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“Do you think those will hold her?” A quiet voice asked.

“They’re solid gold shackles” a deeper voice bragged. “made for dragons. I think they can hold a girl.”

“You didn’t see it” the quiet voice reminisced. Kaylee tested her arms. There were weights attached at her wrists, arms, ankles, and waist. She slowly opened her eyes and was met with the infirmary again. Hazel was nowhere to be seen; in her place was the blonde. Next to her was a black haired, soot covered boy who was just now removing his gloves.

Kaylee glared at the boy. Nobody chained her down. Nobody.

“That’s better” the blonde said. “You were a bit distressed the last time we met.”

Kaylee scoffed with a short laugh, turning her eyes to stare at a spot on the ceiling. The girls eyes still sent shivers down her aching back, but ‘distress’ was a light word for the chaos that she had unleashed.

“Dont mistake the shackles as a cage,” the girl said. Kaylee scoffed again. “They are for our protection only.”

“I have half a mind to let her go and see what happens” the boy smiled. Kaylee watched as he checked her out, and she wanted so badly to hit him.

“You’ve completed your duty, Amos” the blonde said. “Leave us.”

Amos took one more look before shrugging and walking with heavy steps out of the room. The sound of the door closing reverberated in the silence as both girls observed one another.

“you’ve caused quite a riot around here” the girl said. “campers will want to know your secret, want to know your descended deity, want to know how you got here and where you were before you got here.”

Kaylee remained silent, her eyes hard as she glared at the blonde. The girl sighed.

“You will remain here until I clear you” she said, standing up. “When you are finally relieved, you will constantly be accompanied by a senior camper. Understood?”

Kaylee’s eyes returned to the spot on the ceiling, restraining her smile. This girl was foolish to think that she could hold her down.

“What do you think?” Annabeth asked as she climbed the ledge to where Markus was surveying the infirmary. Markus shrugged, lifting his binoculars to his eyes to look at the girl.

“There’s no way to tell.” Markus said. “Her blue eyes would suggest Zues, but they’re dark and contaminated by a stormy green.”

“Her running figure is similar to that of Hermes” Annabeth observed. “But her face would suggest Aphrodite.”

“Yeah” Markus sighed. Annabeth gave him a sideways glance before she punched his shoulder.

“Do NOT fall for this girl” Annabeth said sternly. “We don’t know anything about her.”

“I wouldn’t say that…We know she can break out of dragon shackles.” Markus said quietly.

“WHAT?” Annabeth grabbed the binoculars from him and observed the infirmary. There was the girl, freely walking about the cabin. She pulled her bag out from under the bed and headed to the door.

“H-h…How?” Annabeth asked. “That was pure gold! The strongest locks were on those binds! What is she, a ghost?”

“what’s our course of action?” Markus asked, impressed and amused.

“Just follow her” Annabeth said quietly. “She won’t get far before she gets mobbed. Plus, I’ll never force a camper to stay.”

“That explains the golden shackles…” Markus trailed off. Annabeth glared at him.

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