Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I am not a grown woman and I am not a grown man….therefore, I do not own the Hunger Games and the Percy Jackson series…

Percy’s POV

It’s been a month since she died….

….and the Hunger Games are probably in a week.

“ Percy?” the soft voice of Prim broke through my thoughts. I turned back and saw her standing a few metres from me. I was sitting in the Meadow, basking under the sun’s glare. “ Mother told me to tell you it’s nearly dinnertime.”

“ Yeah. Sorry, I nearly forgot,” I said and I was pretty surprised at how croaky I sound. “ I…uh…was just hanging around, enjoying the sun.”

“ You can lie to Mother, Percy but not to me or Katniss. Especially not Katniss. She’s known you longer, you know.” I looked down at my battered shoes. “ Percy, please don’t keep everything to yourself.” The dam broke at that sentence. Next thing I knew, I was curled up in a fetal position, sobbing my heart out. Prim fell down to her knees and wept with me. We were like there for a few moments before I finally got a grip on myself.

“ I…uh…shouldn’t have lost my…my control, like that,” I said shakily, burying my face into my hands. “ I’m really sorry, Prim. I didn’t know why…why I lost it.” I heard her shuffling and then, unexpectedly, her arms was around me.

“ No…it’s okay,” she pushed my chin up. “  It’s okay to show your true feelings, you know. We were so worried that we’d…that we’d lose you after she died. Percy, it wasn’t healthy for you to keep your feelings all pent up. You should’ve shared it with us…”

I couldn’t reply. This….this twelve-year-old is consoling me? Suddenly, I felt extremely childish and foolish. It’s her that should be crying over her lost best friend and me consoling her! Not the other way round…I dried my face from any traces of the tears. “ Thanks, Prim. Really thanks. I just….I felt so bad for not being by her side when she died…”

“ She didn’t mind. As long as you knew she loved you with all of her heart,” Prim said softly. I nodded. “ Now, c’mon. We should head home. They’d flip if we’re late for dinner…”

I stood up and, after hesitating, took her hand in mine. Just like I used to do with Addy. And we walked home together….

…..and all the while, a plan formed in my head.


Today is the day of Reaping. Two tributes, one girl and one boy, are chosen from each district to represent their district in the annual Hunger Games to fight to the death. The last one standing will be crowned as victor. The victor’s district will be showered with food and gifts while the other battle with starvation.

And this year is Prim’s first reaping and the fifth for me and Katniss. And it is a very stressful morning since Prim woke up, screaming her head off. Katniss is calming her right now. I can hear her voice, singing Prim back to sleep. I felt a pang of sadness as I remembered Addy. Well, at least she didn’t have to go through all the reaping and the Hunger Games…

“ You ready?” I was so startled I accidentally cut myself with my knife. “ Oh…sorry,” Katniss said, taking my hand and examining it.

“ You need to be a little more louder you know. You’re a little too quiet for my liking,” I grumbled to her, letting her bandage my cut.

“ What’s the point of being a hunter, then if you keep chasing game away?” she asked, giving me a look that partly cracks me up. “ C’mon…we do want to make it for lunch before the reaping, right?” I shrugged.

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