34: let go

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double update 2/2 if this is the first chapter you're on, you skipped one!

"Jungkook.." Seungyoo calls as they both head toward the ICU. "Hey, we need to talk."

Jungkook groans harshly at Seungyoo making her step back afraid he'll hit her. "Then talk."

"Okay.. I want to confirm some something.." Jungkook and Seungyoo stop at where Yoongi was laying and Seungyoo gets anxious when she sees Yoongi hasn't woken up yet.

"Tch, bastard is still sleep," Jungkook muttered under his breath. "I guess I could spare a few moments, then."

Jungkook took a seat on the floor facing away from Yoongi and Seungyoo sat next to him, making sure to keep a foot of distance between them.

It's silent.

Seungyoo didn't sense any movement coming from Yoongi.

"Well? Are you going to keep wasting my time, or are you going to talk?"

Seungyoo sighed. "I-" she stopped when she saw from the corner of her eye, Yoongi moving his fingers and then, his hand.

"Jungkook. I heard about what you've been doing to Yoongi and Taehyung because of me, and it needs to stop," Seungyoo says.

"Huh?" Jungkook laughs. "Because of you? Don't flatter yourself Seungyoo."

"You went after Taehyung because I had him first. Then you went after Yoongi to keep Yoongi away from Taehyung. So technically this all started because you have this thing for me, not for Taehyung," she accuses.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Thing for you? Okay I'll admit that first bit, but I do not have a thing for you," Jungkook defends nervously.

"I meant you're obsessed," Seungyoo bluntly responds. "Why do you try so hard to be someone else?"

Jungkook's brow twitches before looking over at Seungyoo face full of pity for the younger.

"W-W-What do you mean. I'm not," Jungkook grinds his teeth for stuttering.

"When we were younger, you never wanted to cut your hair, ever, but on the same day I got a trim, you begged your parents for the same."

Jungkook scoffs and shifts uncomfortably.

"I found this weird..." Seungyoo begins. She didn't know if she should mention it. "My third year of middle school, since we couldn't dye our hair, I put a purple peek-a-boo that would be hidden at times I needed it to be. I never told you about it, and I never showed it to you, but somehow...you had one too the next day." Jungkook's eyes grew, and he looked away from Seungyoo covering one of his ears. "I didn't think it was a coincidence anymore, your favorite color is red."

"Stop. You can't just-"

"And it didn't stop with hair, unfortunately. I haven't forgotten the time you crossdressed in my clothes for a month straight until you got a beating for it."

Jungkook pulled on his hair remembering it. He wanted to keep playing, but his dad said boys can't dress like girls.

"And somehow you've developed my traits in order to fool people, or maybe it was just to fool Taehyung-"

Jungkook growled grabbing Seungyoo's neck and squeezing. Seungyoo put her hands on each side of Jungkook's face slowly wiping the tear that started to fall from his eye.

Right then, Jungkook realized something. Something that made him beyond confused. He slowly let go of Seungyoo's neck...and grabbed her hair instead.

"Shut.up." Jungkook mumbles letting go and pushing her into the ground.

"Jung-kook-" Seungyoo coughs and continues with a hoarse voice as she picked herself up off the floor. "Don't you see? You will never be me, and Taehyung will never be fooled into thinking that either."

Jungkook sobs again then immediately covers his face with his hands so Seungyoo wouldn't see. Seungyoo gets down on her knees in front of Jungkook and tries to pry his hands off of his face.

"Isn't it enough to see the person you 'love' happy, rather than getting what use to be mine?" She said. She didn't actually think Jungkook loved Taehyung, but he thought he did.

Yoongi turns his head and Seungyoo looks up to see Yoongi's tired eyes focused on them. Seungyoo sighs in relief.

"Look at me. You drugged him, Jungkook," she says looking directly into his eyes. "His heart will be affected by those drugs for the rest of his life. He won't live as long as he was originally suppose to." Jungkook pulled his hands away, afraid to look Seungyoo in the eyes anymore."You didn't kill him, but you killed him sooner."

Jungkook starts to panic from her words and forces her away from him thinking Taehyung might die soon.

"If he didn't like you before, what does he think of you now?"

"Are you alright nurse Choi?" Another nurse asked concerned for Seungyoo. She nods.

"Yes, I'm okay."

Jungkook had ran out of the ICU leaving a storm behind him. Seungyoo looked at Yoongi and felt a pang of guilt overcome her when she saw Yoongi's eyes so moist.

"I'm sorry. I'll get your guardian," Seungyoo left to get Jiwoo, then check up on Taehyung because Jungkook was on the loose now and in an extremely vulnerable state.

Yes, Yoongi was disappointed Jungkook was only using him, but he wasn't the reason for Yoongi's tears. Yoongi thought in all honesty, he deserved to be used for what he did to all those people back then, including Jimin.

And for that, Yoongi had found a reason to accept Jimin's death. Because now that Jimin is gone, far far away and in a better place, Yoongi won't ever be able to hurt him again.

Time to let go and start living again.

here it comes, you ready to get rekt? (:< I'm going to have a good laugh reading the comments for the next chapter ((:<

I almost feel bad 0:<

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