Chapter 14 - Old Loves?

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It's been 2 months since I've seen him.

School has started and I am a freshman in high school. I'm doing so good in school. I have all As, and the best friends I could ask for. I've been trying to get over Austin since he got over me. It's October now. We were perfect for a month before he slowly talked to me less and less, then just stopped answering me all together. We never officially broke up, but we just stopped talking, so basically we did. It really hurts sometimes. Bella knew what happened between us, and even though some people don't believe me, she knows the truth.

It's really hard. Especially when I go shopping with my fiends or even when I go grocery shopping with my mom and his face is all over every magazine. My mom asked me a few times what ever happened between us, and where he was, but u would never answer, and I guess that she got the hint that I didn't want to talk about it. About a week ago, she just stopped talking about him all together. He follows me on twitter still. A bunch of Mahomies still follow me, and I occasionally get a tweet from one asking about me and Austin. I never answer those.

About a week after me and Austin stopped talking he tweeted , 'I will always love you'.

That was the last time I smiled. I auctally smiled. I knew it was about me. Because that's what he said to me at the air port before he left for Miami.

He hasn't tweeted anything remotely related to me since. I tweet about him sometimes. Like the occasional 'I miss you' or something like that, but the Mahomies knew I was talking about him.

I keep forgetting I'm in school, and I keep daydreaming. My stupid math teacher yelled at me one time because I wasn't paying attention, but I just ignored her and pretended I was. The bell woke me from my daydream, and I realized its time for lunch. I quickly grab my book bag and my binder and head to my locker.


My locker opened and I threw my algebra binder on the top shelf and grabbed my wallet which contained my student i.d, a few dollars and my house keys. Once I was done with my locker, I closed it and walked over to Emma's locker and waited for her. She took about 2 minutes at her locker, and then we were on our way to the commons to eat lunch.

After walking down the flight of stairs, me and Emma reached our table, consisting of all of our friends. We usually put 2 tables together because we have like 10 people sitting at a table that's suppose to hold like 5. The tables are shaped like hexagons, so all the way on the right is Taylor, then on her right is Jason. Next to him is Marissa then Emma. Across from Taylor on the other side of the table is Allie, then it goes Casey, Carly, Brittany, Tori, Me, then Annabella. Might be a little confusing. Once we all reached our seats, we put our bags down and grabbed our student i.d. Emma and Brittany went to the lunchline on the other side of the lunchroom. Me, Bella, Carly, Casey, and Allie all walked to the same line because that's where the salad and soups are. Me and Bella get salad, and Casey, Carly and Allie get soup. Everyone else at the table brings lunch or doesn't eat.

After I told the lunch lady what I wanted and waited for Annabella, I grabbed my milk and paid. Before I completely exited the cafeteria, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and a sudden spark go through me with the touch. I turned around to see my old crush, Tyler. I liked him for awhile, but over the summer I got over him, or so I thought. I have a few classes with him this year, but I just kind of zone everyone out and daydream, so I really don't talk to him that much. Since school started, I think I've gotten better looking. I wear more makeup then I did, but not too much, and my hair is done everyday. My hair grew a lot, and now it's down to my butt. I always wear cute clothes and I have lost some weight. I'm on the schools volleyball team, so maybe that has something to do with it.

He smiled at me so I smiled back.

"Umm... can I talk to you for a minute. In private?" he asked while rubbing the back of his neck, while looking up with his ocean blue eyes to meet my brown ones.

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