Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: If I had written an awesome book like the Percy Jackson series or the Hunger Games series, I’d be filthy rich right now..

Percy’s POV

Waiting is agony. Enough said.

   We were introduced first to the audience. Then seated according to districts (duh!) with the girl tribute preceding the boy tribute. And then, we had to wait for our turn to be interviewed by the Hunger Games’ host, Caesar Flickerman.

And like I had said, waiting is agony. Absolute, agony. I didn’t know how I got hold of this piece of paper ( at least, I think it was  a piece of paper. It’s already been torn to pieces!). Katniss, on the other hand, is stiff as if a wooden plank had been strapped to her back. Her face, as usual, is devoid of any emotion. But she is rather pale.

And it kinda sucks because we have to hear how every other tributes present themselves.  I mean, that boy from District 2, Cato is absolutely vicious. The girl from District 6, Annabeth or something is playing the I’m-smart-so-bet-on-me card. The boy from District 7, Grover who was quiet and gained sympathies from the audience because he was on crutches (I hate the Capitol…even the crippled are to participate in the Games).

Oh, crap!

What’s my approach again?

Oh, crap!

I’m dead!


It’s Katniss’ turn!

Double CRAP!

My turn….

Can I just like, have somebody shoot me with an arrow or bludgeon me to death? Because there is no way I am going on stage…

Wait, Caesar is talking..

“ Wait, what?” I accidentally blurt out.

He roared with laughter.

“ My, my! District 12’s tributes are mighty jumpy and nervous this year!” Roars of laughter from the audience. Caesar Flickerman chuckled some more before repeating. “ I was asking you how do you find the Capitol?”

“Oh,” I say, relaxing. “ Well, uh…,” I look around, trying to find a suitable answer. “ Um…I like the…shower?”

“ The shower?” Caesar asks, his interest obviously piqued.

“ Yeah. I mean, back home we usually bathe using water in a basin. But showering here, in the Capitol? It feels like waltzing in the rain in summer!” I exclaim.

“ That is an interesting way to put it, Percy,” muses Caesar.

“ Well, your showers are interesting,” I reply. “ One morning I accidentally pressed some new buttons and these foam and bubbles with strawberry and orange scent.” The audience laughs. “ Hey, do I still smell like a candy to you?”

“ Do you…do you smell like a candy to me?” Caesar asks, perplex.

“ Yeah, come and take a sniff!” I say to him. The audience hoots with laughter.

“ Oh, okay,” he says, slowly inching forward. Then, carefully, he took a sniff. At first he didn’t say anything. But then he broke into a huge grin and the audience roars again with laughter. “ Well, you do smell…um…shall I put it ‘sweet’?”

“ Oh, yes. I think it suits me perfectly well. You know, back at home, I’m quite the charmer, so I was told,” I say, making things up as I go. “ Most girls go googly eye when I walk pass them.”

More laughter. “ Are you?” Caesar asks, chuckling. “ Well, I’m sure many of the audience here, girls mostly, would like to go out with you. Am I right or not?” Loud, appreciative applause and cat calls are heard. I couldn’t stop myself grinning. This is good.

“ But since you are quite a charmer, can you tell us a little bit of your love life back in District 12?” Caesar suddenly asks.

“ Love life?” I repeat.

“ Of course. We all would like to know if you have the dream girl,” he says, smiling impishly.

“ Well, I have no girlfriend, if that is what you guys are wondering. So, I’m available, ladies. Please take note!” A few of the girls in the front row waves at me, so I wave back and wink at them. I swear, one of them swooned! “ But…um…I do have a crush on someone back home.”

“ Really? And is she pretty?” Caesar inquires.

“ You know, prettiness doesn’t count if you have a rotten heart,” I reply, “ but yes, she’s pretty. And she has a good heart. And she’s also brave. She once nearly shoot me with an arrow.”

 “ She sounds charming. Would you tell us who this lucky lady is?” Caesar prods on.

“ Well, um….I wouldn’t dare actually because of my position now in the Games,” I try to run from the question. “ And that I think she doesn’t actually know I have a crush on her.”

“ You mean, she won’t return back your feelings?”

“ Something along that line,” I agree.

“ You know, if you win this thing and you go back home, I’m sure she will have no choice but to go out with you,” Caesar says.

“ Yeah, problem is, she came here with me.”

Hush fell over the audience.

“ Oh….” was all that Caesar could say.

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