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Kaylee crouched behind a large dumpster, judging from the smell, it was most likely behind a restaurant or cafe. She was breathing hard from the run and her muscles ached. She could feel the sleepless nights in the rough muscles tensing along her back. It was too late to call Nalia, she would be out hunting and not be able to come to Kaylees aid. Gripping the two knives in her hands, they glinted a terrible silver with green dripping from their tips. A contrasting shine of gold flashed from behind her as a quiver caught the street light.

 Leaning out, Kaylee carefully peeked around the dumpster to where her attacker would be coming from. There was a low growl and a large silhouette appeared against the light. Kaylee shot back into hiding and tried to keep quiet. It was hard with the sudden blast of adrenaline that had just rushed into her veins. Her knuckles turned white as her fingers flexed into their comfortable rivets of the knives. The monster stopped, as if it could feel the danger of the small figure it pursued. It was as if it knew the story of the legendary blades or the doomed past of the hands that held them. Both stood still and silent in their combat of patience. The monster debated whether the prey was worth the fight while Kaylee was just trying to keep her head in the stillness. Her ADHD was acting up as she shifted her weight from foot to foot.

The monster flicked its tail in deliberation causing Kaylee’s heart to jump every time it moved into view. The moment was coming soon and she couldn't stand the wait. Either deciding she was worth it or just going for the challenge, the beast leapt forward with a loud roar.

Kaylee jumped out from her barrier to clash with the demon. It was at least three times bigger than her with the smallest canine tooth being four inches long. Kaylee’s twin knives locked with its front teeth forcing its mouth open at an odd angle. The beast let out a strangled roar covering Kaylee in its hot, rancid breath that smelled like twelve-month-old cabbage soup was stuck in there. Its platinum, scale coat caught the light sending rainbows across the alley walls.

Kaylee gritted her teeth as she pushed against the thousand tons weighing down on her in the form of a platinum dragon.

Being the skillful demigod that she was, Kaylee’s mind went into battle mode and assessed the situation.

The dragon was putting all of its weight on her lodged knives leaving its soft underbelly high and exposed. While it would be easy to lift her knee and wind it or even swing a knife down to skin it a bit, she had to take the steel talons on its muscular back feet into account. Also, if she took the time to swing around, she would be at the mercy of the returning teeth as the beast would undoubtedly turn around.

The best option was to kick up at the soft stomach so that’s what she did. Connecting knee with tissue the beast groaned in pain before doubling over. Kaylee rolled to the side to escape its collapsing body but quickly returned to a ready battle position as the now angry monster turned to face her again. Its eyes were red with hatred as it observed her, hissing through its teeth. Steam rose from its nostrils as it took a step towards her, its metal body sending another shower of rainbows across Kaylees vision.

When she looked again the platinum dragon had leapt forwards, its claws opened and its teeth dripping with poisonous saliva. Kaylee was too late, she tried rolling to the side again but one of the claws grasped her shoulder. Pain ripped through the left half of her body and she gritted her teeth in frustration.

Swinging her right knife at the monster in a dramatic arc she got it to retreat a step. She swung wildly again and it backed up towards the alley wall another step. Kaylees mind was reeling for a way to get out of there when she looked up and saw fire exit stairs. Perfect.

Swinging dramatically one more time, she started a run towards the beast. The dragon was confused as to why its prey would come so willingly into its grasp but didn’t bother enough to think it a trap. Leaning down with a wide mouth to receive its dinner, the platinum dragon did not expect its prey to leap onto its snout and grab the end of a long ladder directly above it. Swinging out of the way, the ladder barely missed Kaylee’s already injured shoulder before smashing directly onto the dragons large head. Not killing it, but knocking it out for enough time for Kaylee to get away. Leaning in at the rear of the beast, Kaylee cut off one of it’s platinum talons at the second knuckle. A souvenir.

Job done, Kaylee sheathed her knives and cradled her arm against her chest before she started running from the alley.

Running. Again.

It wasn’t until the next morning that Kaylee started to feel the effects of her injury. She was coming up to a ring of trees in who knew what state and all she wanted was to sleep. If she could find good cover she may be able to get atleast three hours in before having to start up again.

She stumbled into the trees and her eyes had to adjust to the darkness. It was damp and cool with a peaceful look but Kaylee couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. The back of her neck tingled with energy as she scrutinized her surroundings. Perhaps it was just the lack of sleep messing with her. Or even the loss of blood, her shoulder was covered in the amber sticky substance of dried blood that had leaked from her open shoulder.

It was then that she entered a clearing. There were three chair shaped bushes and some log benched placed in the way an amphitheater might be set up with the three hedge chairs facing the benches. It looked ridiculous to Kaylee and she was about to laugh when she noticed something moving behind the farthest right hedge chair.

It was a girl who looked about fifteen. She had long blonde hair and pale skin that appeared to have a greenish tint. Kaylee realized what bad shape she was in when she found herself thinking that the girl had pointed ears. Laughing hysterically at the idea, she scared the girl into dropping the shears she had been using to prune the chairs.

“How did you-?” she asked, eyeing Kaylee warily as she continued to laugh hysterically.

“Are you alright?” the girl asked, squinting at Kaylee before gasping. The last thing Kaylee remembered was the girl running to her and screaming for help before everything went black. 

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