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DISCLAIMER: I don't own PJO or HOO OK? Got it? 

Lucy P.O.V

Hey, I'm Lucy.  And before you ask, yes I am single, but if you try to ask me out, I will personally kick you where no guy, wants to be kicked. 

I guess I'm pretty, I mean a decent amount of people ask me out.  I have blond hair and bright blue eyes.  My best friend is Thalia Grace.

She is a lot like me, we have both sworn off boys forever, cuz I wanna be a single pringle.   My life changed after I met her.

It all started one night.  I was walking to Thalia's house, when I heard someone behind me say, "sup babe?" 

"Go away loser" I turn around and try to punch the guy in a face, but he catches it. 

"I love a feisty girl." He says "so wah do ya think? You and me could have so. Much. Fun."  He grabs my hand a pulls me to him.  I struggle against him.  This guy was very strong.

"I said NO." I say desperately "now get out of my face."

"Speaking of getting into your face..." he prresses his lips against mine, holding them in place.  This goes on for a while.  He lets go.  "Be back for more babe, gotta go get my car." He says.  He then puts a gag in my mouth, and ties my hands behind a tree. 

"Hello?" Someone in the distance says.  I instantly know it is Thalia.  But I can't say anything.  

"I heard some screaming..." she continues.  I struggle against my bonds.  How can I get her attention.  I get an idea.

I see a trash can.  I bang my feet against it.  Thalia comes rushing in my direction.

"Lucy?! Who did this?"she asks after taking the gag out, and takes off the bonds.  I tell her the story.  She looks like she is going to explode. 

"Lucy, I think there is someone you might want to meet."

And that is how I joined the hunters of Artemis with Thalia.


Stay cool Demigods,


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