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“Stop chewing it” Kaylee muttered, looking up from her book to chastise Annabeth…again. She hadn’t brought her fingernail away from her mouth since three minutes after Percy’d left. Well…they assumed he’d left because he hadn’t told anyone where he was going; he’d just disappeared.

“Be nice” Markus chirped, tapping her book for Kaylee to return. She stuck her tongue out at him and went back to reading, her pony tail still lightly tossing back and forth from her head movements. She knew Markus’ gaze lingered on her; she knew his eyes would wander to the pale scar above her right eye that had been formed when the gods brought her back. It always went back to the scar. Lucas would grimace, Markus would sigh, Percy would bite his lip, and Hazel would cry.

She’d died. And come back. Yeah, its cool, but she wouldn’t go through it again. Coming back from nothing hurts worse than the fires of Hades times ten. Aka: bad, not good, PAINFUL. You get the picture.  

It had been worth it at least, everyone that had been hurt had been healed. They’d gotten the shard back in time to help all those that had been in danger. Lucas had joined Markus at Kaylee’s bedside as soon as he’d been able.

Kaylee and Markus, even though they’d been spending a lot more time together, hadn’t really talked about their relationship on a deeper level. Kaylee resumed her training with the older campers and had removed her reputation as a contaminant from the camp. Everyone had been healed by the shard that was now set up as a trophy Chirons office. Percy hated it, he’d been so protective of Kaylee since the volcano. He’d followed her to all of her training sessions, making sure everything was ‘safe’ and ‘not too dangerous’. It made Kaylee want to throw up, scream, and hit something all at the same time.

She’d fought thousands of monsters, created legendary blades, was a chosen of the gods, and had even died. What could be more dangerous than that?

She hadn’t realized how much she would miss it once Percy suddenly disa- left. Left. They didn’t know, maybe he was just out strolling or taking a practice run through the woods. You had to wait twenty-four hours to declare someone missing…Percy had been gone for eighteen.

“I hate this waiting!” Annabeth suddenly said, standing and starting to pace around the room. Kaylee threw her book on the table and crossed her arms over her chest, staring off in the distance.

“What can we do?”

“Well we can do more than just sit here” Annabeth declared, running her fingers through her scraggly hair. Markus glanced at Kaylee who half-shrugged, not knowing what to do with the crazed girl.

“I think you need to calm down, Annie”

“Shut up, Marks” Annabeth muttered. Markus was the only person Annabeth would let call her ‘Annie’ because they’d basically grown up together at this camp. Their brother-sister bond made Kaylee jealous, and also yearn for Percy.

“Look, I’m worried too” Kaylee said, putting her conversed feet up on the ping pong table.

“I can really tell by your calm demeanor” Annabeth snapped sarcastically. “If you don’t mind, let me worry about my boyfriend and stay out of my way.”

The tone caught Kaylee in the wrong spot. Her eyebrows shot up into her bangs, her eyes widened and she took a deep breath.

“Excuse me?” she asked through gritted teeth, her fingers tightening on her crossed arms. Markus laid a light hand on her shoulder and shook his head slightly in warning. What? Kaylee got the warning but Annabeth was allowed to be snappy? Nah-uh.

“No!” she snapped at him, standing. “He’s my brother, Annabeth. I AM worried. You have a whole cabin of siblings, I have ONE. I just got him, lost him, got him, and now I’ve lost him again. Don’t you dare try and tell me that Im not trying hard enough.”

“Then do something!” Annabeth said, splaying her fingers that were still tangled in her hair. Markus sighed from the corner of the room, used to breaking up the girls little skirmishes.

“Fine!” Kaylee yelled grabbing her belt off the table and storming out the door. There were shouts and footsteps behind her but she ignore them, strapping her belt onto her waist and finding comfort in the feel of the twins against her.

“Kaylee” Markus’ hand gripped her wrist but she kept walking, dragging him behind her.

“You cant stop me” she said, trudging to the outskirts of camp. It was close to midnight so no one was out on the grounds, it was just the three main campers who had stayed up waiting for Percy.

“You don’t know where to look” Markus tried to reason.

“Better than sitting with the twit with the mouth” Kaylee grumbled, her eyes leveled straight ahead. Markus was quiet for a moment before letting go of her and running towards his cabin. Kaylee was surprised at his reaction. Next to Percy, Markus was the most protective of her. He kept her company in the good times though; instead of watching over her practices like an eagle, he would find her when she was alone and interrupt her dark thoughts with laughter. The fact that he was letting her leave, alone, was causing her to shake her head. It didn’t shake long when footsteps appeared behind her again.

Kaylee looked back to see him jogging up next to her, his large sword strapped to his back and a leather pack.

“You didn’t think I’d let you go alone, did you?” Markus asked, smiling widely. Kaylee just stared at him, amazed at everything that he was.

“Thanks” she murmured, ignoring the figure of Annabeth that was emerging behind him.

“You’re welcome.” His eyes wandered to her scar when his fingers interlaced with hers. “Now let’s go find your brother.” 

Here's the Epilogue that was asked for. I know it doesnt answer the question you were asking...but I will in the second book! Keep a look out for Book 2 that occurs during 'Heroes of Olympus' book 1 and 2 by Rick Riordan. If you liked this book, please vote! Comment! Post it, share it...help me get it around and that will give me more motivation to write faster. Thanks for keeping with me this far. 

Dedicated to sakura_blossom21 for giving me the push to continue :) Thanks a bunches!!!

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