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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the PJO or HOO characters

Natalie P.O.V

Hi!!!!! Natalie here. I go to Goode high in NYC.  I'm the prettiest girl in the school,recently, I've been telling everyone that I am the daughter of Aphrodite. and all the guys are practically begging to go out with me except for one guy... Percy Jackson

He's the only reason I haven't said yes to any of the other ones yet. He has windswept messy black hair, perfect sea green eyes, and a tan and lean figure. He claims he has a girlfriend who lives in San Francisco named Annabeth. but I've never seen her. Me and my girls know he is lying.

Oh look at the time! While I've been thinkingabout Percy I didn't realize the bell had rang about 30 seconds ago! I go to my locker to put my books away, and my friend Jen meets me there.

"Hey Nat!" She greets me. "How's it going Jen?" I respond. " so..." she starts as we are walking to the cafeteria "who are you going to prom with?" Oh crap. I forgot that prom was in less then a week! I have to get Percy to ask me by then. "I'm going with Louis" she adds. "I'm thinking of going with Percy Jackson. Hopefully he'll ask me by the end of today." "Oh I dunno..." Jen starts " cuz we all know he already has a girlfriend" she jokes and rolls her eyes.

-----------in natalies last class of the day-------------

This is my favorite class. This is my English class when Percy sits next to me. The way Mr. Blofis sets the class up, is he gives everyone a "learning partner" and Percy is mine. Nearing the end of class, I can't bear that Percy hasn't asked me to prom yet. So I blurt out, "Percy will you go to the prom with me?" Knowing he can't say no. But he says, "sorry but my girlfriend is coming from San Francisco on prom." "Oh come on Percy...we know she isn't real so just come with me hon." His eyes shine with anger. Then the bell rings. "Follow me" he says.

"My girlfriend is coming to pick me up. Come see how 'fake' she is" so I follow him to the parking lot. In the parking lot there is a silver prius, with an owl pattern on a window. There is a girl leaning against the side. She had blond hair curled like a princess, and is wearing an orange t-shirt. Her most startling feature is her intense gray eyes. Even though I would never admit it, she was seriously pretty. Suddenly Percy goes over to the girl and gives her a quick kiss. I stood there with my mouth open in shock. "You were saying" Percy said looking amused.  "And by the way," he said "you are no daughter of Aphrodite". Then the girl drove off in her car with my future husband inside.


This is my first Wattpad story so tell me how I did.

Stay cool Demigods,


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