Past catches up- Part 8

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Gray and Juvia say on the old couch as the man told them what the job was, they took the job only knowing the reward and town, Juvia thought it sounded familiar and realised why when she saw her old 'home'. The job was cleaning the house and fixing broken parts. It take about a week or so since the house was so horrible but Juvia wanted to get away right away.
I was horrified.....I mean who wouldn't be? I was at my hell with my 'father' sitting in front of me. I had to stay here around a fu*ken week! (A/N: sorry for swearing) I'm not sure I can survive....I should have realised where we were going before..the job is to clean the house and fix broken parts of it. Man this'll be hard, bringing painful memories along with it. Helping him is something I never want to do.....I mean he's done so much damage to me and I know he lied.....he said mama left, ran away but no.........because of him she died! He got so mad and ended up killing her!! I mean she never really loved me at all....she hated me just as much as anyone but.......I didn't want her to leave this god damned world! I still remember the couple days she loved me before she started to hate me..... Great here I am dying inside but locking all my emotions away from the outside, putting on a emotionless face but making sure to give the jack ass a glare (A/N: not gray, lol :P) Errrrrr nothing has changed about this shi**y place.
I noticed Juvia's glare at her so called 'father' and I didn't miss her saying 'fatter' before......I just know something's wrong...I swear to god if that guy was the cause of her crying and pain.....I. Fu*ken. Kill. Him
"Well it's getting late we should probably go get a place to stay father" I said coldly. "Nonsense Juvia your my daughter so you and this boy will stay here" he hissed. Damn it, damn it all! I knew he would say some crap like that! I just hope he wouldn't. As I got pushed down to my old 'room' I heard a "tch" from Gray. He was made to sleep on the couch and away from me. My old room was the......basement, also known as where my father abused me, I shudder at the thought. H-he chained m-m-me to t-th-the wall j-j-just like he u-us-used t-t-t-t-to........."I'll be back as soon as that boy is asleep, then you'll get what you deserve" he grinned like a mad man, which he is......then he left me and that's when I couldn't take it anymore.....I broke down, fell on the floor pulling the chains to the ground with me.
DUN DUN DUN.....SUSPENSE! Next chapter is what you've all been waiting for!!!!!! And hell yea we gotta kill Juvia's dad!

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