Chapter 1

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"Get your a*s down here !"Austin shouted .

I ran to quickly get dressed in the last of the clothing that still fit .Some torn jeans and a stained black t-shirt .I ran downstairs ,hoping I wasn't to late .

"You b*tch !"My brother slapped me across the face "Five minutes ago I called you down here !What took you so long !"He kicked me in my stomach " Were you whoring around with one of my friends again !"he spat in my face .

"I -I ..."

"Don't you dare talk back to me !"He kicked me in my face"Dirty whores don't get to talk back to me "I felt the blood trickling from my nose "Now go make breakfast for the pack you dirty scum bag .".All the while he did this pack members sat around laughing .This was their form of weird amusement .

I stumbled into the kitchen quickly trying to whip up some pancakes and orange juice for the hungry wolves out there . Thirty minutes later I had the table set with stacks of pancakes. The alpha came in and seeing as he's seldom present I knew I was doomed.

"Where is my plate !"he angrily asked.

"R-right there s-sir. "I stuttered. He turned around and latched onto Whendy's lips in what was meant to be a kiss .Whendy the whore I called her .She was though.

Then it hit me. It was his 18th birthday also mine . I was meant to shift years ago, but it seemed it was delayed. Normal wolves shift at 15 .I don't know what was wrong but everyone hated me. Including the elders.

I was meant to find my mate today, my 18th birthday but most probably I won't . I would be to busy preparing the alpha's party .

I quickly started whipping up lunch and the food for the party .

Since I was the lowest omega I didn't get the privilege l to go to school . I was always stuck cleaning the house .


It was time for the party and something was begging me to go.

I decided I would call Mason to ask him what to do.

"Hey Mason ."

"What's up pumpkin ?"

Mason was my only friend .I always had a crush on him ,still do .

"There's this nagging feeling in me. Like I want to go the alpha's party ."

"Then go ."

"I don't have any clothes ."

"Let me go see if I have some .".

"Why do you have female clothing ?"

"From all my hook ups ."

"You are one nasty b*tch .Why don't you give the girls the clothes back ?"

"Whatever they forget is mine ,someone from my pack will bring the clothes over in 10 minutes .".

20 minutes of casual chatter with Mason and I was ready to leave ."I'm sure you look good . Tracey should be here any moment ."

"Who's Tracey ?"

"A girl . Good Bye and good luck . "

I went downstairs ,to the living room ,where the party was held .

Girls were dancing in skimpy clothing all over the drunk dudes .

I went to the kitchen and took some lemonade .I wasn't used to alcohol and I would rather not get drunk tonight .

I started gulped down the lemonade in one go and took another one .I hope it wasn't spiked .


It was midnight ...maybe .I think I was drunk on lemonade .I was dancing on people and sipping lemonade when I smelt the most amazing scent .

I followed it but it was like the scent was walking too .

I followed it to a bedroom where I saw Alex sitting on the bed .

The Alpha is my mate was all my drunken self could mutter .

The next morning I woke up with a pounding headache ,a naked man near me and me, too naked .

Correction a naked alpha near me .

I got out of the bed only to see Alex staring at me .

"Oh f*ck .Don't tell me we ... I did that with you ? Ewe .Oh gosh.You're hideous .The moon goddess couldn't have done me any worse .You know what ,I Alexander Hunters reject you Autumn Winters as my mate and future Luna of this pack .You are way to disgusting for an alpha .Now get out of my room you filthy wh*re . "

I quickly but my clothing on and ran out of his room ,I entered mine and began to cry .I cried and I cried..... And I cried.


"Alpha we need to talk ..."I was standing in the kitchen late Saturday afternoon when Alexander walked in .

"Um ,I know you didn't mean what you said yesterday .I understa...."he cut me off .

"You think I was lying ?Huh b*tch ?"He pulled a knife out of a draw "I'll show you !"

He dragged the knife through my stomach .

"Please stop !"I tried to scream out in pain.

I don't know what damage he had done .All I know is it was painful .When he was finished he slapped me and walked off leaving me to bleed to death maybe .


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