Chapter 15

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Aubrey had dragged Autumn to the mall to do some shopping while we set everything up. Autumn really liked everything but if Ice-cream was present she loved it.

There were so many types of ice cream. The streamers were going up and the banner was already on. I decorated her room nicely with chocolates and daisy petals as rose petals were to romantic . There were trays of snacks .

About twenty minutes later everything was done and Aubrey and Autumn were supposed to arrive any minute.

It wasn't long after we heard their footsteps nearing the door.

As the entered we yelled "SURPRISE !"

Autumn was dumb struck when she saw everything. "I thought you forgot like last year and year before."

"You never told us your birth date, but it's our fault to realize we went through a whole year and you never had a birthday. "Jaxon said.

We began eating, having fun and just enjoying Autumn's birthday.

" I'm making a general note 24th November is your birthday. "

" Guys December's pretty close and you know what we always do. Secret Santa! "

" What's that? "Alex asked a little clueless.

" Hold on. "I said as I mind linked the pack to get down here as quick as possible.

10 minutes later everyone was sitting comfortably in the living room.

" OK guys, as most of you know every year we do Secret Santa. Some of you are new to the park which is why I am going to explain what secret Santa is all about." I began.

"Every name is placed in a bag and everybody picks a name. Then for the rest of the month the name you have you will constantly give them gifts but you are not supposed to reveal your identity. This year since we have so many people here's what we're going to do."

" Everyone will write their name on a piece of paper, fold it up and place it in this bag."I said while holding up a fancy Christmasy bag.

10 minutes later we were done and ready to pick. One at a time everyone participating came up and picked a name.

It was very time consuming but it was worth it.

I ended up with Cassandra.

When life gives you lemons.... What do you do with them?

Make apple pie?

About five minutes later everyone had gotten a name.

We partied for a little while longer then dispersed and went our different ways. I had just entered my room to see Alex, chocolate and daisy petals strewn around my room.

The first thing that came to mind was 'who's going to clean this up?'

"Hey autumn. "Alex said.

" What you did down there for me was nice, great even. "I smiled" but it changes nothing between us. "I said matter of factly.

Alex nodded his head" It doesn't matter to me whether it changes anything or not but as long as it makes my chance a little better I'm okay with it. "

" Who's going club all this? "I asked


I woke up to find my bed free of daisy petals and and a bag of chocolate which I suppose was on my bed last night.

I took a bath, changed into my exercise wear, made a cup of coffee then began my personal training.

After 5 tedious hours of training I went upstairs to prepare my lunch.

Potato salad and fried chicken.

Not to long after I was done and ready to eat.

Just as I took my first bite Cassandra entered the kitchen.

"Hello Autumn. "She spat.

" I see you're still bitter. "I said" Cassandra if I were you I'd show me some respect. Okay bîtch. Cause I'm your fucking Alpha female. "

" Yeah you're the alpha female but you're not the queen. "

"You'd be surprised. Now I'm not asking of you to bow down to me but if you don't show me some respect soon, you'd be dead. "

I wouldn't kill her cause she's Jax's mate but I could threaten her with it.

She just rolled her eyes and was off.


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