04: territorial

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Taehyung stares at Yoongi as he slept, and man can he sleep. He moved a few strands out of his face and attempted to close his mouth that was slightly open.

He giggled when it seemed pointless. His mouth would just open right up again.

Taehyung's phone vibrated in his back pocket and he takes it out to answer it. "Jungkookie?"

"Taehyung! Oh my gosh!" Jungkook squeals over the phone and Taehyung grimaces.

"What is it Kook? I'm kind of busy...and you should be too," he says coldly.

"I know, I'm sorry, but I'm just excited because I'm working with Namjoon Hyung!" Jungkook yells into the phone.

"I know," Taehyung replies bitterly barely holding the phone up to his ear. He remembered him randomly choosing Namjoon's name from the glass bowl. 'Lucky you."

"Is there something wrong Tae? Are you jelly?" Taehyung gritted his teeth as he wondered to himself if that were true.

"Yes, actually I am jealous, but not because you get to work with Namjoon hyung, but because he has you all to himself." Taehyung tried his best to pout. He could hear the younger giggling quietly over the phone.

"Taehyung, i thought we agreed to just be friends? Friends don't say these things." Taehyung groaned, mostly at the word, "friends".

"No, I don't remember agreeing to that Kookie." Taehyung smirks to himself. "You should come over later, yeah?"

Jungkook was quiet before he agreed. Although he knew all Taehyung wanted him for was sex, he agreed.

"Great, see you in an hour then." Taehyung ended the call before Jungkook could change his mind.

He looks over at Yoongi sleeping soundly. It makes him wonder what kind of dream he's having when an audible laugh escapes his lips. He looked so happy.

Taehyung could hear someone clearing their throat from the other side of the door followed by a knock. "Yoongi? Your mom said you're home~" the stranger turned the knob back and fourth obnoxiously before Taehyung got tired of it and opened it.

"Oh...who are you?" A boy a year older asks him. Taehyung examines his face ignoring the boy's initial question before concluding he bared similar features to the Noona at the café.

The Noona that he wrote off as a bitch and a potential cockblock; Jihoo? Jiwoo? He forgot.

"Do you happen to know a jiyoo?" He asked. The guy stood there confused, but then quickly realized.

"Oh, you know my sister. Jiwoo," he corrects him. "And you are?" He asked again impatiently.

"Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. Got it?" Taehyung didn't like introducing himself more than once a day. The older boy frowned and pushed him aside to get in.

Taehyung didn't really care to know his name, but of course he tells him anyway. "I'm Jung Hoseok. Yoongi's best friend."

"Okay then." It sounded so territorial, damn. Taehyung watched as Hoseok sat down on the bed next to Yoongi...

Taehyung's eyes grew small...

So it's okay for him?

"If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?" It was Hoseok who said it, but Taehyung wanted to ask the same thing.

"It's our final," he says simply and Hoseok nods, slightly in relief.

"Oh, I get now. How long has he been sleeping?" Hoseok glances over at Taehyung and he shrugs. "He can sleep for like a day."

Taehyung smiles. "Like almost an hour, I guess?" Taehyung felt a bit awkward with Hoseok here and there was actually no need for him to be here anymore since he fell asleep. "Uh, I was about to leave so-"

Taehyung was about to grab his things, but a red-headed boy with an award-winning eye smile stopped him.

He stared at the picture frame by Yoongi's bed and licked his lips. "Who's that?"

Hoseok turned to see who he was referring to and quickly took the picture and stuffed in into the drawer. "No one..."

Right when he said it, it made Taehyung want to know all the more.

"That his boyfriend or something?" Taehyung guesses. He starts to put a theory together off the top of his head.

Said guy in the picture is Yoongi's boyfriend or ex boyfriend, and this Hoseok here is trying to get in between. Haha Taehyung thought he was so smart. He doesn't need an explanation.

"No, he's not. He's n-"

"That's fine, you don't have to tell me," he said as he wore his jacket and grabbed his bag.

He left the room before Hoseok could say anything else. He has a habit of leaving people hanging.

He ran down the stairs and saw that Yoongi's mom was still on the couch watching a melodrama. He bows quickly before walking out the door.

God there is smut coming

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