    Oh my gosh... he's awake and his morning voice is sexy as hell. Damn it Nova, snap out of it; I can't think those things. Today is Tuesday.. of crap!! We have school and it's 8:24!!!!

    "Caleb we have school!! Get up!! And please tell me we didn't do anything last night." I screamed at him.

   He chuckled, "Okay sweet cheeks, let me get ready and I guess I'll just give you pair of sweats and a shirt. And trust we sweet cheeks, if we did anything, you'd remember." He then winked at me.

      He walked into his closet and threw me a pair of grey sweats and a black Jack Daniels whiskey shirt. Good thing I had my converse to go with them. I told him to turn around so I can change but he wouldn't budge so I just said oh hell screw it and changed in front of him. "White lace. Interesting." Was all he said while smirking. Ew what a pervert.  I just quickly put my hair into a top knot, brushed my teeth with a spare toothbrush he had and then by 10 minutes later we were out of the house.

    We walked into homeroom laughing and disturbing the class. We handed the teacher our tardy slip and after, for being late she gave us a detention. Great. I walked to where we sat and 'the gang' we're looking at me confused.  Every girl I passed either gave me a dirty look or a discussed look. Probably because I walked in late with Caleb.

  "Hey Caleb, uhm I guess I'll just drop by your house tonight and give you back your clothes..." I said awkwardly.

   "Nahh, it's okay keep them. Anyways, they look hotter on you." He said and oh my gosh I blushes mad hard. He just said I looked hot in his clothes! Stop it Nova!! Bad. I looked down at my phone and it's blowing up from text messages from Zoe, Harry, Kayden, Kayla and Katherine.

What on Earth are you doing with Caleb and why are you wearing his clothes!?

Nova Nicole Smith, I swear to god if he ever laid a hand on you, I will kick his arse. No one touches you. (well besides me when I tickle you but still.)

Omg Nova!! Don't talk to me. Really, with Caleb when he played me and broke my heart :(

Ohhhhhhhh my sis got it on ;) but please tell me he didn't force you?

Nova, what's going on? Are you and Caleb a thing!?!

Oh my gosh, I'm getting so stressed everybody in the whole freaking school will now thing I'm dating Caleb!! I replied to the group chat with:

Me: Guys, NOTHING happened. I promise. I was tutoring him yesterday at his house because he stood me up at the library and we took a break and we played 20 questions. I got sleepy and I don't know what happen but I guess I fell asleep and this morning when I woke up we were cuddling... -.-

I then exited the group message because I bet you they were going to send me multiple messages and interrogate me. Great.
   It came to lunch time and when I walked in I saw Caleb sitting with his group of friends, and can I say they're all the schools other 'bad boys' and stuff like that. A tall, green eyed blonde was sitting on Caleb's lap sucking his face off. Ouch. For some reason that hurt. But I just walked to our table, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I guess word travels fast.

  I sat down with 'the gang' and all the sudden I am questioned. Harry's going off on me. Ahh he's so cute when he's telling because of his British accent. Kayden is just sitting there smirking at me. Katherine and Kayla is sitting there just staring at me. And.. I turn to Zoe and her eyebrow is quirked up, her toes tapping and her arms are crossed. What did I just get myself into?

   First off I told them nothing happened and to leave the topic alone and that nothing happened. After that everything just seemed to go to normal. Except.. Jessica Alter approached the table.

    "Oh hey Nova! I'm just coming here to tell you to back off Caleb. He's mine and we were just meant to be and I don't need him to be distracted by trash like you. You got it?" She batted her fake eyelashes.

   I stepped up and yelled, "Me trash? Honey I think you got things mistaken. Look at me and then look at you. The first thing that pops into my head when I hear your name is you're a self obsessed whore who is just desperate to spread your legs for any guy it see." I went to raise my hand to bitch slap her before someone stepped into my way.

   And yet again, that some just had to be.... the one and only Caleb Rydner.

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