Chapter 25

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Disclaimer : I do own the series….NOT. Seriously.

Percy’s POV

The next morning, we both look at the remaining berries and some of Rue’s roots.

   “ Do you want to ration it or just finish everything up?”

   “ Let’s just finish it. There’s no point in trying to ration it when’s it already this depleted,” she sighs, picking up a berry. “ Tomorrow’s a hunting day.”

   “ Agreed,” I say, chewing some roots. “ We could use a little bit of meat. And Greasy Sae’s soup sounds  a lot more appetizing now, doesn’t it?”

   “ Can you shut up?”

   “ Nope.”

She throws her water bottle at me. “ You’re not helping with all the food talk!” she hisses at me, looking half-way between livid and annoyed. 

I laugh. “ Okay, I’ll stop,” I surrender, picking up her water bottle. “ Maybe we can survive on water alone? I mean, there’s plenty of it around us.”

 She sighs, taking the water bottle from me. “ I guess.”

 We didn’t speak for a while. “ I wonder if Haymitch notice us starving.”

“ I doubt it. Maybe he’s too drunk to notice,” she scoffs, looking a bit angry. I didn’t press the subject further after that and kept quiet for five, whole minutes. Hey, she might get in her head to rip my head off for being too annoying.

“ Say, Katniss,” I say, breaking the icy silence. “ What did you use to knock me out? Was it something like a knock out gas but in liquid form?”

“ Maybe,” she replies, looking a little bit startled that I had brought it up. “ I’m not that familiar with it because my mother usually uses sleep syrup. You know, the awfully sweet thing.”

“ The one you injected into me when I was raving like a lunatic after the explosion?”

“ Yeah.”

“ I hate that one. But at least it was a peaceful sleep without any dreams. Well, except for a dream about my mother but that’s that. The knock out gas you gave me that night gave me nightmares,” I say, shuddering when I remembered back the horrible nightmare.

“ Do you want to talk about it?” When I didn’t reply, she sighs and takes my hand. “ I won’t pressure you into telling but it will make you feel better when you share it, trust me.”

I stare at her, wondering if I should. The terrible images of the blood and spinning eyeballs and all are pretty much fading. Maybe I should tell her.

“ Okay. I’m going to tell but don’t laugh, okay?” She nods. So, I started telling her, feeling embarrassed more and more as I went. She is trying to keep her face straight but I know she is going to laugh so hard the sound may be heard miles and miles away from us.

“ Well,” she says, straightening herself, her lips twitching. “ That was…um…”

“ Just laugh,” I sigh, ruffling my hair. She grins widely at first before finally bursting out laughing. On and on it went. “ Okay, I think you’ve gone too far.”

“ Sorry, Perce but I just can’t stop,” she wheezes, clutching a stitch in her chest. “ Oh, Percy, Percy, Percy,” she says, beaming. “ I just love the fact that you are still a child at heart. Who still gets silly nightmares like that.”

“ It won’t be silly if you had had that nightmare,” I mutter under my breath, glaring at her. “ Do you know how much I hate you right now?”

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