Kissing, dates and comforsting my girl

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"Well thanks for destroying my house, really so nice of you -_-" Juvia said spilling with sarcasm. The boys just shrugged and said they'll fix it later. "LUCCCCCCCCYYYYY, I'm boreeeed" Natsu whined "well what can I do about it?" Ohhhh poor Lucy she shouldn't have said that....Natsu smirked and when to over to Lucy and kissed her never stopped....."EW GET A ROOM" Gray yelled "well that escalated quickly......" Levy said awkwardly "Just so you know I don't wanna do that with you.." Gajeel said stubbornly "who asked you!?" Levy said with the dam amount of sarcasm until they both turned around and started making out too....... "Do they even need to breath" Gray said disgustingly "ew I know right...." Juvia replied until they both got sick of it "GEEZ GET A ROOM" Gray and Juvia yelled in sinc. Then Gajeel stopped kissing Levy and said "what about you guys go find yourselves a room a-" Levy then surprisingly cut him off and finished "and leave us alone" Juvia and Gray just sat there astonished and disgusted as they continued to kiss until Natsu stopped this time "Haha Gray you jelous! We all know you wanna be kissing Juvia" Gray and Juvia blushe madly and Gray was about to say something until Natsu and Lucy started kissing yet again......-_- "I think we should leave......-_-" Gray said still annoyed "yeaaaaa" Juvia said awkwardly. So they both walked off 10:00 at night and went to the beach near Juvia's house and sat down in the sand. "Hey Juv?" "Hmmm? Yea?" "I know you obviously don't want to talk about this......but I need to know....." "Hey wait a sec....where did Erza and Jellal go?" "I'm pretty sure they went on a date?" "Haha so everyone's either making out or on a date? Well a part from us" Juvia asked then they both sweat dropped "I guess so Juv...."

She's stalling.

Ok yessssss, I'm stalling. But seriously they went on a date too? Your still stalling. YES I KNOW MIND, JUST SHUT UP HE CANT FIND OUT HE JUST CANT!!!! Geez, ok, ok no need to yell......Great talking in my head again! But he can't know......he just can't.

I saw a tear fall from her eye they just kept falling and I started to panic.......I mean I have no idea what do when people cry (me too Gray me too. Lol who else?) I did what first came to mind and hugged her....I guess she hadn't noticed that she was crying because she seemed somehow surprised. I have to know what happened in her past so I started by saying "stop stalling" Let's just hope I don't make things any worse.........I sweat dropped.

Gray hugged me.....? Whyyyy? I quickly touched my face to find it wet....I WAS CRYING!!!!???? I HATE CRYING!!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN PEOPKE ARE AROUND!! WHAT WILL HE DO!!?? "stop stalling" he knew? (duh ju of course he did) "I-I d-don't know w-what your t-talking about" "don't play dumb either" how does he know....I can't tell him...."please Juvia just tell me" he said while lifting my head forcing me to look him in the eye. That's it I can't hold it back anymore....I full on started to cry he held me close and shushed me while whispering things like "it'll be ok Juv, I'm here for you"

I expected to do this horribly...but I guess I just really want to help Juvia....She really doesn't want to tell me does she? I held her closer and kept telling her everything would be ok "It's ok Juv, I'm here for you and I always will be." "Promise?" She whimpered. I then forced her to look at me once again "I Gray Fullbuster promise to protect and be here for Juvia Lockser" I  told her and then I saw her grin threw the darkness "then I Juvia Lockser promise to do the same for Gray Fullbuster as well as always standing by his side" I then grinned to and saw she was still crying so I whipped her tears and attempted to make her feel better "Pinky swear Juv!!! It can only be sealed with the oh so holy pinky swear!" she giggled and said "Pinky swear!" We both raised our pinkies and shook. I had nearly forgotten about asking her about her past. ------------------------------------------

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