Chapter 12 - FOOD.

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Within about 45 minutes, the car came to a stop, and Austin pulled the keys out if the ignition. he sighed, throwing his keys in the cup holder and putting his head back. I start rubbing his arm in a way that I know will relax him.

"What's wrong Austin?" I asked sincerely.

His sudden movement startled me for a moment, but then I realized that he was repositioning himself so that he was facing me. It looked like he was about to start crying. His eyes were glossy all over, and he kept blinking so fast. Then, he started to frown, and his chin started to shake. He covered his eyes, and started to let the tears fall down his face. I quickly jumped out of my seat and went and sat in his lap. As soon as I sat, he hugged me so tight that i would normay push him off, but this is not usally like him. He's usally happy and cheery and always laughing and cracking jokes. I knew that he didn'twant to talk right away, but he just wanted to cuddle. So, I put my arms around his abdomen, and placed my head in his chest. Right now, Austin's chair was all the was back, he was facing foward, and my legs are stradeling his waist. His arms ae wapped around my neck, and mine are around his stomach. His forehead is on my sholder, and I'm gently rubbing circles on his back with my fngers. 

We just sat like that for about 2 minutes until I stared to cry, too. He never cries, so when he does, it makes me emotional, too. After about 10 minutes, Ausin finally said something.

"Kayla, I'm going to miss you so much, You don't even understand. I know that we've only known eachother for like 3 days, but I can be myself around you. Your different Mikayla. But a good kind of different. You've changed me. I don't know if you know this or not, but my mom told me that I was changing from all of the fame, and that if I don't go back to the way that I used to be, nobody is going to want me in the big time. Yesterday when you were sleeping after the concert, my mom came up to me and said that she really likes you. You've changed me, a lot. She told me to never let you go. They can see us lasting forever, and I can, too. Mikayla, your so special to me, and I just don't want to lose you. I'm not going to be able to see you for awhile, and you know that I'm leaving tomorrow, so I want today to be special. I'm sorry for ruining the date already becase of this, but it has been bugging me."

He finshed with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. He was looking at me as if lookingfor me to say something back but I was speechless, andthe only thing to do was kiss him. I slowly started to lean in, but once I got half way, I stoped. He was lookng at my lips, and when he looked up he has a pleading look on his face. I just gave him a little smirk and kissed him. The kiss was so slow and passionate. It had so much meaning to it. We both pulled away with a smile on our faces. 

"Austin, I feel the same exact way. From my point of view its a little different though. I've liked you for like a year, but I never auctally met you and got to know you. I was just going off of what poeple told me, and what I wou; read about you on twitter and tumblr. I always had this little fantacy in my head that you were like how everyone else says you are. Like they always say that you date a bunchof girls, and hookup witha bunch after your concerts, but I realized something today. I was wrong. Your nothing wht they say you are. Your so sweet, and genuine, and you care about everyone. You would put anyone before you, and made sure that they were satified before you even thought about doing something for yourself. Eventhough I've never had a boyfriend before, I had a reason behind it. Everytie someone would ask me why I don't have a boyfriend, I would say that I'm waiting for the one. The perfect boy. Then they would always say how do you know if he's the one !? and my nswer would always be, you just know. Austin, I know now why I've waited 14 years. It was because of you. So when you do go off and tour, and become a HUGE star, maybe we'll be together, maybe we won't, but just please remember me?"

"Of course I will, Mikayla. I Love You." He said with a smile on his face.

"I Love You, too", I answered.

Austin's stomach decided to make a unheard noise and ruined the moment, so we went and got some food. 

I didn't know wether to bring money or not, but I did anyway. I hate the feeing when someone pays for me or buys me something. IDK. It made me feel guilty.

Everything was SUPER expensive..and I was only talking about the appitezers. 

 I guess Austin noiced my facial expression whenI looked at the prices, because he'giggled and said that I don't have to worry about the price,because he has it covered. I just nodded and said okay, but I still tried to get the least expensive thing on the menu, because it would still be a LOT for Austin to pay for. I decided on the salad with crab and lobster. Little secrete fact...  I looveeeeee seafood. Ah-Maz-ING! It was one of the less expensive things on the menu, and I'm trying to eat healthy becasue school is strating soon, and I want to look GOOD. 

 **********************************************AFTER DINNER*****************************

Dinner went amazing, and now Austin wanted to go hang out somewhere. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, but yet he was getting fustrated because he couldn't find this place.

"You know.. you could ask the girl who has lived here all herlife how to get to this place." I say to Austin. 

"But I want it to be a suprise!" Austin says back like a two year old.

"Ever thought of using your phone?" I say.

"OMG TRUE!" Austin screams like a 15 year old girl.

We pull over and Austin reaches into his pocket to get his phone, and outs in the address. 

"GOT IT!" He screamed, then pulled back on the road. 

We drove for about 10 more minutes before we pulled into a place called Rebound. Its this place where there is trampolines everywhere! Austin ran out of the car, opened my door, unbuckled my seatbelt, kissed my cheek, and picked me up bridal style ll with in a matter of 10 seconds. When we finally got inside, Austin placed me back on my feet, and bought us tickets. There was luckly no one here since we came today, so we had the whole place to ourselves. 

After talking our shoes and socks off, Austin put his arm out, like he was going to escort me.

"Shall we?" he asked.

"We shall" I answered, and ran with Austin attached to the trampolines.



So I was thinking about deleting this book like a few weeks ago, then I came back today to read some stories, and I looked through all of my comments, and I realized that I hate when I get into a book and the writer deletes it! So i decided to not delete it, and continue writing. I have such a good story coming up! So excited! Well Anyways, love you guys <3 Your comments always motivate me to write more, so thank you. <3 ALWAYS - MIKAYLA MAHONE

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