Chapter 9 - Goodnight Beautiful

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I didn't even realize that I fell asleep until I felt someone's lips against my own. I kissed back a little, but then I remembered what happened. I was at a Austin Mahone concert, and e called me up on stage, sang to me, then we hung out. It was probably just one of my crazy dreams that I always have of Austin Mahone falling in love with me. I didn't want to open my eyes to just be let down. This whole dream was just too good to be true. I didn't want to come face to face with the truth. Like, why would Austin want ME.

As all of these thoughts were running through my head, I totally forgot that someone was kissing me. I opened my eyes, and the biggest smile spread across my face. This whole thing wasn't a dream. THE Austin Mahone was kissing me. I pulled away, and Austin stood up fully. The biggest smiles were spread across both of our faces.

"Good morning, beautiful. Well really, it's goodnight. My mom told me to come get you. I didn't want to wake you, because you looked so peaceful and beautiful. And you just fell asleep too. But, the hotel is ready. My mom called your mom. The hotel is 3 minutes from here, and your house is 45. So, my mom asked if it was okay if we just had you sleep at the hotel with us, and dropped you off in the morning. Or we can even do something tomorrow too, since I have a day off. Well, that's only if you want to..." Austin babbled.

Thankfully, I could understand every word. I just smiled in return and nodded my head slightly. If my mom really approved, I had no problem with sleeping at the hotel with them. Plus, it is not just going to be me and Austin. Right ? It's going to be me, Austin, Alex, Michele, and Dave. Austin and Michele in one bed, Alex and Dave in another, and me on the floor. I had no problem with that.

I gathered my belongings as well as Austin, and then we were on our way. Before exiting the trailer, Austin slid his hand into mine, and he intertwined our fingers.

We all made our way into the van. The van was huge! Way bigger than I've ever seen, well, I guess you have to with all of the traveling. In order, starting in the back, was me, Austin, then Alex. In front of us was Dave and Michele, then driving was Austin's driver. Pretty packed, I know, but at the same time, everyone was comfortable.

Within the 3 minutes, Alex, Dave, Michele all fell asleep. That just left me and Austin awake. I didn't realize that I was tired until I let out a huge yawn. Austin repositioned himself so 

that not only him, but I was more comfortable too. Austin then put his arm my shoulder so that I can snuggle into his side. I rested my head on his chest, and he rested his head on mine. Everyone was comfortable and me and Austin were both falling asleep, but just our luck, we pulled up to the hotel. I woke up Alex as Austin woke up Dave. Me being nice, I just shook Alex and woke him up nicely, but Austin had to go all our and have his mom record him slapping Dave to wake him up. I had to admit, it was really funny! But we were all to tired, so Dave got up and opened up he door to let us all out of the van. Of course, me and Alex got over fine, but Austin got stick and fell. I started laughing and I looked at him. He was giving me a kind of let then go look. So, I did.

"Ughh! I'm stuck! Mikayla help me!" Austin screamed.

"Alright, Mikayla when he gets up, you guys come to the room. It's room 745." Michele said, while helping Alex out of the door.

"Okay. That's fine." I answered.

Michele, Dave, and Alex walked into the hotel, leaving me and Austin alone.

"Well, since they're gone, I can get up." Austin said while standing up.

"You were faking it! Haha!" I laughed while resituating myself so that I can see Austin better.

"Yeah, I just wanted to be alone with you. Because when we go in the hotel, there's not going to be a second where were alone. No matter what, were going to be with someone. I just have to ask you a question." Austin said.

I nodded in response, as a signal to continue.

"Umm.uhhh...." I could tell that he was nervous because he was stalling, and scratching the back of his head.

"Austin, just say it." I said giggling a little.

"Okay, umm, will you be my girlfriend? I really like you." He said with a questioning look.

I just sighed and looked at the ground. I didn't even realize that we were walking. We were now at the poolside, and the stars were shining bright in the nights sky. Nothing could get better, besides becoming Austin's girlfriend. But what would happen of I say yes? We would so whatever for tonight and hangout tomorrow, then he would continue on and preform for way prettier girls. Shut up Mikayla, I though in my head. He asked you to be his girlfriend, not those other girls. But even if I said yes, i would never see him. He lived in texas, and now he lives in Miami, Florida. There's a very rare chance that in going to be seeing him often.

So my answer was, "yes, I will be your girlfriend", and with that, I kissed him.

I didn't want to think about what would happen in a few days. Chances are that we won't talk again. It will probably just be this fling that will only last for the time being. My heads saying just be friends. My heart is saying that I'm doing the right thing by saying yes to Austin.

We both pulled away from the kiss and he pulled me into his arms. The scene in front of me was just amazing. The stars lit up the sky perfectly, and they reflected off of the pool, causing the reflection to shine in Austin's eyes perfectly. This is the moment that I want to last forever.

Our littler moment was interrupted by Austin's phone ringing. With a groan, he answered his phone.

"What?.... Alright.... Ohh.... Yeah...... Okay... Bye." Austin said quickly before hanging up.

We started to walk into the elevator with other people, but Austin pulled me back. I had a questioning look, but I noticed that he wanted to be alone with me. A smile spread across my face when I remembered that I could call him my boyfriend. It was a good feeling to know that someone wants to be with me.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek. I felt him smile. When my lips parted from his cheek, I just looked forward. I could feel Austin's eyes on me, so I looked up, and he just smiled and said "what was that for?"

I just shrugged and looked back at the elevator doors, and within not even 2 seconds later, I felt a coldness on my cheek. I smiled and looked at the ground as I felt the redness flush to my cheeks.

Finally the elevator dinged, indicating that we have reached our floor. Austin intertwined our fingers and led us to our door.


Austin knocked on the door lightly, just incase if they were sleeping. Alex thankfully came to answer the door, but you could tell that he was about to go to sleep. Austin ran to his suitcase and grabbed two shirts and shorts for him and sweatpants for me. The shirts were tanktops. Mine was white and it had the words "I love haters" written in teal, and my sweatpants were grey. The sweatpants were large, which I love to sleep in. Austin's tank top was the same as mine, but instead of white it was black and the blue was red instead. He also had white basketball shorts covering his bottom half.

Once we were changed, it was time for bed. Me and Austin, as well as everyone else were so tired! When I walked our of the bathroom, I noticed that there were 2 beds and a cot. I figured that the cot was for me, but once I made my way over to it, I noticed Michele fast asleep. If Michele was sleeping there, where would I sleep?

As if Austin was reading my mind, he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and whispered that I was sleeping in the bed with him. I just smiled and nodded my head, and Austin led us over to our bed. I got into the bed, and laid down on the left side. Austin laid down in the right, and almost in sync, we both looked at each other and laughed. We both switched sides, and got comfortable. Before we were both asleep, Austin pulled my into his chest, and I snuggled into it, just inhaling his scent. Austin then kissed my head and whispered, " goodnight beautiful", before we both fell into one of the best sleeps we've ever had.


A/N; sorry that i haven't updated in a while. I hope that this chapter makes up for it! ALMOST AT 1,000 READS! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! ;* 

-<3always Mikayla Mahone :*

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