Chapter 18- A Dozen Roses & A Few Suprises

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When I woke up, my heart hurt, but I wasn't shocked. I was left to an empty bed, and the worst part is, I expected it. I knew that this was going to happen. He was going to wait until I forgave him, the he was going to leave and do it all over again. I'm deciding it right now. I'm DONE with him. I'm not going to let him control me. I have Tyler and that's all I need.

Ripping the covers off of my body, I slipped on my slippers and walked to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. After I was done freshening up, I looked at myself in the mirror. Gross. Ugly. Fat. Hideous. I'm noting like I want to be. I hate everything about myself. My hips are too wide, my stomach is to big and my face is so ugly. How do people even like me? How does the Austin Mahone like me.... well did.. I think.

I walked out of my bathroom and down the stairs, leading into my kitchen. I don't know why, but I'm starving, and i can smell something... like food... wait is that.. BACCON AND PANCAKES!? Once I took another breath in and I realized that it deffinatly was pancakes and baccon, I started running into the kitchen.Once I reached the coner right before you enter the kitchen, I heard some music.. well, Drake to be exact.. Hmm.. that's not something that my mom would listen to. MAYBE MY STEPDAD IS HOME! I turned the corner, but I didn't see anyone by the stove, but someone was in the fridge. I didn't say anything to my mom, and I just sat down at the kitchen tabel, pulling out my phone to play flappy birds.. aka the reason why I don't talk to anyone.

I played a few rounds, and my highest that I got was 15, but my highest score ever is 43. I suddenly became thirsty, so I went to the fridge to grab a water bottle. When I opened it and started drinking, someone was standing in front of me. When I looked up, I couldn't believe my eyes. My excitement got the best of me and I jumped on top of him.

"Austin" I said into his neck, rapping my legs around his torso.

He chuckled slightly and pit his hands under my butt, making sure that I don't fall.

"What's this for?" he asked confused.

I got off of him and took a few steps back, but we were still within arms distance apart.

"I thought you left me... Again.." I said the second part a little quieter than the first.

He took a step closer to me, and moved a piece of my hair away from my face. I looked up to meet his eyes, and they had a look of sadness and regret written all over them.

"Mikayla.. I'm so sorry. Please know that I will NEVER leave you. No

Matter what... I will always come back to you. Because I love you, and I will do anything for you." he said, now just centimeters away from me.

Even thought I don't want to, I pulled away from Austin before anything happened. As much as I don't want to, I have a boyfriend who I really like and he really likes me. Me and Tyler just started going out and I'm not going to break up with him just because Austin came back.

I nodded my head slightly and sat back down the table. Pulling out my phone, I continue to play flappy Bird. Within a few minutes something was placed in front of me on the table. When I looked down, I saw a plate of heaven.

I looked up with a shocked expression on my face, and I didn't even have to say anything because Austin knew what I was going to ask.

He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's just a little thanks. A thanks for always being there and for letting me come back into your life."

I smiled slightly and we can we start eating in silence. It wasn't a bad silence though, it was a comfortable silence. Once I was done with my food, I remembered that Tyler was coming over today to hang out and have dinner. My mom basically threatened me to tell her about Tyler, so I did, and now she wants to meet him and have him come over for dinner. When I told him, he was alright with it, but then I didn't know that Austin would be staying at my house at the same exact time... Can you say awkward?

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