Chapter 13

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"I miss you Autumn." Austin said.

We had just sat down in the living room to talk.

"Weren't you the one who constantly reminded me how ugly I was or how useless I was? "

" I'm sorry, I really am. "

" Austin you really want me to believe that. Or are you just trying to make sure I don't kill you? "

" I am serious. Pinky promise. Cross my heart and hope to die. "

" You haven't said that in a really long time. You said that a lot when we were young. "

I smiled at the memory.

Aubrey came down the staircase and sat on my lap. She snuggled into my chest and fell asleep.

" Who's this? "

" Umm. "I began" She's my daughter. "

" Oh wow. I didn't know. "

" Yh well nobody did. "

" Who's the father? "

" Alex. "

" What! Does he know? "

" No. And it will stay that way. "

" How does he not know, didn't he help make it? "

Then I dug into the story of my drunken mistake. Aubrey was the best mistake I ever made.

After the story I decided that he was my brother and it wouldn't hurt to forgive. Everyone deserves a second chance right.

After about an hour of catching up with Austin, Aubrey woke up suddenly.

"Mommy, there's a war coming. In the far future. A very powerful group. I don't have a date. It's like something was forcing me out. There's going to be witches and vampires and almost every other mystical creature. Apparently someone got a dream of you and how powerful you are and they want your power. With the witches help, if you are killed, they can share your powers. The war is going to come when we least expect it. I also saw that a lot of people are going to die in the war. Someone will try to kidnap me but that's where it stopped. "Aubrey said.

I sat dumbfounded beside a gaping Austin.

We need to begin training immediately. Get everyone in shape.

Aubrey will need to learn how to fight too.

I mind linked Jaxon to get everyone out for training. Training was done personally except for the teens who are learning. The adults usually train on their own but I was going to raise the intensity of everyone's training.

Aubrey went upstairs to her room to shower then we'd train together. The information we just received was game changing. I planned to take some time off the anger and try to get my temper under control but that was my last priority right now.

I needed to get my pack into perfect shape for this war.

After a full morning of training I decided to give everyone a break, including myself. I sat in there kitchen wondering how that fight would go down. So many injuries and deaths would come about.

"Autumn."i heard someone say.

"Hmph. "I didn't even look up at the person to see who called.

" Autumn what do you want for lunch? "

Someone offering to make lunch? Cue my exaggerated gasps.

I immediately turned to see who to find Alex watching me intently.

" Why are you making me lunch? "

" Because I... I think that's what mates do. "he responded.

" I don't have any energy to argue with you today. Just make whatever you want. "I said as I rest my head on my palms.

I think I was spotting a migraine.

I was about to fall asleep when I felt I light tap ony shoulder.

" Mhmm what? "I slurred out.

" Lunch is ready. "he said as he set a plate of mashed potatoes and fried chicken.

I smiled at him" Thank you. "I croaked out softly.

Soon after a glass of orange juice was placed near my plate as Alex took a seat opposite mine.

" What's wrong? "he asked.

I wanted to roll may eyes and giving a snide remark about us being mates but I just didn't have it in me.

" Nothing. I'm just stressed. "

" Then maybe you should take a rest. A few days off wouldn't hurt especially since Jaxon could always.... "I stopped him by raising my index finger.

" Just shush. I have a migraine. "

He immediately got up and searched the cabinets until he found some Tylenol. He filled a glass with water and then hand it to me.

" Thank you. "I said yet again.

He just nodded his head then began eating again.

I drank the pill and realized it was drowsy pills.

Soon after finishing my meal my head slowly bobbed to my palms on the table.

I didn't fall asleep fully when I felt hands lift me up from my seat and carried me to my room I'm guessing. Maybe it was their room but why would they.

I knew who was holding me by the tingles that shot through my back.

I was laid to rest on a bed and then Mhyria decided to say "Please stay."

He sat beside me and I snuggled into his chest as I fell fast asleep.


School has begun and I definitely don't have time for wattpad so don't expect me to stick to th e schedule. I am not lying , I will not.

School is stressful so please don't stress me out anymore than I already am.

This is unedited.

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