Lost in the Labyrinth

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Kaylee had climbed her way down the rocks to the pool forming below where she stripped down to her undershirt and jumped in. The water was cool on her body, she felt the power of healing in her side and her hands, her mind sharp with the clarity her element brought. Her eyes sparkled in the sunlight as she enjoyed the spring, swimming around and diving just for fun. 

It was too soon when she got out, put on her shirt and rebelted her knives to leave. When she re-entered the tunnel she'd come out of, it led to a new area. Where was this place? 

The tunnel was dark, its sides made of earth with random roots sticking out into the open air. Kaylee tried to feel her way through the water in the soil but the images were changing to rapidly. It went on forever, Kaylee's footsteps her only companion as she travelled through what appeared to be a repeated section of the same tunnel. Finally, a blue light appeared ahead and the scent of smoke she'd smelled before reached her nose. It was barbaque. Maybe it was Percy and Annabeth? Or maybe it was monsters...

Kaylee unsheathed her knives and took slow steps into the chasm. She had to hold her breath to keep from gasping, it  was beautiful. The blue glow came from huge crystal stalagtites that hung from the ceiling, lighting up the entire room. It looked like an abandoned mine, there were old railroad tracks crossing the room and the entire outer wall was a balcony with wooden railing. Kaylee walked up to the bannister to see over the edge when a red glow caught her eye. 

"HEY!" A loud voice came from below. Her head darted over the bannister to see two kids sitting around a fire in the middle of the floor. This was insane! Sixteen years from here to there, always wandering looking for others like her and no luck. Now a whole camp and two new lost kids in just a few weeks. Was this some sort of sick joke the gods were playing on her?

One of the kids got up, it was a built, blonde boy who looked to be about Percy's age. He reached into his pocket and the next thing Kaylee knew, he was holding a golden broadsword towards her.

The other kid was a girl who looked to be about twelve with shoulder length dark hair and slender fingers. Probably an archer. Kaylee observered her fingers twitch towards a bag on her left when she decided to enter into the situation.

"Relax," she called, lifting her palms forward in surrender. "I'm a friend...I think."

The girl scoffed, "you THINK?"

"Well, "she said. "I don't know if you guys are good or just monsters in disguise."

"You're a demigod?" The boy asked.

"Yeah," Kaylee breathed in relief. "So can you put that thing down and we can talk like civilized trained killers?"

The boy cracked a smile and in a glint of gold, the threat was gone.

"Come on down." The girl waved. Kaylee pulled herself over the bannister, fell two stories, and landed lightly on her feet with the help of a small gust of wind.

The boy and girl gaped at her for a moment before deliberately closing their mouths and turning towards their small fire.

"So are you kids on the run?" Kaylee asked, recognizing the hard look of travel in their wearied bodies. The boy scrutinized her out of the corner of his eye before poking the fire with a thin stick.

"No." He said low and quiet into the fire. "I came out here looking for her after she didn't come home. I promised her brother I would look after her."

The girl looked down at the ground and dragged her ratty converse through the dirt. Dark hair fell gently over her amber eyes as she bit her lip. "I was looking for my mum when I got lost."

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