Old Ends and New Beginnings

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A huge commotion built up as people started to swarm Kaylee, everyone wanted to talk to her, everyone wanted to know where she’d been. Some wore angry faces, some wore blank faces, and even more held faces of awe.

“Why haven’t you talked?”

“Have you always known you were poseidons daughter?”

“Why are you so good at everything?”

“Back off!” Percy suddenly yelled. A small clearing was created around the siblings as Percy held Kaylee close to his side. Kaylee cowered against his shoulder, she felt the same strength in his arms as she did in her fathers, as she did in the sea. This was home.

“Percy” Annabeth whispered, her mouth dry. “Are you sure?”

Percy looked into Kaylees eyes, green into blue, both filled with extreme power. He smiled, “Yes.”

“Lets go home” Percy whispered in her ear. Kaylee followed him out of the pavilion, catching eyes with her friends with an apologetic look. No going back now…

“This is it…” It was finally quiet. A cabin special for children of Poseidon, Kaylee looked at the low roofed building and smiled. It looked like the ocean. Dark grey stones, kelp building around the edges. The inside had a continually breeze that smelled of salty sea air.

“You like it?” Percy asked, showing her inside. It was mostly empty, a broken fountain and two bunks were the main items in the room other than a desk that appeared to be covered in Percys junk.

“Sorry about the mess…” Percy threw his sword on his bunk and shut the door behind him. “I haven’t been here in a while. I was on a-“

“Hunting party” Kaylee finished, walking slowly about the room. “Annabeths been complaining all week.”

“Is that how long you’ve been here?” Percy asked. Kaylee nodded as she ran her fingers along the walls. They were moist, from water or moss or some sort of bacteria, she didn’t know.

“Annabeth said you didn’t speak…?” Percy asked, sitting on his bed.

“Im cautious” Kaylee said. “You fought the titans?”

“Yes” Percy said. “Im a sort of…leader at this camp. As a child of the big three, we get a lot of respect.”

“And a lot of attention…” Kaylee said, looking at the fountain. Someone had slashed straight through it. She put her palm in the water: saltwater. Concentrating, she willed a centimeter of water around the broken side of the fountain. Slowly, a rock started to form in the cracks; a blue-green crystal-like material bound the pieces together until Kaylee had fully mended it.

“How’d you do that?” Percy asked. Kaylee turned to look at him, “Father.”

“Dad taught you stuff?” Percy asked, his brow pulling together, slight hurt in his eyes.

“No…” Kaylee sighed. “He gave it to me.”

“he did?” percy asked, more hurt creeping into his voice. “I thought-“

“its complicated” Kaylee said.

“Then uncomplicated it” Percy said.

“I barely know you” Kaylee defended.

“I know” Percy said quietly. “But I know you feel what I do…that bond? I know we’re siblings, kiddo, so spill.”

“I…I…”Kaylee looked at her hands.

“I’ve been alone” she said. “For a very long time…”

“Where’s your mom?” Percy asked. Kaylee gave him such a look he wanted to melt under the bed.

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