Ch. 20

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*Your p.o.v*

I opened my eyes to meet with bright white lights. Wincing, I covered my sensitive eyes and waited for them to adjust, then looked around the room to see where I am. 'How did I get here?' I thought. I looked down at my body to see it bandaged up.

I tried to sit up, but winced again when I felt a sharp pains on my back and head. "Is my baby okay?' I thought before tears began to pour from my eyes. The thought of knowing that my baby was hurt makes me sick to the pit of my stomach. My mind was going a mile a minute, trying to figure out what happened to me.

For what seemed like an hour passed by, a nurse came in the room. I turned my head and she paused, then smiled at me. "Hi there, sweetie." She greeted in a polite tone. "How are you feeling?"

I didn't know how to describe how I felt. "I don't know." I spoke in a raspy voice. She let out a small chuckle as she was putting in medicine in my I.V. "I'll go get the doctor for you, sweetie."

She walked out and a few minutes later returned with a male doctor, holding an iPad in one hand and a stylus in the other. He beamed a smile at me before speaking. "Hello, y/n. I'm Dr. Massey. Do you know why you're here?"

I shook my head. "What happened to me? Is my baby alright?"

He explained to me what happened and I was in total shock. I couldn't believe that I'm in this type of state. "Do you remember anything that happened in the accident, y/n?"

"No. All I remembered was driving into an intersection and I guess I just blacked out from there."

Dr. Massey nodded. "I see. Your baby is in perfect health."

I sighed in relief. It was better that I'm hurt than my baby. As long as she's fine I'm okay. "How long was I in here?" I asked.

"You were in a slight coma for almost a week."

I gaped. "Well, how long am I in here?"

"Not for long. Your burns are severe and needs special treatment. The burn on your lower back was deeper than the burns on your arm and shoulder. We will have to take you into surgery after your burns have healed so we can perform the skin drafting procedure on you. It means that we will have to take some of the skin from a donor site, which is from another place on your body, and place it on where the burn was on you. The grafted and donor site will take more than a few weeks to heal."

All this was too much to take in. I couldn't imagine having my skin torn off of me and placed somewhere else on me. Even though it's my skin I couldn't digest the image of that. "How long will I be out of school and work?"

"In your case, four weeks. Your fiance notified your professors and your job about your condition. Everything should have been taken care of."

Oh gosh. I need to see Zak. I need to see him right now. "When can I see him?"

Dr. Massey looked at the time on his iPad. "Visiting hours isn't over yet. I was going to call anyways since you've woken up. I'll go give him a call."

"Thank you so much, Dr."

"No problem." He smiled, before walking to the door. "If you need anything Nurse Carol here will help you."

She smiled and asked, "Would you like for me to get you anything, sweetie?"

"Water would be nice. I also wanted to sit up."

"This must be your first time in a hospital bed." She chuckled as she walked over to the other side of the bed. She grabbed a remote that is attached to it and pressed a button to move the bed up. She handed me the remote and showed me how to work it before walking out to get me something to drink.

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