Chapter 6; Time For Some Fun :)

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A/N: well basically this update took ALL DAY! LEDGIT! I came home from school at 3:30 and started writing, and I just finished and its 8:15! I rewrote this chapter a lot because it kept deleting, but here it is!

Before I knew it, the concert was over, and I was kind of disappointed that I didn't get to finish watching it, but a part if me had a feeling that something good was going to happen any second. Not even a second passes and I felt someone's presents behind me. I turned around to see the face of a very attractive boy. Not Austin, but his best friend Alex Constancio.

"Hey! Mikayla, right?", he asked me, with a look on his face that made me smile .

"Yeah", I answered, "that's me!"

"Nice meeting you", he said while going in for a hug." I'm Al--"

"Alex. I know. I'm a really big fan of the crew." I answered with a smile on my face.

"That's cool! So, you waiting for someone?" Alex asked with a smirk on his face.

I nodded my head, and looked around at my surroundings. I could hear the sounds of teenage girls talking, flip-flops slapping against girls feet. I could hear the sound of happy cries as the girls exited out of the concert section.

"Hey, um.... Mikayla?" Alex asked me,


"Someone wants to see you. Just follow me." He said with a little smile on his face.

On the way over to wherever Alex was bringing me, I noticed Dave talking to Michele. They stopped their conversation, and shot a smile and a wave in my direction. In return, I smiled and waved, while continuing on following Alex.

We finally reached our destination, and I looked up to see a trailer, the one that you would bring to go camping in, or in this case, touring. I could tell that Austin got ready in here, but this isn't HIS trailer, it's six-flags.

Alex snapped me out of my own thoughts by opening the front door, signaling for me to enter. Right food first, my feet made their way up the stairs, and into the trailer. The walls were a simple white, and hanging off of hooks were autographed pictures of celebrities . I recognized some of the artists from some songs that I know of today. I realize that they preformed here when they were like Austin, young, and not well known, just getting into the music business. Very soon , Austin will be on this wall.

I looked to my left, and I saw a door which looked to be a bathroom. In front if me was a mini fridge and above was a microwave. Nothing to fancy. But then I started to follow Alex to where ever he was going, and everything stared to change. We walked into this door way and on both sides of me where leather couches, all the way down to the end of the trailer. I noticed about 2 flat screen TVs, and a few game systems. A Wii and an Xbox.

I didn't realize that I stopped to look around until I heard voices coming from the back of the bus. I didn't see Alex anywhere, so I started to look for him. Within not even a minute, I noticed a beanbag chair and a TV on, so I followed the sound, and it led me to two teenage boys wrestling in the middle of the walkway.

"Hey Mikayla!" Alex screamed while being tackled by Austin.

A little chuckle escaped my mouth, and I waved hi to Alex, and I noticed that now both boys were smiling at me. My cheeks flushed red, and Austin hopped off Alex and helped him up. Alex muttered a thanks under his breath, and Austin turned back to me, with a smile across his face.

"Hey", Austin said kind of shyly, while going in for a hug. I gladly hugged back, with a grin on my face. I could just hug Austin all day. The way that I fit in his arms felt like we were made for each other. His sent gave me goosebumps, but the good kind.

I just inhaled his sent. OMFG HE SMELT AMAZING! He was very gentle , acting as if I am very fragile. He let go of me, and I had to admit, I was kind of sad. I wanted to stay in his arms all day! If I could, I would!

Austin sat down on the couch , scuched his butt over, and patted the seat next to him, signaling for me to sit down. I placed my booty down on the comfy couch, and noticed Austin move a little closer to me, so that way our legs were touching. I didn't move, but a smile did creep onto my face. From the corner of my eye, I could see Austin looking down at me, but I didn't look at him, only at the other boy in front of me. Alex grabbed 3 Xbox controllers, one black, one red, and one customized with red and black designs. Alex took the black one, and handed Austin the color controllers.

"Wanna play, or do you not do those kinds of things?" Austin asked, with a questioning look on his face.

"It depends.... What are we playing?" I asked, so that way if I agreed, I wouldn't make a total fool of my self. I never really told anyone, but I play Call Of Duty a lot with my mom and my step-dad. Zombies. My type of Xbox game. I get judged to much in school to be able to tell anyone that I am kind of good at playing.

"Call Of Duty. It's like where you kill-" Austin started to explain, but I just cut him off.

"I will take that", I said, while taking the controller out of Austin's hand.

"ZOMBIES DOE!" I screamed, and both of the boys giggled.

"My kind of girl", Austin said with a smirk, and nudged me lightly on my arm.



Yup! That's right! I beat not only Alex, but Alex and Austin in Call Of Duty. I could tell that they didn't think that I was going to be good, but look at that! BOOM!

"Sorry guys!" I said sarcastically, while staring at Austin with a smirk on my face. They just giggled, but Alex didn't notice the intense eye contact that me and Austin were having.

"Hey! I have a good idea! Lets go to the amusement park and go on some rides!" Alex suggested.

Austin looked at me as to ask if that was good. In return, I just nodded my head, and Alex and Austin smiled.

"Awesome! Alright, I'll go get Dave! It's a little chilly out, so grab a jacket!" Alex screamed while running down the stairs and out the front door.

As soon as Alex was out of sight, Austin made his way over to me. I could feel his presence behind me, but I didn't turn around. Slightly, I felt him place his hands on the sides of me, and wrap his arms around me, pulling me close so that way my back was against his chest. Through the tight shirt, I could feel his rock hard abs. In one swift motion, I was turned around, with his hand in my waits, and my hands on his arms. Our eyes met, and I could see the sparkle in them that I thought was only in pictures. He has a genuine smile on his face, and right now, I love what is going on. The feeling that he gives me in my stomach makes me so happy.

"Sorry to ruin this moment you guys are having, but me and Dave are going, do you guys wanna just meet us down there ?" Alex asked, with a smirk on his face. He obviously saw what just happened.

"Umm..... Well meet you down. Well be at nitro in like 20 minutes." Austin said while taking one hand and placing it on the small if my back, so that way he was still touching me, but not to much in front of Alex.

"Okay. Have fun you too! USE PROTECTION!" Alex screamed while the door closed and he walked away to go leave with Dave.

"We have about 10 minutes, do you wanna go for a walk or something?" Austin asked.

"Sure", I answered with a smile.

He walked over to the farthest couch on the left side of the bus and grabbed a blue and black zebra sweatshirt. I recognized it from pictures online. It was his favorite trunkfit sweatshirt. He also grabbed two hats. A Bulls hat and a blue and black fearless one that matches the sweatshirt. He placed the bulls hat on his head and handed me the sweatshirt. I gladly accepted it, and Austin helped me put it on. Once It was on, I just fell in love. It was so soft and warm, and at the same time it smelt just like Austin. I smiled great fully and Austin places the blue and black SnapBack on my head, and started walking towards the front door. I follow him, and we eventually met Michele at the front gates, where we told her that we were going to go on rides. She said okay and smiled, hugged us, and then we were on our way.

Concert That Changed It All (Austin Mahone Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now