Chapter 13: It's over

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Hey guys!! Finally my writers block is over. It honestly sucked. A lot of people kept DM'ing me saying 'update pls' and things like that but I'm back!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and make sure to vote!! I love you guys so much :)
The cover above^^ was made by a lovely fan: magconfan_leila  thanks I love you :)

   "Nova wake up..." I groaned loudly not wanting to wake up. "Nova..... wake up you've got 30 minutes till school." Ughhhhh, "Shh just 10 more minutes" I mumbled heading back to sleep. After I said that there was a long pause of silence. Ah finally now back to sle-

  "AHHH HOLY FUDGE CAKES!!!" I screamed. I looked over and Alex is on the floor laughing hysterically because of his previous actions. Previously, he poured an entire bucket of freezing ass water on me to wake me up. "Ass." I mumbled to him.

    "Hey, y-you gave m-me n-n-no c-choice" He said stuttering because he could barley hold in his laughs. "Hahahaha very funny Alex. Don't worry I'll get you back for this." I said while smirking. "Hell, I don't even need a shower now." I said sarcastically while heading the that bathroom to wash off. I was very annoyed right now.

    After basically jumping in the shower for 5 minutes and jumping back out so I won't miss school, I got ready by quickly blow drying my hair, throwing it into a messy bun and changing into  a pair of blue joggers, a white shirt that said 'more issues that vogue' and then I slipped in a pair of white converse. After that I went downstairs and decided to skip breakfast because i'm  already going to be late. Screw it. 

   I walked into school with the biggest smile that I've ever had going into school. I keep thinking about my date yesterday with Caleb, our kiss and me in his arms. I loved the feeling I feel even he kisses me, when i'm in his arms and when he's just generally around. I also can't stop thinking about the "second" date that we've suppose to have.... I wonder how fun that's going to be!

  I was walking down the halls when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and Harry was standing there smiling. "Hi Harry!" I said.

  "Hey Nova! It feels like forever since we talked. How's it going?" He said. "It's going really good actually and I need to tell you and the 'gang' somethings at lunch okay? Also, the last time we talked was yesterday morning dude and then we hung out Sunday night..." I said.

  "Okay, okay I get it but still! You're basically my baby sis okay? Also I kinda need to tell you something.." After he said that I stopped and gave him a weird look kinda scared of what's going to come out of his mouth next. I know it can't be nothing bad.. or can it be? Oh well just let him say it Nova before you jump to conclusions! "Okay well here it goes.... I kinda asked out Zoe to a date and she said yes... actually yesterday we went on the date and it was amazing. I asked her to another date and she said 'of course' also... I kinda stole her first kiss..." He said shyly.

  "Harry! Oh my fucking god! I've been waiting for YEARS for my ship of #ZARRY and it's finally happening! Oh my god, I feel like a proud mother! I'm actually starting to cry!! EVERYONE THE SHIP HAS SAILED!! ZO-" I basically scream before Harry covered his hand over my mouth causing me to lick the inside of his palm. "EW Nova!! Did you just lick me?" He asked looking at his slobbered over hand. I nodded my head, because well.. I was too lazy to say yes. 

  The bell just rang. Crap we need to get to class! But I'm to lazy to walk. "Harrryyyyyy, can you PLEASE give me a piggy back ride to class? I'm to lazy to walk and it feels like years since you gave me one." I whined giving him my doe brown puppy dog eyes, while sticking out my bottom lip.  "Come on Nova, really?" HE said placing his hand on his hip.

  "Please," I said not giving up because I'm to stubborn and I really don't want to walk to class. "Ugh fine but your'e lucky I love you Smith." He said sounding like he's annoyed. Hey, I don't blame him. I can be annoying at some times.  I hopped on his back and I'm utterly surprised that I didn't break you're back. I weigh A TON! I'm a freaking hippo dude! As he carried me I demanded he pretended to be an airplane and he was swerving and making the airplane sound effect. Ah I love these times with my best friend.  When we walked into class, I was still on his back and we were cracking up and having an amazing time. And always, something has to ruin it. And that something had to be of course the teacher. As we walked in we caught everyone's attention, including Caleb's... 

  "Mr. Styles and Miss. Nova, care to explain why you bother are late to class and them you come in here and interrupt class?"  Harry turned to me and whispered,  "Don't worry, I'll handle this." And I just nodded and I headed to my seat next to Caleb.

  "Well you see, someone told Nova and I to go to hell but, at first we couldn't find it" but now we did sadly.." He said biting the inside of his lip, trying not to crack up while the rest of the class are in waves of hysterical. "Mr. Styles! After school detention! And the rest of you, continue doing your work." The teacher basically yelled in rage. I mouthed a 'sorry' to Harry as he walked to his seat next to Zoe, and kissing her on the cheek. He just gave me a smile and mouthed, 'it's okay' and then the rest of the class we did our work. Today Caleb was acting kinda strange.. was he mad at me for hanging with Harry? No he can't be, Harry is only my best friend and Caleb needs to accept it. I was all caught up with Caleb on my mind that I didn't realize the bell rang so I hurried up and went to my next class and I just could wait till lunch so I could tell everyone the news and Caleb and I and our date, the field he showed me, and more other things that involve Caleb. 


    I was headed to lunch with Zoe and Kayden by my sides when I hear a very familiar voice. Caleb.  I turned the corner and there I saw a busty blonde with fake tanner and fake breast implants. The one and only Jessica Alter was pushes up against Caleb on a locker and they  were basically swallowing each other... "Oh my fucking god...." I whispered and by then tears where spilling out of my eyes. "Nova... what's the problem. You've saw all of this before." Zoe asked with her eyebrows scrunched up together.  "Today at lunch.. I was going to tell you.. that Caleb and I started dating and he confessed a lot of things to me. Just yesterday we went on a date and look at him now. How could I think he'd actually changed. I'm so stupid." By this point I'm basically balling my eyes out and I just wanna go home. I walk up to them and I grab Jessica's hair and yank her to the floor. "Caleb what the HELL are you doing with that whore." I basically screamed. By now we have a crowd. Whooh- hoo. More embarrassment. Caleb look up and smirked at me. "Well sweet cheeks what does it look like?" He said questioning me. 

  "You know what Caleb screw you. I thought you were finally changing, becoming better. What about yesterday? Monday? The things you said to me? Or was that just a part of this little game?" I said in rage, tears were still streaming down my face.

  "Nova, I was just looking for a good fuck. It was taking too long so I just helped myself with Jessica. Oh and sorry baby but, no one can change me. I'm Caleb Rydner for sake." He said still smirking at me. 

  I was speechless... I just stood there looking like a fool crying. I finally got the courage to say something. "Fine, it that's what you want. I'm done Caleb. Don't you ever speak to me ever again." I said, barley over a whisper but everyone still heard me. And with that, I ran. That's all I could do. I ran until the tears stop, I ran until my legs gave up and my back hurt. I ended up at her grave. The place I visit is situations like this.

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